Since it was ratified in 1913, we have been losing states’ rights over time and it is getting faster. Today we see the abuses of the federal government destroying the powers of the state at an alarming rate.

The 17th Amendment must go if we are ever to rein in the abuses of the federal government. The good news is that we do not need a Constitutional amendment to do that. Here’s why…

Article V of the US Constitution spells out the process for amending the Constitution. The last line of Article V seems prophetic in that it spells out that the 17th Amendment could not happen unless 100% of the states agreed. That line reads, “and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”

What this clearly means is that no State (as an entity – that is why it is capitalized) can have its representation in Congress taken from it without consent. Taking that representation away from the state as an entity and placing it with the people of that state clearly takes away any representation in the US Senate for the states. Therefore, it was not passed by all states so some (a total of 12) did not consent.

Some might argue that the 36 that did ratify it would be bound by it. This would violate equal representation, therefore could not stand.

As with all governments, it becomes necessary, from time to time, to reacquaint ourselves with its basic mechanics of operation. The Founding Fathers gave posterity a written constitution to aid in this process. When there are doubts as to its meaning, one must study its original intent to discern proper application, for “the intent of the Lawgiver is the Law.”

Current events in this nation have provoked citizens and scholars to perform this assessment — to “retrace our steps” — in yet another area: the principle of federalism. Simply defined, federalism is ‘a system that combines States retaining sovereignty within a certain sphere with a central body possessing sovereignty within another sphere, and a third sphere where concurrent jurisdiction (exists].’

After years of silence on the matter, a resurgence of interest in federalism became evident. President Reagan’s “New Federalism,” “The Federalist Society,” and a report on federalism issued by the Domestic Policy Council were just some of the manifestations of this increasing concern.

The reason for the current interest is that America is reaping the fruit of centralized government. Contrary to the Founding Fathers’ original vision of separate spheres of jurisdiction between the people, the states, and national government, our current system is now dominated by the national government.

The United States Constitution, as drafted by the Founding Fathers, clearly enumerated the limited powers of the national government. All other powers were reserved to the states or the people. The 10th Amendment affirms this noting: ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’

The separate spheres of jurisdiction of the national and state governments have gradually been eroded. The national government has increasingly usurped the reserved power of both the people and the states. It has been documented that:’States, once the hub of political activity and the very source of our political tradition, have been reduced — in significant part — to administrative units of the national government ….’

As a result of this erosion process, both the national government and the state governments are crippled in their effectiveness. The national government, having taken on too much power, is unable to properly administer all the areas it has arrogated unto itself. On the other hand, the state governments are impotent in legislating and executing the will of the people because they are subject to unpredictable subjugation by the national government.

Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, proclaims as self evident the proposition that “all men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” and that “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” When state governments so instituted become impotent, then it is their right and duty to reacquire the appropriate power in order to fulfill the purpose for which they were originally established.


  1. Morning! I fell asleep really early so I am up before dawn….sigh….when my routine gets disrupted, I get all messed up for a while until I get back on an even keel. I did this one fast and see a couple of minor errors but they are grammatical and sentence structure errors, so I’m not going to worry about it. Hope this helps you to understand the dangers we are facing, and how we got here.

    Also, take note: the Federal Reserve was also created on December 23, 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. Both under President Woodrow Wilson, one of THE worst Presidents in our history.

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  2. EXCERPT: “The Washington Post reported Friday:

    ‘Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.

    The polling and focus group research by Hart Research and the Global Strategy Group found that “MAGA” was already viewed negatively by voters — more negatively than other phrases like “Trump Republicans.”

    In battleground areas, more than twice as many voters said they would be less likely to vote for someone called a “MAGA Republican” than would be more likely. The research also found that the description tapped into the broad agreement among voters that the Republican Party had become more extreme and power-hungry in recent years.’

    The Post noted that conservatives had since appropriated the label, with former President Donald Trump’s super PAC even selling “superMAGA” T-shirts for $45.

    Whether the gambit works remains to be seen. Outgoing White House press secretary Jen Psaki, speaking to reporters on Thursday, defended President Biden’s use of the attack line, saying that “that the President is not afraid to call out what he sees as extreme positions that are out of line with where the American people stand.”

    Dunn, notorious for having praised Chinese tyrant Mao Zedong, and for having advised disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, returned to the White House in late April. President Biden began using the “ultra MAGA” line soon thereafter.”


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  3. Morning All!
    late yesterday afternoon hubby finished the mowing with the tractor and the orioles scattered…the noise maybe?
    I hadn’t seen them after that.
    this morning I cleaned all the hummer feeders and put them back out and still didn’t see or hear any orioles…strange…
    as soon as I sat down at my laptop, one appeared on the deck railing scolding me…lol..so i put out some raspberry jelly…LOL…he’s eating it

    Liked by 2 people

      1. usually in the morning they sit on the railings or fly to the hummer feeder to let me know they’re hungry…LOL…
        they aren’t even flying at the hummer feeders…it’s weird

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  4. Situational ethics is exactly the same as NO ethics – and Maher practices situational ethics, i.e., it’s ok with Russia because they are our “adversary” – say what???? In actuality, they SHOULD be our ally. It appears he is talking about misinfo targeted AT Russia – at the same time, however, it is also misleading the American public.

