Wedding Superstitions Explained

[Since June is prime bridal season, I brought an article, written in 2021, detailing and explaining 13 wedding traditions.]

In 2021, there are truly no ‘rules’ to weddings—anything and everything goes, as long as it brings you happiness as a couple. That said, there is a reason why time-honored traditions have been mainstays of wedding days for so long: They’re guidelines that so many generations before you have indulged, historically, so it feels kind of like a nice privilege to entertain them at your own wedding celebration, right?

The cool thing about weddings now, though, is that you can pick and choose which customs and conventions you want to embrace or dismiss. Not wearing white, skipping the veil, sneaking a peek at your spouse before the ceremony—it can all be done without repercussions.

Whether you consider yourself superstitious or not, you might still want to take a few of these folklore referrals to heart. Ahead, read up on some of the longest-standing wedding superstitions that go well beyond something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. 

Getting married on a weekday.

While Saturdays have long been the most popular days to get married for decades, an ancient Celtic poem claims couples should avoid a Saturday wedding at all costs. It reads: “Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all.” So if a Saturday nuptials isn’t in the cards, then a weekday wedding is quite alright!

Wearing white.

Wearing white on the day you get married is a dress code that dates back thousands of years and this verse explains why: “Married in white, you will have chosen all right. Married in grey, you will go far away. Married in black, you will wish yourself back. Married in red, you’ll wish yourself dead. Married in blue, you will always be true. Married in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl. Married in green, ashamed to be seen. Married in yellow, ashamed of the fellow. Married in brown, you’ll live out of town. Married in pink, your spirits will sink.”

Wearing something borrowed.

Out of the four “somethings” that brides have been conditioned to carry, “something borrowed” makes the most sense when it comes to luck! The idea here is that in addition to wearing something old and new, representing your pre-married life and your happy one to come, you should also borrow something from a happily married woman (your mom, mother-in-law, sister, grandmother, etc.). It’s thought that wearing something on loan from a long-married missus might just let some of her marital success rub off on you!

Forgoing any pearl accessories.

Speaking of something borrowed, although they’re very common family heirlooms, pearls are one semi-precious gemstone that you might want to pass on if they’re offered. According to several cultural belief systems, pearls embody the look of tears and point to sadness and suffering, so it’s best to keep them away from such an important day. If your partner proposes with a pearl, however, it stands that you can rebalance the karma by giving them a dollar—in essence, by paying for it, the ring is no longer a gift. 

Including a sixpence in your shoe.

What most people don’t know about one of the oldest and most iconic wedding proverbs is that it is completed with the phrase “and a sixpence in her shoe.” Dating back to Victorian times, a father would place a sixpence (a coin equivalent to six pennies) in his daughter’s shoe as a token of good luck and prosperity. Nowadays, a penny is usually subbed in for the sixpence from any family member or friend. And if you don’t want to squeeze a coin in your stiletto, consider tying it to your bouquet or ring bearer’s pillow instead.

Adding a veil to your ensemble.

Veils have been part of the bride’s traditional trousseau for centuries. But to ancient Greeks and Romans, the veil was for function rather than fashion. They believed that a bride needed to wear a veil to make her less susceptible to the curses and hexes of jealous witches and evil spirits who wanted to steal her happiness. Once her face was obscured, so too were their vexes.

Crying all the way to the altar.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a bride or groom who doesn’t shed at least a few tears on their wedding day, but that’s actually a good thing. In fact, crying all the tears is a tried-and-true method of making sure you’re happy for the long haul. Once you’ve let the waterworks run, they’ll be as good as gone for the entirety of your marriage.

Saying farewell to your fiancée-ship a little too prematurely.

Using your married name before the actual wedding is kind of taboo ahead of tying the knot. There are a lot of negative, foreboding feelings associated with these anticipatory celebrations (like signing letters with your soon-to-be last name), ultimately suggesting that doing so will prevent the event from taking place altogether. And it doesn’t stop there, folklore also warns against trying on everything you’ll be wearing on your wedding day (dress, veil, shoes, headpieces, jewelry) before the day itself comes. So, if you plan on dressing or suiting up pre-wedding, just remember to leave one or two articles of clothing off.

Crossing paths with a nun or monk on the way to the wedding.

The British backstory goes that if you see a nun or a monk (both of whom notably take vows of chastity and poverty) en route to your wedding, you’ll be blighted with a barren life and dependent on charity. Granted, not every couple envisions a future with children and some prefer simplicity and experiences over money and material things, so this does suppose a pretty antiquated point of view.

Dropping the rings.

There is a timeworn forewarning that should someone drop a ring or ring(s) at the time of the ceremony, that person (regardless of role—bride, groom, officiant, best man, etc.) is next to die. Scary, right? Well, we can pretty much guarantee that there’s no truth to it, but you might just want to double-check how tightly those rings are tied on the ring bearer’s pillow and take your time with the ring swap.

Receiving knives for a wedding gift.

We’re well aware that a sharp set of knives is a common registry item. However, according to a legend that dates back to the Vikings, knives symbolize the cutting or breaking of a relationship. You truly never know what your wedding guests will end up bringing you for the big day, but if you want to hedge your bets on not receiving something like this heartbreak-ridden hardware, maybe just remove it from the registry altogether. Or, send your guests a penny enclosed in their thank you card to switch the script from a gift to a purchase!

A spider showing up on your attire.

Most people don’t enjoy spotting a spider, but if one shows up on your wedding outfit on the big day, just grin and bear it. English tradition holds that if a spider weaves its way into your wedding day, it’s a terrific and radiant omen; so, come through Charlotte! 

