Homemade Christmas Gifts

Whenever anyone asks me what I want for Christmas, I always reply…make me something!  I love handmade gifts.  My son has made me several that I treasure!  When he was in college and wanted a knitted blanket, he taught himself to knit.  That Christmas I got a hand knitted shawl. (It is cream colored, dainty and perfect, but not me at all, lol).  For Mother’s Day, he got a glass cookie jar and used a cricut to put “Make Mother’s Day Great Again” on it.

One Christmas he gave me a picture he painted—I have it hanging in the living room.  It’s a winter scene in the forest—I think it’s beautiful!

Then he discovered his love of woodworking!  He made me this wooden tray out of so many tiny pieces for Christmas one year, intending for me to use it for cookies, but I won’t risk anything happening to it!

Last year he made me a new cutting board that I can use for rolling out cookies.  He made the board—it has a delicate scroll on the side– and then he added a lip so the board won’t budge while I’m rolling out dough!

Now I know I’m lucky to have such a talented son, but homemade gifts do not need to be so complicated!  Take a look at some of the funny suggestions for stocking stuffers that are sure to tickle someone’s fancy! And quite easy to make yourself!

178 thoughts on “Homemade Christmas Gifts

  1. Well, I made it. The change between this end of the Meadow Grove Road (a country road that is a short-cut) and the southern half was dramatic. I could also see a big difference in the snow amount. This half hadn’t been plowed and trucks drive thru there all the time so it was packed down and icy on the top from the sun, one path down the center. I couldn’t go any faster than 40 and my back end swung around a couple of times – in 2 wheel and 4 wheel. Lesson learned! The highway was completely clear.

    WM was out of the cob corn for the squirrels so I grabbed some at Menards. Even that has gone up to over $7, altho it’s a big bag – it used to be around $5. I picked up 1 lb of ground round hamburger for $4.88. Mom gave me banana bread and this new bread she wants me to try, as well as some fudge w/o nuts. Haven’t tried any of it yet – she said the fudge was from a new recipe that was very simple and easy to make. She also gave me a pair of knee-high Xmas stockings with white fur around the top to wear with boots. Cute!

    I had to get some gas before leaving – it is $2.99/gal here, $2.59 in Meadow Grove, and $2.89 in Norfolk. Bear in mind, tho, that ours contains Ethanol, which also keeps the price lower. Sun is shining brightly and it’s up to 39 now. I put the corn out on the holder on the tree – hopefully, that will keep those bastids occupied.

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  2. Bringing this from M: “Quick update on Dad…We All said our goodbyes ..even his nurses and they cried when they left…He was not able to eat or even have a sip of water yesterday He rallied for me and Mom, but never woke up after that…But…Mom called the nursing home this morning..And Dad woke up and Ate 2 eggs, a piece of toast a Danish and a banana and a gloss of OJ! How many curtain calls does this guy get? LOL! Lazarus rises one moar time!! Back to the nursing home….

    Thanks everybody for prayers…They WORK!!!
    This is Hard on Mom…However…So keep her in your hearts and prayers…”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. @NameRedacted247 – Twitter Has Many Ex FBI/CIA Agents In High Ranks — Should probably do a little housecleaning.

    Super Spreader
    32 min ago

    Found on Twitter Last night:

    Transcript of thread: https://mole.substack.com/p/nameredacted247-twitter-has-many

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now I know LM has been hanging out across the street – his foot prints in the snow came from there and I just saw him on their front porch. No wonder that little turd is getting a belly on him – looks like we’re both feeding him! He’s no dummy, that’s for sure!

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  5. Does anyone remember the claim from that woman who said her Father had murdered at least 50 people and buried them on their farm here in NE? They have been digging and digging and digging and there is nothing there. So much for HER accusations!

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  6. 9 Truth Bombs We Need to Share to Help “Normies” See the Light About the Dangerous “Vaccines”
    There seems to be an awakening happening in America as more people are seeing the light about the Covid “vaccines.” It’s time to double-down and do some real educating now.

    JD Rucker
    2 min ago
    EXCERPT: “Every day, more Americans are waking up to the fact that the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. As data becomes more readily available (though still not nearly available enough to the public), it is becoming blatantly clear that everything we’ve been told about the jabs by official sources has been wrong at best and intentionally misleading at worst.

    But there’s still more work to be done. Even today in the face of mountains of evidence that the jabs make people MORE susceptible to Covid-19, the two main proxies of Big Pharma — government and corporate media — continue promoting a perpetual regimen of boosters. In spite of increasingly common examples of young and otherwise healthy people collapsing and dying, the powers-that-be keep saying the jabs are safe. Far too many Americans are still buying into this notion.

    During a recent panel discussion held by Senator Ron Johnson, doctors, experts, and victims told their stories about Covid-19 and the “vaccines” that are being pushed today. It was long. While I was enthralled the whole way through, I found my wife moving on to other tasks. I noticed some of the comments said it was “tedious” to watch. I get it.

    That’s why on today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show I did a breakdown of some of the key points. I did so without filter. Many of these brave men and women still need to be careful about what they say and how it may tarnish their reputation if they go “too far” into the conspiratorial side. I have no concerns, therefore I can say, for example, that all the evidence points to the jabs being part of a depopulation and control agenda initiated by the globalist elite cabal. As much as I appreciate Senator Johnson’s courageous push to buck the system, even he cannot go as far as is necessary to really bring the truth to light.”

