Get Your Redneck On!!

Summer is the perfect time for a redneck party and I have all sorts of ideas for attire, food, games and prizes!


Redneck parties don’t require any formal attire. Men, you can’t go wrong with jeans or overalls, plaid shirts or patriotic shirts, and boots or even bare feet.

these guys nailed it!

Women, you’re gonna be styling in any beer related apparel, kudos if you can add a pregnancy feature and an all important ankle monitor! Fake tattoos, cowboy boots and hats are always crowd pleasers!

aren’t they pretty?


Any good picnic starts with a good quality grill…

notice the convenient attached cooler!

Now that the grill’s set, let’s talk food…

If you can’t find actual possum stew, any chunky stew will suffice. Or, you can work with whatever you have on hand…

But the spam fries are a got-to-have!

Add lots of beer, hot dogs for your more finicky crowd and some pork rinds and you’re good to go!

But don’t forget dessert…


If you made the possum stew from scratch…save the TAIL! You can play pin the tail on the possum!

And while you’re saving things…save those empty beer or soda boxes! You can stuff them with twinkies or ho-hos, add a few streamers–no reason it can’t be festive–and make a pinata!

And there’s practically no limit to the games you can create using a toilet seat, like horseshoes!

And don’t forget to reward your picnic guests with some great prizes for participating–bird feeders, wind chimes, flashlights or even back scratchers!!

So get your redneck on with confidence this summer!!

131 thoughts on “Get Your Redneck On!!

  1. Morning All!
    hubby thinks he has a touch of poison ivy maybe–itchy arms and ankles, but it doesn’t really look like it to me. he took benadryl for the itching, applied some calamine lotion…but it still itches. it doesn’t look like a rash just a spot here and there.
    anybody have any home remedies we can try?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I usually use rubbing alcohol on it. I do not ever get but a few little spots though. I just scratch it and apply rubbing alcohol with a washcloth. Works for mosquitoes too.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Morning – not a home remedy, per se – TecNu removes the poison from the skin. As for home remedy, seems to me I recall a baking powder paste something like that? Here ya’ go:

      “1. Baking Soda

      One of the biggest perks about baking soda is that it’s usually available in most kitchens, so if you don’t happen to have calamine lotion on hand, this could work in a pinch. Just mix three teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water to create a paste. Then apply it to the affected areas to help stop the itching and irritation. Poison ivy can only be spread if you still have the oils on your skin. The rash itself isn’t contagious. If you have a poison ivy rash all over your body, you can also add a half cup of baking soda to a bath tub of warm water and soak in the solution.

      2. Vinegar

      Dabbing apple cider vinegar on your skin can help to relieve itching and might even speed up the healing process by drying out the rash. Be prepared, though, because the vinegar might make your skin sting a little when you first apply it. Some people recommend soaking a paper bag in the vinegar first, then applying the bag to the itchy areas. You can reapply the vinegar as many times throughout the day as you need to to keep you from scratching and prolonging your skin’s heal time.

      3. Aloe Vera

      You might be familiar with using aloe to soothe sunburnt skin. Well, it can have the same soothing and calming effect on poison ivy rashes, too, thanks to its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. If you happen to have an aloe vera plant on hand, you can cut open a leave and squeeze the gel out from inside. Otherwise, you can apply store-bought aloe gel to your skin to get some relief.

      4. Tea Tree Oil

      Tea tree oil is another natural anti-inflammatory, so it can help to reduce redness, itching, and irritation. As an added bonus, tea tree oil also has antimicrobial properties, so it can also help to prevent infection if you do accidentally scratch poison ivy blisters open.

      5. Ocean Water

      Unfortunately, we don’t have much access to fresh ocean water in the Pittsburgh area, but if you do happen to be vacationing near the water, taking a dip in the ocean could help to calm your poison ivy rash. Another tip to try is dissolve one ounce of sea salt in a quart of water. Then, dip a cotton ball in the sea salt solution and gently dab it on your skin. The sea salt helps to dry out the rash for speedier healing.