    Entire article @ BB: “On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher criticized the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board and argued that the agency’s definition of disinformation could be applied to former President Barack Obama’s promise that people who liked their doctor could keep it and wondered, “who do you think the truth czar is going to be in 2025?”

    Maher said, “[T]hey’re right to compare this to Orwell and the Ministry of Truth. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Now, when they first explained it, they mentioned two things that they were going to go after: Russian misinformation, I said, okay, I’m alright with that. Russia, that’s not us, and they are our adversary and they’re trying to hurt us. And then traffickers, okay, I get that, people coming across the border, you can tell them misinformation, that’s bad. But then, here’s from the Department of Homeland Security, disinformation is defined as ‘false information that is deliberately spread with the [intent] to deceive or mislead,’ well, you could have said that about if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you didn’t like that. It said, [disinformation] ‘can take many forms.’ Okay, now we’re going faster down the slippery slope, including but not limited to the two I mentioned. Okay, so, government should not be involved in deciding what’s true or not true is, I think, what a lot of people are saying. And my follow-up question would be, who do you think the truth czar is going to be in 2025?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! Our close friends, Rick and Linda (a black couple), were with us when we tried to have HB at home. We were great friends and Rick and I used to tease each other all the time. He called me “Honky” and I called him “Ni…er.” He also called me the blimp when I was pregnant; after she was born, he said “the blimp has blumped!” I used to tease him about not needing sunscreen and he informed me they could, indeed, get sunburn. He also told me he didn’t understand why all of us white people laid out in the sun to get dark skin, which didn’t make the slightest bit of sense to him! LOL

      Liked by 2 people

  5. This is just too-too rich! Touting something that OUR POTUS did!!!! ROFLMAO

    Entire article @ BB: “During a portion of an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s “Special Report,” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) called on the Biden administration to invoke the Defense Production Act to address the shortage of baby formula and pointed out that the Trump administration invoked the Defense Production Act for meat production and “baby formula is at least as important as anything else right now.”

    Krishnamoorthi said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:00] “I mean, heck, the other day, we released a report where the Trump administration invoked the Defense Production Act for the production of meat at one point. And I think that baby formula is at least as important as anything else right now.”

    Liked by 2 people

  6. If Lyin’ Canadian Ted is for him……yet another nail in his coffin, IMO!

    EXCERPT: “Sen. Ted Cruz hit the campaign trail on behalf of Republican David McCormick in the final few days of the primary race for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

    Cruz, a high-energy force on the trail, has been rallying with McCormick across the state, from Carnegie in Western Pennsylvania on Thursday to Lancaster on Friday, as he urges voters to turn out for McCormick on primary day, which takes place on Tuesday.

    Cruz said, per the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, that McCormick is the “most conservative candidate who can win” in a general election in the Keystone State.”


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  7. What’s your opinion, Pat? I like what I’ve seen from Barletta.

    Entire article @ BB: “Former Rep. Melissa Hart (R-PA) dropped out of the Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial primary race to endorse former Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA). The endorsement comes after Jake Corman also dropped out to endorse Barletta. During a press conference on Friday, Hart announced that she was suspending her gubernatorial campaign and endorsing Barletta in the race.

    “The stakes are too high, our Republican primary is too fractured, and we need someone to come out of the Republican primary who is a proven leader, who is a uniter, who is someone who can get Democrat votes, and who can lead as a person who has a vision and the values that the people of Pennsylvania support,” Hart said:

    ‘I am suspending my campaign and I’m supporting Lou Barletta. We all win when we support a candidate who shares our values and shares our vision and who can win. And that candidate is Lou Barletta. [Emphasis added]’

    Barletta thanked Hart for her endorsement and urged Republican primary voters to get behind his campaign for the goal of beating Democrat gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro in the November general election.

    “We’ve all seen the terrible direction Pennsylvania has taken over the last seven and a half years, and we know that Josh Shapiro would make things even worse,” Barletta said. “I have a history of beating Democrats, having been elected mayor in a heavily Democratic city and defeated a 26-year incumbent Democrat for Congress.”

    “There is no question that as the Republican nominee, I can also beat Josh Shapiro, because the people of Pennsylvania know me,” he said. “I am proven, road-tested, and ready to lead.”

    This week, a number of Republican heavy hitters in Pennsylvania politics announced their endorsements of Barletta, including former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), former Pennsylvania Gov. Mark Schweiker (R), former Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley (R), and former Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA).