    More: https://jdrucker.substack.com/p/9-truth-bombs-we-need-to-share-to

    Liked by 1 person

              1. I think a big part of it is that she doesn’t WANT to know the truth…..anytime my Sis tries to talk to her about what’s going on, she always says “Why should I care? I won’t be here!” When Sis says, “Yes, but what about your grand kids and great-grands?” Her reply: “Not my problem!” This is what she does when she is scared of something and doesn’t want to acknowledge it.

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  7. Ya’ know, I hate it when they say, like Trace Gallagher did on Fox At Night: “No-one else but us is covering it!” (Twitter revelations) That is NOT true! Newsmax is covering it and no doubt OANN, not to mention all the on-line news coverage.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. well our tree is in the stand and up in the great room…hubby chose a BIG one this year!!
    not as big as he wants though. one year he wants to get a huge one cuz we have the cathedral ceiling–I keep pointing out that we’d need step ladders to decorate one that size…then he relents and looks at smaller ones…LOL

    Liked by 1 person

      1. oh…just got finished cleaning up all the needles and finding the ornaments in the basement…
        but yeah as I came up the stairs I could smell the tree!!!!

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  9. In case you were wondering….my squirrel feeder – it is screwed into the tree (clearly, I didn’t get it straight but whatever….it’s loosened up since 2013 – I need to take care of that) and has 2 fixed screws mounted on it – you have to screw the cob down tight so they can’t pull the whole danged thing off.

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  10. We’re cooking with gas now – up to 53 on my patio!!!! Snow is melting soooo fast…..but seeing the water dripping from the gutter on the patio reminded me that I have to take off the down-spouts before we get too much snow. I can probably do that tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. “Here’s 9 Revelations From Kari Lake’s Arizona Lawsuit — Maricopa County just ran a third-world election. Will Arizona’s courts look the other way?”

    Emerald Robinson
    32 min ago

    EXCERPT: “I just obtained Kari Lake’s lawsuit — filed in Arizona’s court system — and it names Katie Hobbs, Stephen Richer, and Bill Gates (among others) as defendants. The lawsuit is 70 pages long, and full of enough blatant election corruption and government malfeasance to make even a communist blush.

    Here are the nine most important sections from the lawsuit — for your reading pleasure.”


    Liked by 1 person

      1. That has to be a different Bill Gates – he wouldn’t be on a board in AZ, would he? Yep – different guy:

        “Bill was re-elected to another four year term on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in 2020. Maricopa County is the fourth largest county in the United States with a population of over 4.5 million people. Bill represents over 900,000 residents as a Maricopa County Supervisor. He was first elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2016. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Board, a position he held in 2019 when, among other things, Bill negotiated a re-organization of the Maricopa County Elections Department with then-Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes. Prior to joining the Board of Supervisors, Bill served on the Phoenix City Council from 2009-2016, including a stint as Vice Mayor in 2013.”


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    1. From the NaturalNews article:

      “Viktor Bout could soon be selling weapons to generate laundered slush fund money for Democrats

      Viktor Bout, who was freed by Joe Biden, is an infamous international arms dealer. Convicted of arms trafficking and serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States, he has the contacts, the know-how and the geopolitical knowledge to turn weapons into cash. I was told yesterday that Bout is being released under one condition: That he work for the Biden regime to sell US-supplied weapons to black market buyers around the world (including the Middle East), effectively laundering weapons sales into cash for Democrats and the crooked Biden crime family that’s already involved in similar schemes in Ukraine and China.

      As you can see from the bombshell above, Viktor Bout has already worked for the United States in supplying weapons during the Iraq War. He’s been on the payroll before.

      Yahoo News is even reporting today: “that the Pentagon “fears Viktor Bout… could restart his old arms business.” That piece of news was likely inserted into the corporate media news cycle as a cover story for the planned arms trafficking they want Bout to carry out: “I think there is a concern that he would return to doing the same kind of work that he’s done in the past,” a senior defense officials told reporters at a Thursday briefing.

      Well of course he will. That’s the point of releasing him. The pot-using, America-hating basketball player had zero value to the Biden regime. She was merely used as a cover story for the real goal: Recruiting Bout to work for the Biden regime itself, running weapons around the world for the corrupt U.S. government occupiers who also rigged the 2020 and 2022 elections and conspired with Big Tech to silence conservative voices across the country. (See the latest Twitter censorship conspiracy facts at Revolver.news.)

      Victor Bout, in other words, is now working for the Democrats. If you thought the FTX money laundering operation via Ukraine was large-scale, wait until you see the tens of billions of dollars in slush fund money that’s about to be generated from illegal weapons sales routed through Ukraine.
      “Nigerian President Warns Western Weapons For Ukraine Are Ending Up In Africa,” says a recent article on USSAnews.com:

      The government in Abuja claims that the weapons sent from the political West to the Kiev regime have started to appear in West Africa. According to the Nigerian authorities, illegal arms have begun to “filter” into the region. The urgent warning was recently issued by none other than President Muhammadu Buhari himself.

      This indicates the black market for US weapons sent to Ukraine is already flourishing. Where there’s money to be made in offloading weapons, skilled weapons traffickers will find a way to cash in. That’s Viktor Bout’s specialty. He is widely regarded as one of the most capable people in the world in achieving weapons sales for untraceable cash.”

      More: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-09-biden-viktor-bout-weapons-trafficking-slush-fund-democrats.html

      Liked by 1 person

        1. You know, I was thinking earlier – the US does the same damned thing, sending arms to countries at war with neighboring countries. It’s just THEY do it under the imprimatur of “government!”

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  12. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two religious postings. here’s one I found that I liked.


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