      Other Poison Ivy Tips to Know

      In addition to treating your poison ivy rash with the right remedies to stop the itch, follow these tips to avoid further irritation:

      – Never pop or open blisters (pustules) that form, as this can slow down the healing process.
      – Wash all clothing, tools, and other objects you may have touched immediately after coming into contact with poison ivy.
      – Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you think you’ve touched poison ivy. This could remove the oils from your skin and prevent you from getting a rash in the first place.”

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  2. Liked by 3 people

  3. Good morning y’all! Looks like I will be very busy the next few weeks. Waiting to close on selling my other lot and now getting everything done at the house so we can put it on the market this summer. Hopefully it will sell just as quick. Lots of stuff to pack and junk to through away or take to the thrift stores.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hopefully by the end of summer/early fall. Gotta get my butt in gear though. We’re pretty settled in here and have a ton of crap to have to move, throw away, or sell.

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  4. you gotta read the whole story–it’s long–to get to the interesting part. all these asylum seekers and such asking to go to Portland Maine…many hear about it from their families and friends already there. (There is a large Somali population in maine).
    anyway, you read about how these african migrants come on the long journey BY FOOT–we’re supposed to believe they crossed an ocean ON FOOT??? and trekked their way here…only to be disappointed they are not given everything…
    City Hall allowed The Epoch Times access to several families being warehoused outdoors and a number of parents were eager to talk about their current plight.

    Speaking through an interpreter provided by the shelter, and in the presence of shelter director Guthrie, Samantha, a young Angolan woman with a 10-month-old baby on her hip and a toddler in tow, was not shy about sharing her dissatisfaction.

    When asked if her family’s basic needs were being met, Samantha replied, “We just need a place to sleep. We stay outside in the sun and the elements because there is not enough space for us indoors. There are not enough clothes for my family.

    “Being outside all day is not good for my baby. Some of us have caught colds. Some had fevers. Some were so sick they went to the hospital.

    “My son eats a special baby formula. I have to ration his feeding.

    “What we are fed is very different than what we are used to. We are receiving no culturally appropriate food. There was no way for us to take a shower for five days.

    “We endured a seven-month journey to come to this! We are not happy. Conditions are not good! We really need help.”

    When asked if she felt welcome, Samantha said with a look of disbelief, “No! I do not feel welcome. Look at us. We are outside.”

    Landry, a housepainter and electrician’s helper, brought his wife Sylvie, two-year-old daughter, and 12-month-old son to Portland from the Congo.

    When asked why he risked the journey, Landry answered, “I left my country because of political issues and insecurity. There we could be sure of nothing. Here, it’s different.”

    Sylvie said, “We came from Texas unprepared for this Maine weather. I am not happy for how I am living here. I don’t feel welcome!”

    my advice: don’t show up at a place you weren’t INVITED and expect royal treatment, YOU CAN ALWAYS GO BACK HOME!!!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. ME TOO!
        plus it’s straining the resources of OUR cities…the homeless, the Vets…everybody in need here gets pushed to the back of the bus!

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  5. copied from tcth…imagine…the baby formula plant shutdown was probably unfounded…

    June 6, 2022 8:10 am

    Abbott Restarts Baby Formula Plant: Crisis-Inducing Shutdown Was Likely Needless
    6 Jun 2022

    The shutdown turned a preexisting shortage—fueled by supply chain problems and hoarding—into an all-out empty-shelf crisis, prompting the waiving of import regulations and restrictions, and a military airlift of formula from Europe. As of May 22, 73% of baby formula products were out of stock.

    However, a detailed look at the FDA investigation suggests the three-month shutdown was unnecessary, as the FDA investigation failed to produce any evidence linking Abbott’s Sturgis facility or its formula to the illnesses and deaths.

    The four infected infants consumed four different types of Abbott formula made over the course of almost a year; the illnesses took place over several months in three different states.