    The Pennsylvania gubernatorial election is on May 17.”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, that’s right! I forgot he was from PA. Agree! Get this headline @ BB…..wait a minute…dang, they’re sneaky! On the main BB page: “Pennsylvania: 7 Issues Facing Whacky Mastriano in Guv Race…”

        The headline after you open the article: “7 Issues Facing Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania Governor Race”

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    1. Mastriano talked about getting rid of the cv mandates, mask mandates, election fraud…getting rid the voting machine companies…that was a biggie…he knows where the problem is…

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      1. Ummm……”In March 2020, just as the Chinese coronavirus gripped the United States, Mastriano suggested rolling back medical privacy laws for Americans, writing in a document that “existing HIPAA regulations are threatening the lives of our citizens…”

        Mastriano then introduced a plan that requested the federal government to suspend medical privacy for Americans to “allow for full disclosure of details that are currently considered private, and are not disclosed to the public.” The plan would have kept a public record of every American who tested positive for coronavirus.

        In a March 19, 2020 letter to Trump, Mastriano begged the administration to suspend HIPAA laws, writing that “existing federal law prevents the sharing of names of COVID-19 persons, and this endangers the lives of those who come in close contact with them.”
        As far back as December 2021, Mastriano’s campaign finances have raised alarms. Critics accused Mastriano, at the time, of violating campaign finance laws by not having officially declared a run for governor while soliciting donations through groups supporting him.

        A few months ago, the Philadelphia Inquirer confirmed Mastriano has not reported the donations and fundraising costs associated with events last year on his financial report:
        In 2019, as a state senator, Mastriano joined his Republican colleagues in passing Act 77, which Gov. Tom Wolf (D) signed into law ahead of the 2020 presidential election. The law abolished straight-ticket voting in Pennsylvania, where a voter can check a one-party box, while expanding no-excuse absentee voting across the state.

        Last year, when Breitbart News asked Mastriano about Act 77, he called it a “comprehensive voting reform package” in its original form.

        “There were no red flags as evidenced that every Republican in the Senate supported it, even those of us who are routinely a ‘no’ vote on anything that could undermine our freedoms,” Mastriano said. “And the near-unanimous Democrat opposition to this bill highlights that in its original form, there was no insidious risk.”

        Oh, FFS! Know what the 7th objection is? He smeared BB!!!!

        Liked by 2 people

            1. i won’t agree with anybody on 100% of the issues. no one’s perfect. and sometimes there are awesome liars out there. we do our best

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              1. I like the no mandate effort–because you know the left has more variants coming…and we need strong leadership in that area…compare florida to most other states…and the election fraud too. he wants to get rid of dominion and other voting machine systems.

                Liked by 1 person

  8. Uh-huh! Scumbag! Extend an olive branch with poison in it’s stem. SMH

    EXCERPT: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Italian state television network RAI on Thursday that he is prepared to meet with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The Russian response to Zelensky’s remarks was not entirely hostile.

    Zelensky said Ukraine and Russia “must find an agreement,” without ultimatums, to end the Russian invasion.
    Zelensky specifically rejected the notion of giving Russia territory in the rebellious Donbas region, or recognizing Russia’s occupation of Crimea, as sweeteners for a peace deal with Russia. “We want the Russian army to leave our land, we aren’t on Russian soil. We won’t save Putin’s face by paying with our territory. That would be unjust,” he said.

    “Crimea has always had its autonomy, it has its parliament, but on the inside of Ukraine,” he said of the peninsula annexed by Moscow in 2014. “I have never talked about recognizing the independence of Crimea, we will never recognize it as part of Russia,” he insisted, adding that Kyiv will likewise “never recognize autonomy” for the separatists in Donbas.”


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    1. sure…let’s talk peace…here are my terms…we get everything, you leave.
      yup that will work…
      he’s talking big because we keep sending them equipment and ammo. stop that and the little puke has nothing

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  9. saw an article this morning that Xi had an aneurysm and that’s what causing the health issues–it was supposedly at the end of 2021…but the article was in The Sun and i never heard of it before so can’t verify if that’s true…
    imagine…putin is sick, xi is sick and shit for brains is REALLY sick…what are the odds…

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    1. TBH, I look on anything by The Sun with a very skeptical eye. I wouldn’t pass on anything from them, personally, w/o verifying it elsewhere. They can’t be trusted, IMO. Now, they do come out now and then with a blockbuster but…..

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  10. Pat, one of the comments on the Mastriano article – he is 100% correct:

    “If you haven’t noticed, Breitbart is openly attacking any republican who stood against the election fraud. This website is not on your side. It is nothing more than an outrage machine. It makes money when you’re mad. It will never support any position or politician that threatens their business model in any meaningful way. The best you’ll get is lip service, maybe an article or two that they push down the feed within minutes and had to be shamed into writing in the first place.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Another comment: “Any and all agonizing over this GOP candidate vs. that GOP candidate is moot. NO GOP candidates are going to win for Governor, Lt. Governor, or U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. The Dems cheated in the 2020 election (1,000 mules in Philadelphia alone) and they got away with it. And many precincts use Dominion machines. Remember the disappearing mail truck loaded with thousands of filled out ballots in Lancaster? What has changed in two years? We still have ballot drop boxes statewide. Mail-in voting over at least a month-long period. NO voter ID. Do you think they won’t cheat again?”

