Mummy Dearest

If you’re like me, you probably thought mummies were only royalty or high ranking officials, but that was not true. Once embalmers got a fairly good working procedure for mummification, it wasn’t just kings and officials who were being mummified.  Nearly everyone in Egyptian society who could afford it, was having it done.  By the end of the 7th century AD, the country contained an estimated 500 MILLION mummies! Egyptians from the 1100’s onward thought of them more like a natural resource than the bodies of distant relatives, and treated them as such.

For over 400 years, mummies were one of Egypt’s largest export industries.  As early as 1100, Arabs and Christians ground them up for use as medicine, which was often rubbed into wounds, mixed into food, or stirred into tea. By 1600, you could buy a pound of mummy powder in Scotland for about 8 shillings.

But by then, medicinal mummy use began to decline, as many doctors started questioning the practice.  “Not only does this wretched drug do no good to the sick,” the French surgeon Ambrose Pare wrote, “…but it causes them great pain in their stomach, gives them evil smelling breath, and brings on serious vomiting which is more likely to stir up the blood and worsen hemorrhaging than to stop it.” He recommended using mummies as fish bait.

By the 1800’s, mummies were imported only as curiosities, where it was fashionable to unwrap them during dinner parties.

Mummies were also one of the first sources of recycled paper.  During one 19th century rag shortage (in the days when paper was made of cloth fibers, not wood fibers), one Canadian paper manufacturer imported Egyptian mummies as a literal source of raw materials.  He unwrapped the cloth and made it into sturdy brown paper, which he sold to butchers for wrapping food.  The scheme died out after only a few months, when employees in charge of unwrapping the mummies came down with cholera.

Note: Tomorrow we learn how to make a mummy.

142 thoughts on “Mummy Dearest

  1. Morning All!
    quiet, but cold start here.
    Filly will not be here till later and later this morning I have to make a mini banana run.
    till then, we carry on…lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Morning, Pat! That brass monkey is back – 22 this morning – so I decided to put it off until tomorrow, when I can go later in the day. I don’t want to chance missing my ISP guy later – they are based in Fremont and don’t get up here often. Plus, ya’ never know when this old truck might decide to take a crap on me…..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Morning Filly!
        just got back from my banana run. while I’m in town, I always call my mom cuz it’s decent reception.
        we had SNOW SHOWERS this morning!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. from tcth

    October 19, 2022 12:28 am

    Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

    🪖Ultra Deplorable Veteran🇺🇸

    Devin Nunes says he witnessed Democrat members of Congress laughing & high-fiving each other on the night of January 6th when they went back into the Capitol to vote on certifying the stolen 2020 election.

    So, the same people who pushed the narrative that “J6 was the worst attack on America since 9/11” were celebrating with each other after it happened?

    This is true sedition.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. OK – from Newsmax – video @ link:

      “”I can tell you that the Democrats late at night, they were laughing,” Nunes said. “They weren’t sad. They weren’t crying. They weren’t scared. They were laughing and saying, ‘We’re going to get there. This is going to be political.’ I even saw some in the dark of night, down in the tunnels beneath the Capitol, giving each other high-fives.”

      He said they are doing all of this because they are still scared of Trump some two years after he left office.

      “I mean, it’s amazing. Here we are,” he said. “He’s been out of office for nearly two years now, and they spend every waking moment attacking the former president, whether it’s raiding Mar-a-Lago or whether it’s attacking Truth Social, we’re being attacked every single day by the screwballs.”

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Citizen817
    October 19, 2022 12:29 am


    Doug Mastriano will be a GREAT Governor for Pennsylvania. I know him well and he is a fantastic guy who will fight totally out of control Violent Crime (his opponent is pathetic on fighting Crime), Strengthen our Borders, Protect Life, Defend our Second Amendment, and help our Military and our Vets. Doug is a fighter like few others, and has been with me right from the beginning. He will NEVER let you down. Doug Mastriano, an outstanding WARRIOR & PATRIOT, has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Citizen817
    October 19, 2022 12:31 am

    Hannity let’s Charles Payne talk. Good interview.