    The bacteria that sickened the infants, Cronobacter sakazakii, is a commonly-occurring microbe found naturally in the environment; illnesses are rare, but can be deadly for infants. Though the FDA found the bacteria in areas of the plant that do not have product contact, none was found in the testing of finished product, says Abbott.

    What’s more, genetic sequencing of the bacteria samples from the available samples of two sick infants did not match the strains found at the plant. They didn’t even match each other.

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  6. Liked by 3 people

  7. Oh, my…..the toilet, wheel barrow and pitchfork for hot dogs! All simply brilliant, but never experienced in my world. We just made a big old bonfire and everybody stood around with their dogs and marshmallows toasting on small branches stripped from a nearby tree! Nothing fancy here – if the stick caught fire, well, go get another one!

    Another foggy, damp day – finally, last evening it cleared off and we got a bit of lovely sunshine. I am foregoing the 4th basket. I had always planned to put red/white/blue flowers out by my Uncle Sam. The clematis is supposed to be blue (it’s really purple but close enough) and I put 3 red petunias with 4 white ones in the blue pot sitting on the chair – I’ll almost have red/white/blue! Only 2 more areas to get done, besides finishing the Trumpet vines: something for my tire tower and a Bleeding Heart bush in front of my porch!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. IKR? When everything gets settled in and looks “right,” pics will be forthcoming, of course. THE best times are like last night, in the evening, peaceful, quiet, slight breeze, birds chirping everywhere….calm and soothing. I could hear band music in the distance, tho, and a loudspeaker from what almost sounded like a rodeo. I haven’t a clue what was going on but it was distant enough that it didn’t disturb MY peace! When it’s all nicely cut and trimmed, it really does feel like a park!

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Entire Article @ BB:

    “A woman in Colton, California, recently acquired two sofas from Craigslist but found over $36,000 cash tucked inside the furniture. Resident Vicky Umodu told KABC she never even considered keeping the treasure but immediately returned it, the outlet reported Wednesday. “God has been kind to me and my children, they’re all alive and well, I have three beautiful grandchildren, so what can I ever ask from God?” she stated.

    When she was shopping online for pieces to furnish her home, she eventually came upon items marked “free.” According to Umodu, she clicked on the advertisement and read that a family wanted to offload a couch and bedroom set, so she contacted them. The family said a loved one had recently died, and they were liquidating the property. Umodu quickly returned the money, and the family said they found more stashed throughout the house but did not know why the deceased man put so much in the sofa.

    As a gesture of thanks, they agreed to buy a refrigerator for Umodu and offered her $2,200. Video footage showed what the cream-colored couch looked like sitting inside Umodu’s home. Social media users praised the woman’s honesty, one person writing, “I would be ridden with guilt keeping the money. She did the right thing and got a new frig and $2200. She’s way ahead from where she started. All is good for everyone. Nice to see!”

    “She Is A Wonderful Example For Her Children And Grandchildren! Bless Her!” another commented.”


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  9. Entire Article @ Mirror: “On Friday, June 3 royal fans eagerly tuned in to coverage of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral to see the moment Prince William and Prince Harry were publicly reunited. However, many may have been disappointed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex weren’t seated anywhere near each other.

    The couples were on opposite sides of the cathedral, as Kate and William sat in the front row with Prince Charles and Camilla, while Harry and Meghan were beside their cousins Princess Eugenie and Beatrice and husbands Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi and Jack Brooksbank

    But before Kate and William took their seats, royal expert Richard Kay claimed Prince Harry will have faced a “painful 19 minutes” . Writing for the Mail, he claimed that the seating arrangement showed the “public reality of Harry’s slide down the royal pecking order, branding Charles, Camilla, William and Kate the “real stars of the show”.

    “As non-working royals, they are now very much in the second division,” he said. “And although spared the indignity of sharing the coach that brought a clutch of minor royals who similarly do not do official duties, such as Princess Michael of Kent’s son Lord Frederick Windsor, they were only just behind them.”