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      1. our repub legislature was trying to pass laws–wolf (a dem) vetoed them…the dem scotus in the state struck down every challenge…it’s an uphill battle for sure

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  11. well THIS is an interesting comment at tcth…LOL

    Conspiracy Reality
    May 14, 2022 7:44 am

    It dawned on me this morning that climate changers don’t bat an eye at the millions of kilowatt hours burned up growing quasi-legal indoor marijuana. If they really cared, joetato or Congress would pass a law requiring weed to be grown outdoors only so it could trap as much dreadful C02 as possible. Also no one thinks about the harmful gasses emitted from millions of joints, bongs and blunts being burned simultaneously around the Globe.

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  12. EXCERPT: “Facebook (now known as Meta) recently warned its Reality Labs VR development division to prepare for cutbacks, which could be a huge blow to the company’s Metaverse ambitions.

    Reuters reports that Facebook, (now Meta) recently warned its primary metaverse development division, Reality Labs, to expect and prepare for cutbacks. Chief Technology Officer Andrew Bosworth told Reality Labs staffers at a weekly Q&A session to expect the changes to be announced within a week.

    A spokesperson for the company confirmed that Bosworth told staffers that the division could not afford to continue developing certain projects and that others would be postponed but did not clarify which products were being shelved. The spokesperson noted that the company was not planning to lay off employees as part of the reorganization.

    Following a major drop in Facebook users earlier this year that caused the company’s shares to plummet, Facebook told investors that it would be scaling back costs in 2022. In an earnings call, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the company planned to “slow the pace” of some longer-term investments in areas such as its business platform, artificial intelligence infrastructure, and Reality Labs.”


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  13. Liked by 2 people

  14. You don’t say??!!??

    EXCERPT: “A new study links how many hurricanes form worldwide to air pollution levels

    Study finds cleaner air leads to more Atlantic hurricanesBy SETH BORENSTEINAP Science WriterThe Associated Press

    Cleaner air in United States and Europe is brewing more Atlantic hurricanes, a new U.S. government study found.

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration study links changes in regionalized air pollution across the globe to storm activity going both up and down. A 50% decrease in pollution particles and droplets in Europe and the U.S. is linked to a 33% increase in Atlantic storm formation in the past couple decades, while the opposite is happening in the Pacific with more pollution and fewer typhoons, according to the study published in Wednesday’s Science Advances.

    NOAA hurricane scientist Hiroyuki Murakami ran numerous climate computer simulations to explain change in storm activity in different parts of the globe that can’t be explained by natural climate cycles and found a link to aerosol pollution from industry and cars — sulfur particles and droplets in the air that make it hard to breathe and see.

    Scientists had long known that aerosol pollution cools the air, at times reducing the larger effects of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuel and earlier studies mentioned it as a possibility in increase in Atlantic storms, but Murakami found it a factor around the world and a more direct link.”


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  15. lying redhead again…blames Abbott plant for the baby formula crisis. Abott fires back–they have been CLEARED in the cases but FDA not allowing them to reopen…

    Jen Psaki blames the baby formula shortage on February’s recall and shuttering of the Abbott plant. pic.twitter.com/eJpPjzK8st
    — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) May 12, 2022

    Abbott, however, politely pointed out, without explicitly saying so, that Psaki is lying — and she must know she’s lying because it’s not a secret that there is no evidence whatsoever that Abbott’s formula had anything to do with the babies’ death:

    The facts, however, are critical: A comprehensive investigation by Abbott, FDA and CDC found no evidence that our formulas caused infant illnesses. Specifically… [2/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022

    All retained product tested by Abbott and the FDA during the inspection of the facility came back negative for Cronobacter and/or Salmonella. No Salmonella was found at the Sturgis facility. [4/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022

    Genetic sequencing on the two available samples from ill infants did not match strains of Cronobacter in our plant. Samples from ill infants did not match each other, meaning there was no connection between the two cases. [6/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022

    Open containers from the homes of the infants were also tested in three of the four cases; two of the three tested negative. The one positive was from an open container from the home of the infant, and it tested positive for two different strains of Cronobacter sakazakii… [8/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022

    The infants consumed four different types of our formula made over the course of nearly a year and the illnesses took place over several months in three different states. [10/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022

    The formula from this plant did not cause these infant illnesses. [11/11]
    — Abbott (@AbbottNews) May 13, 2022


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  16. Good morning y’all! Filly, that was a great lesson! They’ve dumbed down generations by not teaching this stuff in schools anymore. Fixin’ to do some brush clearing at the other lot before it gets hot later.

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    1. You’re welcome but thank Pat – she asked me to do one because she didn’t understand it either. I knew from the 20K foot view but didn’t know the details, so it helped me, too.