    Charles Payne: Drawling down the strategic petroleum oil reserve for political reasons is one of the most irresponsible thing a president could do. They’re doing all of this to attempt to win an election. It’s going to leave America in a dangerous place when it’s over.

    (4:22 minutes)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. i am sick on semantics with these people…boston univ, nih, all trying to cover their asses imo. but none of them should be doing that kind of research!!!
    Boston University insisted it was not technically gain-of-function research because its chimeric virus only killed 80 per cent of mice. The original Wuhan strain, for comparison, killed 100 per cent of the rodents.

    A spokesperson for the university told ‘In fact, this research made the virus less dangerous.’

    But independent researchers have already challenged that claim, pointing out that the currently dominant Omicron virus was far milder than the new hybrid variant.

    Dr Erbelding said she ‘wished’ the scientists had informed NIAID of their work.

    She told Stat News: ‘What we would have wanted to do is to talk about exactly what they wanted to do in advance… [and then] we could have put a package forward for review.’

    A spokesman for Boston University today told they ‘did not have an obligation to disclose this research’.

    They said the experiments were carried out with funds from Boston University.

    ‘NIAID funding was acknowledged as a courtesy because it was used to help develop the tools and platforms that were used in this research, they did not fund this research directly,’ they said.

    This left them with no obligation to report the research to the agency, they added.

    The Boston University study has been published as a preprint in bioRxiv but has not been peer-reviewed by other scientists.

    The team removed the spike protein from Omicron — the part of the virus’ structure that it uses to infect cells — and attached it to the Wuhan virus.

    The goal of the study was to determine if the mutations in the spike were responsible for this variant’s heightened ability to evade immunity, and whether it made Omicron more mild.

    There is now a row about whether the study qualifies as gain-of-function.

    Dr Richard Ebright, a microbiologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, today said it was ‘demonstrably false’ and ‘deeply embarrassing’ to suggest otherwise.

    He pointed out that the edited virus was more dangerous than BA.1 — the Omicron sub-variant the spike proteins were taken from that is currently dominant in the United States. No rodents infected with BA.1 during the experiment died, but 80 per cent of those infected with the edited virus did.

    He told ‘The claims in BU’s public statement that: “this research is not gain-of-function research”, “it did not… make it more dangerous”, and “this research made the virus replicate less dangerous [sic]” are demonstrably false and should be deeply embarassing.

    ‘The novel lab-generated coronavirus exhibits the high immune escape of Omicron BA.1 and higher lethality than Omicron BA.1 — albeit lower lethality than original Wuhan-1 SARS-CoV-2 — in mice engineered to display human receptors for SARS-like coronaviruses.

    ‘It is concerning that this research — like the research in Wuhan that may have caused the pandemic —’ was not identified as gain-of-function and reviewed appropriately.

    A Boston University spokesman told today: ‘There was no gain-of-function with this research. If at any point there was evidence that the research was gaining function, under both NIAID and our own protocols, we would immediately stop and report.’

    GOP Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall told it was ‘unconscionable’ that the US was continuing to sponsor this type of research ‘in densely populated areas’.

    He warned it created the ‘potential to kill more people than any singular nuclear weapon’, adding: ‘History has taught us that viruses have managed to escape from even the most secure labs.’

    ‘This is not a risk that scientists alone should be able to take without concurrence from the American public. This research must stop immediately while the risks and benefits can be investigated.’

    Senator for Kentucky Rand Paul added that he was ‘troubled’ by the news, telling that oversight of these experiments needed to be strengthened to avoid the next pandemic.

    ‘As the first senator to hold a congressional hearing on gain-of-function research that can create dangerous new viruses, I am troubled by the news of this research from Boston University,’ he said.