    The brothers have not yet been seen together during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. However, some speculated that Kate Middleton’s outfit for the thanksgiving service was a subtle nod to Harry and Meghan. The Duchess of Cambridge looked stunning in a yellow Emilia Wickstead dress and matching Philip Treacy hat.

    Treacy is said to be one of Meghan Markle’s favourite designers and Kate also notably wore a very similar design at Harry and Meghan’s wedding back in 2018.”

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  10. Entire Article: “The brainy bird escaped from its home in the Sagamihara district of Yokohama on Sunday morning after darting out an open window.

    The budgie had been on the run for over three days before it checked into a hotel after landing in the room and onto a guest’s shoulder. It seemed the pet budgerigar would never be seen again after it made a break for it while its 64-year-old owner was away. It was then handed over to the police who were able to track its owner, Fumie Takahashi, after being given an unexpected lead in the case.

    Under intense questioning from officers the budgie recited its full address, even including its house number and post code. An officer said: ‘We had not expected his owner to be identified in this manner.’ Ms Takahashi was surprised to see her pet again and even more shocked by its sudden new found ability to talk.”

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  11. buttplug is mentally incompetent…another useless asswipe that checks off boxes rather than fulfill a purpose.

    But when Buttigieg finally got to a few specifics, alarm bells should have gone off. What Buttigieg wants is what Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) proposed in a New York Times opinion piece last week. That piece is behind a paywall, but Breitbart sums up the gist, which has the government become the middle-man for products sold to consumers and for wages paid to employees:

    The article suggested three big government ideas for Biden to consider: 1) The federal government should buy energy and resell it to the American people for less money, 2) Biden should assemble a task force “to lower and stabilize short-term prices of volatile goods like food and fuel,” 3) Biden should “provide generous wage subsidies for American workers during the shortages.”

    That is neither a free market nor is it capitalism. Instead, the government uses taxpayers’ money to buy products that the government then sells to non-taxpayers at a loss. It’s redistribution pure and simple.

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  12. who didn’t see this coming???
    copied from tcth

    June 6, 2022 8:21 am

    New York Attorneys Accused Of Firebombing Police Car Given Generous Plea Deal
    JUN 05, 2022

    We previously discussed the cases of attorneys Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, who were accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail into an occupied police vehicle in New York.

    They were facing domestic terrorism charges and the possibility of 30 years in jail.

    This week, the Biden Administration agreed to a massive reduction of the charges in a plea agreement that will likely result only in a couple years of jail time. What is particularly bizarre is that the plea agreement reduces an earlier plea agreement for a more serious offense.

    The plea deal by the Justice Department is a breathtaking reduction in the charges and expected sentencing of the two lawyers.

    It is a sharp contrast to the harsh position taken by the Biden Justice Department on many of those accused of rioting on January 6th.

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  13. Emerald Robinson (Entire article – more videos @ link)
    2 hr ago

    “The problem with American corporate journalism today is that its “reporters” are the least curious people on earth. They do no homework. They fact-check nothing. They have no subject expertise in any field. They’re cowards who write with the constant fear that one stray sentence about a Democrat politician can end their career. Facts don’t matter to them — if they lead to an inconvenient ideological outcome.

    A mere 18 months ago, the corporate media in America came together to insist that the 2020 election was “the most secure election in history.” Are they holding to that lie now that Dinesh D’Souza’s election documentary “2000 Mules” is the #1 DVD on Amazon? Of course they are.

    Will the corporate media keep pretending that election fraud is nonsense even after a Democrat politician was found guilty of a ballot harvesting scheme in Arizona? You bet. Will the corporate media hold to this absurd position even though polling shows that a majority of likely voters (55% to be precise) “believe cheating likely affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election” after all? That makes no difference.