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      1. Even if you just watch Michelle – she lays it out in detail how they pulled this BS and what we should do. The November election won’t change anything. They did at as Amendments to an existing Treaty, thereby bypassing the requirement of a super majority yes vote for Treaties. And the Congress critters Warroom people have talked to were completely unaware of it. She also says that the Congress critters are stuck in their bubble and The People know more than they do. That one is just under 15 minutes.

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    1. Man, I sure wish Michelle Bachmann would get back into politics. She also knows EVERYTHING that went on in the Arabian Spring – she took a secret trip to Egypt during that time but she can’t say anything due to the NDA. I followed all of that back then primarily via Walid Shoebat. She KNOWS!!!!

      Liked by 2 people

  17. I just decided – new LTE coming up on this BS of handing control to the UN on health matters. Melissa at the City Office will be pleased – she asked me the other day why I haven’t posted any recently – here ya’ go, Melissa!!!

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  18. Oooh! Yummy! MTG takes it to the one-eye traitor!!!!

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  19. EXCERPTS: “The nation’s roughly 200 American Bar Association law schools create a dense smog of conceptual, ideological, and rhetorical pollution that spreads across the country like smokestack exhaust drifting far from its source, but there is a larger problem that begins in the law school “boiler room” itself.
    What if you learned that many of your fellow investors were actually in on the scheme? That they were intent, not on following any such opportunities at all, but instead becoming part of the problem — of perpetuating more crime and fraud; indeed, being effectively encouraged in precisely how to use the law school’s operating manuals (doctrine, case books, and rhetoric) in creating social and racial division, violence, property destruction, leaking and infiltrating the actual judicial and legislative infrastructure (what UChicago Law Emeritus and NYU Law’s Richard A. Epstein asserts is the multiplicative nature of criminal conspiracies from gains in trade).

    Now at the end of your investment program, you find out that you actually had the investment within you all along (in natural law); in fact, you are the investment, and the firm, merely a harvesting and shearing machine, with you as its crop.

    Law schools are regulated businesses like brokerage firms. The ABA (American Bar Association) is like the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and while both host revolving doors and are often captured, the ABA isn’t really an arms-length regulatory or enforcement mechanism: it’s a club with members of the “Bar” (who celebrate more like a Bar Mitzvah). The school of law, as Harvard Law graduate and famed consumer rights advocate Ralph Nader points out, should be divided, to include a school of lawlessness. Except that Nader doesn’t realize that it already exists, rather cleverly, as a hang-out, hide-out, and processing plant of lawlessness itself.
    In these ways the law school is also like a money-laundering business: it takes taxpayer funding (501c3 status and federal tuition finance flows) and washes millions of dollars a year into “lawfare” programs and subsidizes special interests, which then distribute hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the family of capos and captains like the teachers unions: and you are their student mules.

    The beauty, perhaps, of this operation is that no real convincing or even selling is effectively needed: it sells itself. Indeed, the inductees want to be deceived and are schooled in self-deception. That is the great power of language, and words: law is centered in language and meaning is at the pleasure of the syndicate. Like the gang, it has its mottos, oaths, tattoos and secret passwords. It swears allegiance to the Bar and its edifice which then prints the currency of the legal trade, the fiat money of authority, rules, punishment and reward. In due time its debts must be extinguished and inflated away. Everyone will forget and the endless train of followers will finally receive what they really pined for: final absolution from inconvenient thoughts.

    Justice may be blind, but law requires that the eyes be wide open, and the scale replaced with the shield and the sword. The roughly 200 law school “camps” in the U.S. are arranged in a syndicate and franchise that feeds the Bar cartel through its satellites of business fronts — the university. Their books are closed, their expenses undisclosed and concealed.”

    More: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/05/law_school_is_a_tort_.html

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  20. Hmmm…a very interesting perspective on abortion and the law:

    EXCERPT: “After all, the fetus is alive, and hence is either vegetable or animal; and if animal, is neither cat, nor dog, nor horse, nor anything else other than human. Since the fetus is the result of the fertilization of a human ovum by a human spermatozoon, it is surely a human life form.

    If the fetus is a child, then it is a human person and has all the rights of any citizen. That would include life, liberty, property — the whole nine yards of American civil rights.

    And that includes the right to self-defense.

    So far as I am aware, the fetus has no means available to defend itself against the abortionist, but since many of the technological realities of today are beyond my imagination, I withhold judgment about what the future may hold for fetal defense mechanisms. But realize that if such fetal defense mechanisms somehow came into existence, the fetus would obviously be lawfully authorized to employ them against the abortionist!

    Moreover, something else is clear: in a circumstance in which a person has a right to self-defense, it is a matter of black-letter law that this right of self-defense can be exercised by another person on behalf of the person with the right. This is called “defense of another.” So it is that, if I see Person A malevolently trying to kill Person B, with Person B unable to defend himself, I can legally spring to Person B’s defense. You should Google Duck Duck Go Qwant it. You’ll get lots of hits.