    Boston University told yesterday it was ‘false and inaccurate’ to say it had been carrying out gain-of-function experiments because they did not result in a virus that was more lethal than the original Wuhan strain.


  6. obummer still trying to be mr SOMETHING. i think he wants to be mr IT–the voice the left listens to…he still craves the attention, the adoration, but he’s last week’s garbage–hanging around, still stinking up the place
    This is classic Obama, wanting to seem like a moderate, and he gets it about everybody. But he at no point addresses why people are angry and are worried about their kids. Because of what’s happening in schools and with school boards and the books, and the woke culture, and the pronouns and everything else. He diminishes what’s going on. We’re not just afraid to go to the party with the word police. Our lives are being destroyed. You can lose your job. You can be shunned in the town square of America on social media. You can be chased down the street. You can have things thrown at you. You can be harmed physically. Salman Rushdie. You can get stabbed in the freaking throat if people aren’t liking you.

    In other words, Obama criticizes the surface things, the use of words, but not the big ones, the monster cancel culture that demonizes the entire civilized population.

    It’s cowardly stuff, from a president still looking to remain popular, even as his party spirals downward, and coming out just as some very negative elections for Democrats beckon. Call it coward stuff; there’s not much there there, other than a quest for the appearance of anti-wokesteriam, not the substance of actually ending it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Entire Article @ BB:

    “On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” White House Office of Public Engagement Director Keisha Lance Bottoms responded to questions on whether President Joe Biden believes there should be any restrictions on abortion at all, even if it’s 30 weeks into the pregnancy, by stating that she has “never heard the President give a timeframe on that. But he has said that he believes that a woman has a fundamental right to make decisions about her own body and her healthcare choices.”

    Co-host Willie Geist asked, “Some of the candidates out on the trail, even in the last few days, Democrats have been asked if they support abortion without limits, and some have said yes. If you look at the polling, that is an extreme position. Does the President, does White House believe there should be abortion available without limits in the country?”

    Bottoms responded, “What the president believes is that there should be a fundamental right for a woman to choose what to do with her own body and the President has said this time and time again, that there are basic, fundamental rights, access to health care, this access to health care includes women across this country. And what we expect to see is that, especially college-aged women, women who’ve had to face these very difficult choices will be reminded of this, especially during this season. And it’s something that we can’t ever put too far behind us because, again, we know that elections matter and we know that congressional Republicans want to take us back. I’m 52 years old. In my lifetime, I’ve always known that a woman has a right to make decisions about her own body and what we are seeing being put forth by congressional Republicans right now takes us back more than 50 years.”

    Geist followed up, “So, does that mean the President supports abortion at any time during the pregnancy, whether it’s 3 weeks or 30 weeks?”

    Bottoms answered, “What the President has said very publicly is that he supports a woman’s right to choose. I’ve never heard the President give a timeframe on that. But he has said that he believes that a woman has a fundamental right to make decisions about her own body and her healthcare choices.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I concur. every PERSON has the right to choose what to do with THEIR OWN BODY–but a baby is NOT their body. if it can have a different blood type, different fingerprints and different DNA–it’s NOT HER BODY

      Liked by 1 person

  8. EXCERPTS: “AT A MINUTE before 5 a.m. on April 27, ABC News’ James Gordon Meek fired off a tweet with a single word: “FACTS.”

    The network’s national-security investigative producer was responding to former CIA agent Marc Polymeropoulos’ take that the Ukrainian military — with assistance from the U.S. — was thriving against Russian forces. Polymeropoulos’ tweet — filled with acronyms indecipherable to the layperson, like “TTPs,” “UW,” and “EW” — was itself a reply to a missive from Washington Post Pentagon reporter Dan Lamothe, who noted the wealth of information the U.S. military had gathered about Russian ops by observing their combat strategy in real time. The interchange illustrated the interplay between the national-security community and those who cover it. And no one straddled both worlds quite like Meek, an Emmy-winning deep-dive journalist who also was a former senior counterterrorism adviser and investigator for the House Homeland Security Committee.