    What’s even more ridiculous about the current position of the corporate media — “there’s no such as election fraud!” — is that it’s a complete reversal of their position on the subject from 2015-2018. This is not a debatable point. It’s not an opinion — it’s a fact. The liberals in Hollywood spent a lot of time and money producing videos on our nation’s horrible electronic voting systems —like HBO’s Kill Chain.

    Today, the corporate media’s position is that everyone should suffer from simultaneous amnesia in 2022 about all previous efforts to warn about election fraud in 2018. It’s not like video exists of a very concerned Senator Kamala Harris questioning DHS officials about election security in 2018 — right?

    It’s not like video exists of Florida Governor Rick Scott accusing election supervisors in Broward County of trying to steal the election in 2018 — right? Is Scott a conspiracy theorist for saying these things like President Trump in 2020 or like Kamala Harris in 2018? Do you see how this works? How many times does Stacey Abrams get to question the integrity of our elections?

    It’s not like the left-wing media site Business Insider covered how easy it was for hackers to hack into voting machines in 2017 — right?

    The corporate media is no longer a fact-based industry — it’s an ideology-based industry. Election fraud is a lie for the moment in our media because Democrat politicians currently hold power in several branches of government. The corporate media will hold this current ideological position until the next GOP politician who’s elected president is sworn into office — and then it will reverse its opinion again. That’s why nobody trusts the media anymore— and rightly so.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. you know what? Filly you would be an excellent journalist!
      any chance you could start writing for the local paper before becoming a national news journalist?
      we NEED TRUTH

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Well, I’m just a good thief, Pat! LOL – but the idea of writing for Brook’s paper has crossed my mind more than once. I don’t think Brook would ever go for that, TBH. He is way too “by the book!” Our newspaper only covers local stuff, for the most part – he will sometimes post stuff from our District Rep, but it’s mostly local stuff, like the schools, local tournaments, KlownDays, church news, obits…..that kind of stuff. Rarely any national news at all, and not much NE news either.

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  14. OK – starter pic of the feeder turned planter – the top “chimney” is open so sun and rain can get thru the top – there is another identical window on the opposite side:

    How do you like my jimmy-rigged trellis/support? I have a ton of 2″ or so lath, used for trim, that I scored with a utility knife, then snapped off, with the end pieces as the cross supports, put together with u-shaped nails/staples. I have a Ryobi battery-powered set of tools but the battery won’t charge any more so I couldn’t use my circular saw and I can’t use the drill to widen some of the holes in the doors on the planter above. Eventually……

    They are angled so that the 2 sides of lath almost meet at the bottom – they seem pretty secure (yes, I know I need to repaint the door….sigh…it never ends:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. GREAT JOB!!!
      you’re mighty handy too!!
      (and I wouldn’t have noticed the door, unless you pointed it out)
      both show creativity and resourcefulness!

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      1. It always gives me a lot of satisfaction when I can figure stuff like that out……I’ve got some red metal curlique pieces that used to be inside the heavy old exterior door that I’m trying to figure out what to do with….I have a metal shelving unit down towards the garage, with my NE brick on it. I also have a wooden shadow box that I propped on the top shelf, with a Husker mini-poster stapled inside, and had small metal buckets with red/white flowers placed on the shelves. The poster is all faded and I need to replace that…..I’ve gotta work on that one next…..what can I do with those red metal pieces??? Hmmmm……

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    2. Looks good! You’re not alone, I need to do our kitchen door. The previous homeowner did not install it correctly. The feeder is nice too. Will look really good once the plant is established.

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  15. hmmmm…update on the poison ivy…i finally got a good look at it…to me it looks more like tiny bites…not a rash. i suspect ants. yesterday he removed the trunks of 2 dead fruit trees…small ones. both trees had ant hills at their base and last year we used ant trap “spikes” to put in the ground to kill them. unfortunately it was too late for the trees but we never got around to removing them. I wonder if some came back…maybe were on the trunks?