    And no, I am most definitely not advocating that pro-life people hunt down abortionists. Doing so is illegal, counterproductive, stupid, and immoral. This is simply a different way of looking at the issue and understanding why every pro-life person has a moral obligation to speak out and vote against abortion, especially when the matter comes to state legislatures. In our Brave New World, this is an interesting way to look at the issue, right?”


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  21. Entire article @ AT: “There has been a huge influx of blue state people to red states in the past three years. This is a good thing because the Democrat voters, the blues, see what is happening in their own states and want nothing more to do with it.

    There is only one problem: do blue-staters know why their blue states are failing? They may only be seeing the results of the failures such as high taxes, high crime, authoritarian shutdowns, masking, education pathologies, high gas prices, empty shelves, welfare hounds, and business-unfriendly policies that cause small business closures. But the causes are liberal policies and liberal politicians. Do blue-staters make that connection?

    Moving to a red state is a relief for blue staters, but if they cannot connect their blue state pathologies to voting for Democrats, they are again going to vote for the same party that gave them their blue state blues. It is imperative that blue-staters recognize that escaping to a red state to avoid blue state problems will do them no good if they persist in voting for Democrats, who, at first opportunity, will vote for the same blue policies they left their blue states to avoid. It is imperative that every blue-stater who is not Republican not vote Democrat if they enjoy red state living.

    Don’t bring your blue state liberal policies to your new red state. If you hated being shut down, don’t vote for Democrat governors who will do it to you again at the first sniffle. Republicans don’t do this, lacking the authoritarian gene. Democrats do, though.

    If your blue state has high gas prices, do not vote for Democrats who believe that you should pay more for gasoline because green policies are the wave of the future and who will replace gasoline with green fuel, probably algae or kale. Democrats will eventually legislate penalties for internal combustion cars and gasoline consumption. They will probably legislate a consumption tax on homes using a certain amount of electricity or air-conditioning, and you blue-staters will be paying higher taxes than you want — again. Avoid Democrat politicians and policies at all cost if you enjoy red state freedom, liberty, and free national well-being.

    If you blue-staters hate high crime, do not vote for Democrat D.A.s (district attorneys) who will refuse to prosecute criminals if they are black but who will not hesitate to prosecute conservatives who protest or are white — or both. Ditto judges. Your crime rates will shoot up to your pre-move levels, and you will be left wondering what happened. Make the connection between high crime and liberal policies, or don’t move to our red state.

    If you blue-staters abhor your politicians who insist you do as they say, not as they do, and who party at expensive restaurants and on yachts maskless while you must mask up, don’t vote for a Democrat whose motto is “Let them eat Hot Pockets. I’ll take foie gras.”

    If your blue state shelves are empty, don’t come to full-shelf red states and then vote for Democrats who will see to it that your shelves are empty again, that trucks won’t move, your ships won’t be off-loaded, baby formula will be scarce, and your goods won’t be trucked to your markets. Democrats do that stuff; Republicans don’t. Keep your vote red.

    If your blue state is paying hundreds of thousands of people to stay home and not work, blue state businesses are no longer able find workers, thanks to Democrat policies. Don’t come to our red state and vote for Democrats who will likely pay even more people not to work, and who will force our red state small businesses to close for lack of employees. On the other hand, if you have a family business where you don’t lack employees and whose members are hard workers, come here to our red state. We want you. We don’t think hard work is to be eschewed because it is a white privilege thing.

    Stay home if you’re looking for a free ride on our dime. This does not apply to people on welfare who legitimately are unable to work. Those people do need government assistance. Decent people have no problem with that. But if you are merely unwilling to work, go away. We don’t need you raising our taxes for your sloth.

    Democrats would be wise to make the connection between their Democrat voting habits and the bad things that inevitably happen to states where they elect these Democrats. Just look at the map of high crime, higher gas prices, higher living costs, higher homelessness, and it is easy to see what dysfunction blue states inevitably bring.

    Democrats, don’t bring your liberalism to my red state and ruin it as your votes ruined your blue state. Connect the dots, or stay where you are. Please.”

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  22. Ok get this I just met a long-lost cousin of mine!!!!! He just dropped by the other day. I opened the door and thought he was trying to sell me something. LOL I’ve never met him so I was surprised I must say. He happened to be in town on a business trip from Germany. He dropped by (the house was a mess isn’t that always the case) He wanted to know all about the family history. I kicked googles ass I must say. So that was a welcome surprise.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. cool!!
      on the other hand–do you trust that he’s a family member? do you have a secret family handshake so you could know for sure??
      maybe he just wanted to see inside you home…

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      1. LOL he had a German accent and knew all about stuff you can’t find on google.

        He was vetted before he came inside

        But yeah I always side eye

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            1. and I agree on the house being a mess…
              we rarely get company unannounced…but if someone shows up–the house will be a mess…guaranteed!