    To his detractors within ABC, Meek was something of a “military fanboy.” But his track record of exclusives was undeniable, breaking the news of foiled terrorist plots in New York City and the Army’s coverup of the fratricidal death of Pfc. Dave Sharrett II in Iraq, a bombshell that earned Meek a face-to-face meeting with President Obama. With nine years at ABC under his belt, a buzzy Hulu documentary poised for Emmy attention, and an upcoming book on the military’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the 52-year-old bear of a man seemed to be at the height of his powers and the pinnacle of his profession.

    Outside his Arlington, Virginia, apartment, a surreal scene was unfolding, and his storied career was about to come crashing down. Meek’s tweet marked the last time he’s posted on the social media platform.

    The first thing Meek’s neighbor John Antonelli noticed that morning was the black utility vehicle with blacked out windows blocking traffic in both directions on Columbia Pike. It was just before dawn on that brisk April day, and self-described police-vehicle historian Antonelli was about to grab a coffee at a Starbucks before embarking on his daily three-mile walk. He inched closer to get a better vantage, when he saw an olive-green Lenco BearCat G2, an armored tactical vehicle often employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, among other law-enforcement agencies. A few Arlington County cruisers surrounded the jaw-dropping scene, but all of the other vehicles were unmarked, including the BearCat. Antonelli counted at least 10 heavily armed personnel in the group. None bore anything identifying which agency was conducting the raid. After just 10 minutes, the operation inside the Siena Park apartment complex — a six-story, upscale building for D.C. professionals, with rents fetching about $2,000 to $3,000 a month — was over.
    In the raid’s aftermath, Meek, who frequently collaborated with ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir, has made himself scarce. None of his Siena Park neighbors with whom Rolling Stone spoke have seen him since, with his apartment appearing to be vacant. Siena Park management declined to confirm that their longtime tenant was gone, citing “privacy policies.” Similarly, several ABC News colleagues — who are accustomed to unraveling mysteries and cracking investigative stories — tell Rolling Stone that they have no idea what happened to Meek.

    “He fell off the face of the Earth,” says one. “And people asked, but no one knew the answer.” An ABC representative tells Rolling Stone, “He resigned very abruptly and hasn’t worked for us for months.”

    It is unclear what story, if any, would have put Meek in the FBI’s crosshairs. Meek worked on extremely sensitive topics — from high-profile terrorists to Americans held abroad to the exploits of Erik Prince, the founder of the infamous military contractor Blackwater. In recent years, some of Meek’s highest-profile reporting delved into a 2017 ambush by ISIS in Niger that left four American Green Berets dead. Meek and ABC then adapted the story into the feature-length documentary 3212 Un-Redacted, which debuted last year on Veteran’s Day on ABC’s sister company Hulu.
    Even stranger, in the months before he vanished, Meek was finishing up work on a book for Simon & Schuster titled Operation Pineapple Express: The Incredible Story of a Group of Americans Who Undertook One Last Mission and Honored a Promise in Afghanistan, which he co-authored with Lt. Col. Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret. Meek even featured a picture of the soon-to-publish book in his bio on social media and frequently tweeted about his involvement. But post-April 27, the book-jacket photo disappeared from his bio, and Simon & Schuster has scrubbed his name from all press materials. The first sentence of the jacket previously read: “In April, ABC News correspondent James Gordon Meek got an urgent call from a Special Forces operator serving overseas.” Now it says: “In April, an urgent call was placed from a Special Forces operator serving overseas.”

    Simon & Schuster did not respond to a request for comment. Mann, who is solely promoting the book, which published in August and became a New York Times bestseller, says he is unsure of what exactly happened to Meek.