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  16. More peonies – in my entryway: the cabinet is one with a matching stereo cabinet I got from my a-Mom; same for the vase and the painting hanging above it – I’d like to have the vase evaluated – it has Chinese lettering on the bottom. Another of these prints sold at auction a few years ago for $10 elsewhere so it’s not valuable. Peonies in a brass vase done by Elmer Greene, who died in 1964.

    Sorry the focus is fuzzy….and the color is slightly off….

    The small picture to the right was one of the few times all of us 6 kids got together and had this taken for Mom – early 1970’s. The bigger pic was from 2014, when we were all together again, and re-created the older pic. In front is my blue box of medals, with the US Army headpiece that I used to wear on my uniform hats.

    Still kinda fuzzy but you can see how we’ve all changed!

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    1. The tallest, my brother in the back, is the one who died a few years ago. He was the one who did 3 tours in Nam. He was my only full sibling. The other 3 boys shared full parentage, we all had the same Mom. My Dad had 2 other kids with his Korean wife, one of whom I’ve never even met.

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      1. Family can be complicated business. We were at Mom’s birth cousin’s memorial a couple weeks ago & her sister said we were just family, but we still think of ourselves as “birth family” which is a bit of family but with a twist. Maybe because they Always knew about Mom’s existence but she only learned of theirs’ after my searching in 2000+

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  17. Entire Article (video @ link): “A man drowned in an Arizona lake as police officers stood by and allegedly ignored his pleas for help, according to a bodycam transcript of the interaction. Police officers were responding to a reported disturbance between a couple near the Elmore Pedestrian Bridge in Tempe on May 28 when one of the people jumped into the lake, the local station News 12 reported.

    Sean Bickings, 34, and his partner denied that any physical altercation had occurred when officers arrived just after 5 a.m. The officers then told the couple that they were running their names to check if either had any outstanding arrest warrants when Bickings climbed over a four-foot fence toward the water and dove in, bodycam footage obtained by News 12 shows. “I’m gonna go for a swim,” Bickings said in the video. “I’m free to go, right?”

    The cops told Bickings that he was not allowed to swim in the lake as they stood on the other side of the fence. Bickings can be seen taking a few strokes out from the shore as one officer asks the others, “How far do you think he is going to be able to swim?” before the video ends. Tempe police didn’t release the entire video of the incident because they said the drowning itself was too sensitive, according to News12, and instead provided a transcript of the footage.

    In the transcript, Bickings tells the officers he’s drowning and they tell him to swim over to the pylon and grab hold of it to keep himself afloat. “I’m drowning,” he said. “Come back over to the pylon,” one officer responded. “I can’t. I can’t,” Bickings said. “Okay, I’m not jumping in after you,” the other officer said.

    “Please help me. Please, please, please,” Bickings begged. “I can’t touch. Oh God, please help me. Help me.” Bickings’ partner also pleads with the officers to do something to help him. “I’m just distraught because he’s drowning right in front of you and you won’t help,” she said. One of the officers threatens to put her in his police car if she doesn’t calm down, according to the transcript. The woman replies that she was trying to calm herself but was getting emotional because she loved Bickings and cared deeply about him.

    At least one officer attempted to get a boat to rescue Bickings, but it was too late. Bickings went under the water’s surface and drowned. It’s unclear how much time passed between him entering the water and drowning. His body was recovered from the lake hours later at 11:20 a.m.

    Scottsdale police and the Department of Public Safety are investigating the incident and police response. The three police officers who responded to the disturbance call and witnessed the drowning have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the investigation, according to News12.”

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  18. EXCERPT: “The split-screen of a smug and triumphant Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann walking free from D.C. federal court, and a harried and bewildered former Donald Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro being hauled before it, following his account of a harrowing arrest and detainment, ought to be ingrained indelibly in the American mind.

    It sends an unmistakable message: We can get you anytime, anywhere, on any grounds we choose. You can’t touch even a single one of ours.

    If by some strange occurrence one of ours is brought before a court, the judge and jury will be rigged against you. “I dare you to ask me to recuse with an acquaintance on the stand,” the judge will say. “What’s a lie to our FBI among friends,” the jury will say. Especially when the lie is a useful one.”