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              1. Yes I hate how that happens. We had just come from the store so cans and books everywhere. Oh well the house is lived in that’s for sure

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  23. we’re home.
    we didn’t see any other signs for governor than Mastriano…and there were a lot of those.
    we went to the post office, got gas ($4.45 a gallon), stopped at the bank, and went grocery shopping. from there we grabbed lunch and then stopped at the local nursery and got plants for the garden.

    also saw TRUMP 2024–SAVE AMERICA flags
    and some DON’T BLAME ME–I VOTED FOR TRUMP flags

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    1. Glad you had a good time – gas here is $3.99 but cheaper in Meadow Grove, I expect – it is always cheaper there. That’s why I always wait to get gas until I go to visit Michael since it’s on the way.

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  24. Trump endorses Mastriano…

    “There is no one in Pennsylvania who has done more, or fought harder, for Election Integrity than State Senator Doug Mastriano,” Trump wrote in a statement. “He has revealed the Deceit, Corruption, and outright Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election, and will do something about it. He will also Fight Violent Crime, Strengthen our Borders, Protect Life, Defend our under-siege Second Amendment, and Help our Military and our Vets. He is a fighter like few others, and has been with me right from the beginning, and now I have an obligation to be with him.”

    Mastriano responds
    “I’m honored to receive the endorsement from President Trump, today. But the honor is not for me. It’s for the millions of hard-working Pennsylvanians who want their individual liberties restored, power returned to the people, and for their elected leaders to fulfill the America First — and Pennsylvania First — agenda,” Mastriano said in a statement.


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  25. rats deserting a sinking ship…Marc Elias distances himself from blm

    The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation revealed in February that the Elias Law Group, Elias’s namesake law firm, had taken control of its books and finances. But Elias Law Group is nowhere to be found in BLM’s latest registration filings submitted to Florida and Oklahoma on April 28, according to records obtained by the Washington Examiner.

    While the new records show the Elias Law Group is no longer in control of BLM’s books, whatever continued involvement Elias’s firm may have with the embattled charity remains a mystery. The Elias Law Group declined to provide an on-the-record comment to the Washington Examiner.

    The Elias Law Group’s absence from BLM’s Florida and Oklahoma registrations submitted on the eve of the charity’s financial disclosure is telling, said Tom Anderson, the director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center watchdog group.

    “It is important to note the Elias Law Group is a firm with a laser focus on electing Democrats and pushing the progressive agenda,” Anderson told the Washington Examiner. “This makes their disappearance from the latest BLM Global Network Foundation filings a pivotal moment, probably foreshadowing the total collapse of what is left of the organization.”

    BLM had disclosed in February that Elias’s law firm had taken control of its books and Moore had joined its board of directors. The filings were made public about two weeks after the BLM shut off its online fundraising streams amid legal threats from California and Washington over the charity’s lack of financial transparency.

    BLM’s fundraising remains shuttered, and the charity is due to file its long-awaited federal form 990 financial disclosure to the IRS next week revealing what it did with its financial windfall from 2020.


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  26. it’s a war zone!! dire situation requiring billions of us dollars!!!! but let’s send our congress people for photo ops…

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  27. Liked by 1 person

  28. you can push me over with a feather! the new press secretary thinks everything she disagrees with is racist! (this is what happens when an adolescent learns a new word.)
    Newly installed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has a long history of accusing policies and political enemies of “racism,” a review of her social media and TV news appearances show.

    The Post looked at Jean-Pierre’s tweets between 2015 and 2020 and found a staggering 57 instances where she accused people, policies, ideas, or words of being “racist.”

    And Jean-Pierre accused people and ideas she was opposed to as “racist” at least 43 times in TV appearances too, according to video clipping service Grabien, whose available analysis spanned just the first two years of President Trump’s term in office.

    Her target on both social media and TV was overwhelmingly Trump.

    “If it walks like a racist, talks like a racist, acts like a racist, it is a racist and we have a racist president in the White House who really pushes his racism like a peacock,” she told a smirking panel on the MSNBC show “AM Joy” in 2018.

    “Donald Trump is a RACIST!” she railed in a tweet from Jan 2018, echoing what became a common refrain from her during his presidency.

    “Donald Trump is the most outwardly racist President that we have seen in generations and African Americans voters aren’t blind to that. He uses his megaphone to divide people, spew racism, and give cover to white supremacists,” she tweeted in 2020.

    Her new boss, President Biden, got in on the act in during the 2020 presidential campaign, claiming Trump was “one of the most racist presidents’ we’ve ever had.”

    Trump was far not alone as an object of her derision — Jean-Pierre also ripped the former president’s staff and confidants as racists too.

    “Steve Bannon is a white Supremacist. Steve Bannon is a white Nationalist
    Steve Bannon is a racist,” she thundered in September 2018, of the president’s former White House counselor. She levied the same accusation on Sebastian Gorka, another Trump White House advisor.