    “He contacted me in the spring, and was really distraught, and told me that he had some serious personal issues going on and that he needed to withdraw from the project,” Mann tells Rolling Stone. “As a guy who’s a combat veteran who has seen that kind of strain — I don’t know what it was — I honored it. And he went on his way, and I continued on the project.”

    Mann says he hasn’t heard from Meek since.”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, joy! Fox has traitor Barr on this morning…..bastard….talks about the benefit of the Danchenko trial was to expose all of the corruption “at the FBI” during the Mueller hearing. Funny – no mention of the corruption at the DOJ!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Entire Article @ BB: “ROME — The Vatican has renewed its 2018 accord with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the naming of Catholic bishops in the country, Italian media revealed Wednesday.

    The secret agreement, whose exact contents have never been disclosed, was originally signed by the two parties in September 2018 and then renewed for two years in October 2020. The deal cedes unspecified authority on the appointments to the CCP, effectively guaranteeing that no bishop will be named that does not meet with Beijing’s approval.

    The Holy See, which has not had diplomatic relations with China since Mao took power in September 1951, is one of the few major sovereign entities to still have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but has indicated that it would be quick to relinquish these ties if Beijing were willing to enter into a stable diplomatic relationship. The Vatican delegation met with CCP representatives in late August and early September in Tianjin, in northern China.

    Despite near universal criticism of the Sino-Vatican deal, from which Chinese Christians have seemingly gained nothing, the Vatican has defended its apparent capitulation to Chinese demands as a long-term project whose fruits will not be immediately evident. Last month, Pope Francis said that “the bilateral Vatican-Chinese commission is going well, slowly, because the Chinese pace is slow, they have an eternity to go forward: they are a people of endless patience.”

    “It is not easy to understand the Chinese mentality, but it should be respected, I always respect this,” he said. “And here in the Vatican, there is a dialogue commission that is going well, chaired by Cardinal Parolin and he is the person right now who knows the most about China and dialogue with the Chinese.”

    Catholic leadership around the world has not been so sanguine concerning the Vatican’s Chinese appeasement policies. “While the Vatican has reached a provisional agreement with China on the issue of episcopal appointments, reports of persecution by the Chinese government persist as underground churches are closed and their priests detained, crosses destroyed, bibles confiscated, and children under 18 forbidden from attending Mass and receiving religious instruction,” the U.S. bishops wrote in a 2020 statement.

    Over the past four years since the signing of the accord, only six bishops have been appointed and jointly approved by the Vatican and the CCP. Along with inviting Beijing to vet candidates for the episcopate, Rome has also encouraged Chinese prelates and priests to join the renegade Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA), a shadow church set up by the CCP independent of Vatican authority.

    Many members of the underground Catholic Church in China, faithful to Rome, have expressed feeling abandoned by the Vatican. In the past, they have always had Rome’s support for refusing to join the rogue shadow church and have been willing to pay the price for their fidelity. Now, Communist authorities insist that those who fail to enlist in the CCPA do so not out of fidelity to the Church but out of obstinacy.

    Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen has been particularly critical of the evolving situation. “Government officials are trying to pressure all Catholics to join the Patriotic Association,” Zen said in 2019, “but this has not been mandated by the Vatican. There has been no merger between the Catholic Patriotic Association and the underground church.”

    Still, he said, “the communists are taking advantage of the confusion to try to force Catholics to join. We need to study our history,” the cardinal said. “Why are there two Catholic communities in the first place? There was a reason. The Catholic Patriotic Association teaches against Catholic doctrine and this has not changed.”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Entire Article @ BB: “Missouri is the latest state to divest from BlackRock, citing the multinational financial firm’s commitment to a “woke political agenda.” Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick told Fox Business that the Missouri State Employees’ Retirement System (MOSERS) sold all public equities managed by BlackRock. Missouri is pulling a whopping $500 million from the asset manager.