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  19. EXCERPT: “Former Disney Channel actor Stoney Westmoreland was sentenced to two years in federal prison for attempting to lure a minor to have sex with him. Westmoreland had faced a 10-year prison sentence for the charge of enticement of a minor over the internet, but copped a plea deal with prosecutors to the lesser charge of using interstate facilities to transmit information about a minor, according to Deadline.

    He is required to comply with DNA collection and must register as a sex offender. The actor’s computers and electronic devices are subject to random searches. He must report all of the online accounts he uses for communications, including email and social media. As part of the plea deal, Westmoreland is prohibited from contact with minors without adult supervision.

    On December 13, 2018, Westmoreland – who portrayed a grandfather on the Disney Channel sitcom “Andi Mack” – allegedly met a 13-year-old boy on Grindr – the self-described “world’s largest social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people.” Westmoreland reportedly shared explicit photos with the teen on the LGBTQ hook-up app.

    Westmoreland, 52, was actually communicating to a Grindr profile operated by a police detective in Salt Lake City – where the Disney Channel show is filmed, according to prosecutors. Westmoreland took a ridesharing service to meet the minor and then take him back to his hotel room, according to court documents. However, police arrested the Disney Channel actor when he attempted to meet the 13-year-old.”

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  20. EXCERPT: “Joe Kennedy was, in his own words, “a pretty bad kid.” So, when he was given the opportunity to coach football at the high school where he graduated, it felt like an opportunity for “penance … to pay back all the debt,” Kennedy says. He hoped to help prevent his players from falling into “the same traps that I did,” the coach adds.

    But when Kennedy, 53, was forced to choose between his coaching position and his faith, the former Marine says that “was a no-brainer, and I stood up and fought.” Kennedy’s fight for faith began in 2015, after he had been an assistant coach at Bremerton High School, a public school about 30 miles west of Seattle, for seven years.

    From the time he began coaching in 2008, Kennedy recalls, he made a covenant with God that he would take a knee in prayer and thanksgiving at the end of every game. “I don’t remember anything about the first time I took a knee, because it was not a big deal,” Kennedy told The Daily Signal in an interview for a documentary on his case. “It was just me going out there and taking a knee by myself, and giving thanks for what the players just did, and … being part of it.”

    It did not take long before the football coach’s players wanted to know what he was doing at the 50-yard line at the end of each game. Players asked Kennedy whether they could join him, and soon the post-game prayer became a new tradition for the team. During those moments, Kennedy also would deliver a brief motivational speech to his players. No parent or student filed a complaint about the post-game prayers.

    But in 2015, the Bremerton School District learned about the prayers and told Kennedy he no longer could pray with students. “It was really simple for me to agree with them and say, ‘That’s not a problem.’ I never prayed with the kids ever again,” Kennedy recalls. Kennedy continued to pray by himself after games, he says, but soon “school lawyers got involved, and they kind of kept moving the goal post.”

    Supervisors told Kennedy that he could “no longer pray even by myself if people could see me,” he says. “And that’s where I just had to draw a line.” The school district placed Kennedy on administrative leave because he refused to stop taking a knee in prayer after football games. When it came time for his contract to be renewed, he says, his year-end evaluation read “in great, big, bold letters … , ‘Do not rehire.’”

    “Coach Kennedy was fired because he wanted to take a knee in private prayer by himself at the 50-yard line in view of students,” said Jeremy Dys, an attorney with First Liberty Institute, a nationwide legal organization protecting religious liberty that represents Kennedy.

    The coach says he decided to file a lawsuit against the Bremerton School District when he “realized that I was not going to be able to win this by myself.” “There was no way I could talk to the school district anymore” Kennedy recalls. “Their lawyers said I was not to be in any contact with the school or anyone at the school, unless it was through the lawyers.”