    Jean-Pierre also blasted former Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “a bigot & a racist,” who “views brown and black people as less than, not even human,” according to a tweet from June 2018.

    She also called racists Texas Sen. John Cornyn in 2020, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2018, and Former Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie in 2017.

    Jean-Pierre, a one-time national spokesperson for the far left group MoveOn, has never been shy about dropping the R word for polices and institutions she found objectionable as well.

    “[Fox News] was racist before coronavirus, they are racist during the coronavirus, Fox News will be racist after the coronavirus,” Jean-Pierre said during a March 15 appearance on “AM Joy.” She also blasted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as “severely racist,” in a Newsweek Op-Ed from 2019.

    She has also attacked former President Trump’s wall along the southern border as racist, and has suggested the same about voter ID laws.

    Jean-Pierre, a public devotee of Critical Race Theory, and its founder, the radical academic Kimberlé Crenshaw, also includes her own country in the broadside. She has embraced the position that “systemic racism” runs through every facet of the United States. The viewpoint is a cornerstone of CRT thinking.

    “Racism doesn’t have political stripes. It’s a systematic problem in this country,” she said in a February 2019 tweet. “Systemic racism pervades every part of our society,” she added in a tweet from June 2020.

    “A tactic of hers has been to automatically reach toward talking points that fire up the Democratic base and don’t translate to the majority of the American people,” someone who frequently appeared with her on television told The Post.

    Reps for Jean-Pierre did not immediately respond to request for comment from The Post.


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  29. Sheesh! That really kicked my ass!!! Phew! Normally, I can mow both front and back in about 1.5 hours but not this time. First time for the back yard and in most of it, it was almost up to my knees. Plus, I haven’t had the blades sharpened yet this year so….I’ll be doing it again next week.

    And, of course, mowing under the willow tree pissed me off again – trying to take my fricking head off – so I decided some of those lower limbs had to go. Off to get my snippers and tree saw. You’re supposed to prune when it’s dormant in the winter or it will stunt the growth. What do I care – it’s a fricking dwarf tree anyway and I don’t want it to get so big it’s into the power lines!

    Then I saw how bad the hostas looked so…..cleaned them out. And, of course, the lily – I mean it’s right there!!! SMH

    I also managed to pull the 2 big limbs from the back of the house to the side. And gee those pots look nasty…..so pull out the dead plants from last year…..I had thought to leave the back for tomorrow until I remembered scattered rain was predicted off-and-on all day. Sigh…..ok then, I’ll leave the weed eating for tomorrow. My back is KILLING me!!!! But, man, does it ever feel good to have that much done at least.

    The Orioles weren’t too concerned – they would stay on the jelly until I was about 30 feet away, then flew up into the tree to wait until I passed. And that cute little ground squirrel that poked his head up high-tailed it back down his hole when he saw me coming.

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      1. I did and it feels soooo good to look out there and see it looking so nice. It’s given me some incentive, too, to get the rest done and get a few plants for some of the pots.

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    1. Either the Orioles or the wind knocked one of the custard cups over and spilled the jelly on the bottom. Meh – they can eat it from there. I had a thought while I was mowing – I’m going to get one of those jello molds with a hole in the center that will fit down inside the cage. The base is sloped and higher in the center so the custard cups don’t work really well.

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  30. I e-mailed an article I saw posted at QTree earlier about Ukraine to Keith and others. He thanked me for keeping him the loop and said it’s what he has been hearing, too.

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  31. EXCERPT: “WASHINGTON — Justice Clarence Thomas says the Supreme Court has been changed by the shocking leak of a draft opinion earlier this month. The opinion suggests the court is poised to overturn the right to an abortion recognized nearly 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade.

    The conservative Thomas, who joined the court in 1991 and has long called for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, described the leak as an unthinkable breach of trust.

    “When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally. You begin to look over your shoulder. It’s like kind of an infidelity that you can explain it, but you can’t undo it,” he said while speaking at a conference Friday evening in Dallas.
    Thomas said that previously, “if someone said that one line of one opinion” would be leaked, the response would have been: “Oh, that’s impossible. No one would ever do that.”

    “Now that trust or that belief is gone forever,” Thomas said at the Old Parkland Conference, which describes itself as a conference “to discuss alternative proven approaches to tackling the challenges facing Black Americans today.”

    Thomas also said at one point: “I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad…I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them.”


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  32. so mass shooting in buffalo ny. 18 yr old kid write a 100 and some page manifesto …includes “finding” 4 chan…he’s a white supremacist–drove for hours to get to a grocery store that most;y non white and opens fire.

    unbelievable…but the baby formula story is off the news cycle

    ERIE COUNTY MASS SHOOTING: multiple police agencies responded to Tops on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo. Police say they have a shooter in custody who is photographed below. At least 9 individuals have been reported shot, more than 5 of them in the head. At least 1 fatality. pic.twitter.com/wJvLwK8IIg

    — Niagara Action (@NiagaraAction) May 14, 2022


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