    Fitzpatrick explained the decision in a statement to Fox Business, remarking “Fiduciary duty must remain the top priority for investment managers—a duty some of them have abdicated in favor of forcing a left wing social and political agenda…we should not allow asset managers such as BlackRock, who have demonstrated that they will prioritize advancing a woke political agenda above the financial interests of their customers, to continue speaking on behalf of the state of Missouri,” Fitzpatrick added.

    Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild voiced support for Fitzpatrick’s decision, telling the Daily Wire that BlackRock is “crippling American energy companies and driving our nation into our current energy crisis.” Louisiana recently announced that they were also divesting nearly $800 million from BlackRock over their Environmental Social Governance (ESG) political activism.

    South Carolina has also pledged to divest $200 million from BlackRock by the end of 2022, similarly citing the asset manager’s political activism. South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis remarked, “It is imperative that we stand up to BlackRock and resist the pressure to simply fall into line with their leftist worldview.”

    Consumers’ Research has launched multiple advertising campaigns against the financial firm, which is led by CEO Larry Fink. Consumers’ Research has charged that the global financial firm is the “architect of woke capitalism” and that it is “destroying America from within.”

    Liked by 1 person

  12. EXCERPT: “Democrat-run New York City is now so rat-infested that citizens and businesses will no longer be allowed to take the trash out to the street until after 8 p.m.

    Via the far-left Bloomberg: “The city will change the time households and businesses are allowed to take out the trash to the street for collection to 8 pm from 4 pm, Mayor Eric Adams said at a press conference[.]”

    Emma Court, the Bloomberg reporter at the press conference, used her Twitter account to highlight the absurdities uttered there: “There are many rivers that are feeding the sea of rodents in the city, and today we’re damming one of them.”

    “The biggest swing you can take in cleaning up our streets is shutting down the all night, all-you-can-eat rat buffet.”

    “Rats will hate this announcement.”

    “The rats don’t run this city, we do.”

    “New Yorkers will not have to fear as many rats hiding in late-night shadows.”

    That is exactly the kind of childish and cutesy language we’ve come to expect from Democrats. These people aren’t about solving problems. They’re only about winning over the forever-babies on Twitter who love this kind of talk.

    What’s more, rather than solve the problem with, you know, cleaner streets and timely garbage pickup, these politicians are making the lives of New Yorkers all the more difficult with a symbolic policy change that will solve nothing. The rat problem is not a by-product of citizens and businesses. The rat problem is a by-product of lousy municipal services and countless homeless people who turn the streets into wastelands of filth and trash.

    Per that Bloomberg report, “In the first six months of 2022, complaints about trash on sidewalks jumped to 17,749 from 13,026 [and r]at sightings increased 71% since 2020.”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Pat, we’re hanging pretty tough. Hubby’s almost 2 months into that trucking job & it’s taking a toll on him physically, though he’s likely over the worst emotionally. He’s planning to hang on for another 4 months & Possibly jump elsewhere.

        There’s some upheaval with our special son, Josiah, since his marriage. Right now SSI & insurance is up in the air, which is Really Scary, given the magnitude of his medical & medication needs–yikes. I’m trying to see if we can get him on hubby’s insurance, but that will require a policy exception from the Teamster’s Union…so we need prayer.

        In the good news arena our daughter & her hubby have an offer on a house in our neighborhood, after months of looking in the wider metro Detroit region. If the sale goes through it means 3 of our 4 kids will live within 2 miles of us & the other within 20 miles. Having the grandbabies in the neighborhood is comforting in case the pending “apocalypse” gets really out of hand.

        How are things with you? Did you enjoy your trip?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. oh wow! I will pray for Josiah and Rose!!! (and you all)
          how wonderful to have your family so close!!!!
          my trip home was good…my mom wanted to go through photo albums…so there were tears, but there was plenty of laughter too!

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Filly! Got 10 minutes to go on the library computer & likely back tomorrow as Thursday’s my library day. Hubby got me a new laptop, to thank me for all I’ve done to help him through the job change, but not sure when we’ll get that up & running…this weekend he’s hunting & he’s the tech guy in the family 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  13. Good Morning Y’all !