    After the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Bremerton School District, Kennedy and his attorneys with First Liberty appealed to the Supreme Court. The high court heard arguments in Kennedy’s case April 25. Government employees “still have a right to live their life,” Kelly Shackelford, chief counsel, president, and CEO of First Liberty, told The Daily Signal outside the Supreme Court Building following the arguments. “They can go to church, they can speak, they can pray, and we should never allow the government to punish them for doing that.”
    The Supreme Court is expected to answer those questions in a ruling anticipated sometime in June. All he wants from the Supreme Court is a ruling that allows him “to be a coach,” Kennedy says, “and … thank God afterwards.”

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  21. EXCERPT: “A hand recount of the election results in a Democratic primary for a Georgia county has seen the “winner” of the race drop to third place after it emerged that the voting machines were “off by thousands of ballots.” The audit has raised fresh concerns about election integrity after it emerged that the vote count was severely inaccurate.

    On Thursday, DeKalb County School Board member Marshall Orson, who is running for the county commission, asked the local election board not to certify results as scheduled because of “numerous errors” with the local race, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution noted. Instead, Orson requested an “independent review” as well as a formal recount of the election in a letter to the board.

    “There is no rational basis for believing that there are not continuing issues with the results and the results should not be certified with the continuing existence of multiple substantive issues and concerns,” Orson wrote. “Doing so would pose a substantial risk not only to the confidence the public will have in the overall election results from this race but could extend to the entire primary as well as the general election.”

    The initial Democratic primary results showed Orson winning for commission District 2 with Lauren Alexander in second place and Michelle Long Spears in third, according to Just the News. This would have put Orson against Alexander in a runoff election. However, Spears noticed that the results showed she received zero votes at most election precincts.

    The secretary of state’s office admitted late last month to making several programing mistakes in the ballot equipment that affected the final tally. There was an attempted re-scan of the ballots in District 2, but ultimately a hand count was conducted, concluding around midnight on Memorial Day.

    Wednesday evening, the results of a hand count were published, which showed that Spears, the last-place candidate, is now in first place and heading for a June 21 runoff election against Alexander. Former first-place finisher Orson, meanwhile, was pushed down to third place, according to Conservative Brief.”

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  24. Build back Beijing is RIGHT…america last…rush to implement the frickin’ green new deal which is killing our economy and wrecking our country…
    President Joe Biden is set to use his executive authority Monday to issue a 24-month moratorium on solar panel tariffs designed to bolster U.S. industry.

    Biden’s actions will pause enforcement of Obama-era anti-circumvention tariffs on solar panels and invoke the 1950 Defense Production Act (DPA) to boost domestic panel manufacturing, the White House announced. The president’s move came in response to complaints from the green energy industry and Democratic lawmakers that an active Commerce Department probe into Chinese companies’ alleged tariff violations was slowing the administration’s clean energy goals.

    “It shows that the Biden administration policy, in this space in particular, is Build Back Beijing,” Nick Iacovella, a spokesperson for the pro-tariff group Coalition for a Prosperous America, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “There’s no other way to describe it. They haven’t done a single thing to support U.S. solar manufacturers.”

    “All of this boils back down to — if you allow the Chinese to dump subsidized product in our market, it doesn’t matter,” he continued. “For our manufacturers, they’re not going to compete with subsidized product.”

    He added that White House didn’t consult any American solar companies before issuing the executive action Monday despite saying it would “spur domestic manufacturing, construction projects, and good-paying jobs.”

    In late March, the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration initiated its investigation into Chinese solar manufacturers after California-based firm Auxin Solar presented evidence claiming the companies were routing panels destined for the U.S. through four southeast Asian nations to avoid duties introduced by the Obama administration. Auxin Solar CEO Mamun Rashid previously told TheDCNF that the case was “existential” for his company.

    Chinese solar panel makers produce more than 90% of the global supply of solar wafers, a key component in panels, according to a 2021 analysis from BloombergNEF.

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  25. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two. here’s one I found that I liked.

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