    (I often think of Robin Williams when I type GM … remember GM Viet Nam!)

    Hope you’re toasty warm … we are … lil’ cold snap last night, colder tonight, may get frost … and then warmer by Saturday … that’s Carolina for ya …

    Wishing you a Happy Day … and a Happy Way …

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Whoopee!!! Quote: “You were not getting what you’re paying for!” He fixed it (moved the antenna and added an extension – my willow tree was getting in the way) and now – no problemo uploading pics from my camera, even those I haven’t edited in Windows first — so far anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am a happy camper now! And since I’m going to go ahead and run to Norfolk shortly, I’ll be even happier later! I’ve been out of half-and-half for a few days = no smoothies! 😉😉😉😋😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. all i see is fda approved novomax booster
          The Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday that it has authorized a booster shot for Novavax’s Covid-19 vaccine.

          Unlike the latest boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, which target both the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and the Omicron BA.4/5 variants, the Novavax booster only targets the original strain. The company announced in late May that it was studying an Omicron-targeting strain, as well as a bivalent booster. But results of that work have not been revealed to date.

          The booster shot is authorized for people 18 and older who, for medical or accessibility reasons, cannot take one of the bivalent messenger RNA Covid boosters, or who otherwise would not take a booster.

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Entire Article @ ReclaimTheNet:

    “Germany has slapped Telegram with a $5 million fine for refusing to comply with German censorship orders. The Federal Office of Justice claimed that the messaging platform has refused to create a way for users to report illegal content or established a physical office where complaints can be filed, as required by German laws governing social media platforms.

    German authorities added that their attempts to contact Telegram executives in the United Arab Emirates have failed. A law firm based in Germany said it was representing Telegram but that is not adequate compliance, according to the Federal Office of Justice.

    “The operators of messaging services and social networks bear a particular responsibility for acting against incitement to hatred and violence on their platforms,” Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said in a statement. “These legal requirements and this responsibility can’t be avoided by trying to be unreachable.”

    Telegram can appeal the fine.

    Telegram has come under fire from the German government in recent years. Earlier this year, federal police warned that the messaging platform was being used for “radicalization” and to target doctors, politicians, and scientists involved in the Covid response.”

    Liked by 1 person

  16. this DID NOT age well…
    j x
    j x
    October 19, 2022 3:24 pm

    Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.

    — Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) May 16, 2017

    Liked by 1 person

  17. group suing ultra maggot and NARA for records about JFK assassination 60 yrs ago
    from tcth

    October 19, 2022 3:23 pm

    The most embarrassing stuff, of course.

    ‘What are they hiding?’: Group sues Biden and National Archives over JFK assassination records – 19 Oct 2022

    The country’s largest online source of JFK assassination records is suing President Joe Biden and the National Archives to force the federal government to release all remaining documents related to the most mysterious murder of a U.S. president nearly 60 years ago.

    The 16,000 documents are among the most sensitive records concerning JFK’s assassination. About 70% of them are controlled by the CIA, followed by the FBI, which is in charge of about 23% of the records, according to Morley’s count.

    The suit alleges the federal government unlawfully redacted 11 specific records, including: a 1961 memo to reorganize the CIA after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, personnel files of three CIA officers tied to Oswald, a 1962 Defense Department “false flag” plan to stage a “violent incident” in the U.S. that would be blamed on Cuba, records relating to the Castro assassination plot, and a JFK document removed from Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt’s security file.
    Mike Robinson
    Mike Robinson
    October 19, 2022 3:27 pm
    Reply to Winston

    Oliver Stone “broke” that case many decades ago, and made a movie about it. “Who had the means, the motive, and the ability to cover it up?”

    It was a “right-hand-man coup d’etat,” carried out on American soil. In Dallas, no less …

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two religious postings. here’s one I found that I liked.


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