Rain on your wedding day.

Rain on your wedding day is something that all couples will stress over, but according to several cultures’ canons, it represents a streak of luck for your special day. If you see dark clouds gathering and raindrops coming down, don’t fret as you’re getting wet: It symbolizes fertility and cleansing, and if ever there were a perfect day to start with a clean slate, it’s your wedding day.

Source: Danielle Halibey

Published on 04/16/21

171 thoughts on “Wedding Superstitions Explained

  1. NF: Don’t know if this is true or not…


    NORWEGIAN SEA – In a continued sign of transatlantic unity, the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) came under NATO command today while preparing to conduct activities in the Norwegian Sea with other maritime forces from Allied Nations. The Ford is on a scheduled deployment to the European Theater.

    This transfer of authority to Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (SFN) demonstrates the Alliance’s ability to integrate the high-end capabilities of a first-in-class carrier U.S., its strike group escorts, and embarked air wing during a series of planned maritime security activities and training. Norway is the host nation for these events, which will take place over the following week.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. didn’t find the flag holder at mom’s…but we never made it into the 2 sheds to clean either.
      but mom was pretty emotional this visit–we are getting closer to “their” anniversary, father’s day, and then next month would have been dad’s birthday. this time of year is harder than the rest.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. DC_Draino
    Now that Mike Pence has entered the race, let me tell y’all some inside info:

    In the days leading up to J6, I was informed by trusted sources that Pence wasn’t going to contest the rigged electoral college results.

    I couldn’t believe it. How could he backstab 74 million people & allow fraud to overthrow our executive branch?

    But then I was told why…

    He cut a deal with the Koch fundraising network to be their lead horse in 2024 if he backstabbed Trump and the MAGA movement in 2020.

    To those that say he didn’t have the power to contest fraudulent ballots and allow state legislatures to conduct further review, then why did they change the Electoral College Act in 2022 to explicitly state the VP could no longer facilitate that exact process?

    Because Pence could and he knew it, but he took the blood money anyway.

    We are not in this situation because of President Trump.

    We are here b/c powerful forces worked to “fortify” the 2020 election and coward RINOs like Mike Pence partnered with them.

    Let’s show Judas what we think of his backstabbing in the ballot box.

    Liked by 1 person

            1. Tell me about it…you know you’re getting old when you can’t remember someone’s name from an article yesterday but CAN remember your 8th grade teacher’s name! Who, BTW, was AWESOME! Mr. Roehler – he was the Principal of the parochial school my last 2 years there. Tough, no-nonsense, but friendly as can be at the same time, funny – and smart! He is the one who really taught me to sing, before I took voice lessons from Sister Cecelia the following year. And he liked me especially – he came to my Confirmation dinner out of the entire class! Wonderful teacher!


  3. “Backlash in the ranks? US Navy quietly removes LGBTQ+ Pride Month posts on social media…”

    “A few nights ago in Florida. The Lord is trying to get his people’s attention…”

    “Are you ready to pay double at the pump this summer? Because the experts are warning about a huge price spike as fuel inventories continue to shrink, especially as OPEC+ slashed oil production, and the Saudis are telling US short-sellers who are betting prices will fall to “watch out.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. NF: When irony and sarcasm get turned into reality….?!?!?

    “Bigoted Gender Surgeon Still Only Offering ‘Male’ And ‘Female’”
    WORLDVIEWS · Jun 5, 2023 ·

    “BEVERLY HILLS, CA — A local surgeon specializing in gender reassignment has come under heavy fire recently, as his critics complain he is still stubbornly only offering “male” or “female” as options.

    “This doctor is so behind the times,” said Trixie Sunbreeze, an LGBTQ+ activist who has identified as 38 different genders in the last 6 weeks. “How can you present yourself as a friend to the trans community when you hatefully only allow people to become males or females? As if those are the only two genders! BIGOT!”

    Dr. Rick Barnhouse, who has practiced medicine for 30 years, doesn’t understand the criticism. “I’d like any of these people criticizing me to explain to me how to actually apply any of these other supposed ‘genders’ to an actual human being’s body,” he said. “I mean, what are these other genders supposed to be, anyway? ‘Demiflux?’ How is that even a word, let alone a gender?”

    Despite Dr. Barnhouse’s extensive experience and the respect he has garnered by mutilating the bodies of children and removing their genitalia, activists continue to decry his “narrowminded” work. “You can’t tell me he doesn’t know how to perform surgery to make someone ‘gender-fluid,’” Sunbreeze continued. “It’s basic science these days. Someone who is ‘gender-fluid’ deserves the opportunity to have interchangeable parts. Like Mr. Potato Head, but with genitalia. It’s simple!”

    Dr. Barnhouse stated he is still unsure how to perform gender surgeries to approximate something other than male or female. “I remember when performing sex-change operations was controversial in and of itself,” he said. “Now I’m a closed-minded hater for not turning people into fantasies. Go figure. I’m beginning to think this entire gender theory stuff is really bad for people. Please don’t tell anyone I said that.”

    At publishing time, the protesting group of activists was demanding Dr. Barnhouse perform surgery to turn a human being into a furry.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Heartwarming: Dog Finally Reunited With Owner Who Left For 30 Seconds To Grab The Mail”
    LIFE · Jun 4, 2023 ·

    “FAIRFIELD, TX — In a touching scene, local dog “Tex” was overcome with joy after being reunited at last with his owner Tom, who had briefly walked outside to check the mail.

    “Tex hasn’t been this happy since the last time Tom checked the mail,” said Tom’s wife Allison. “It’s like ‘Homeward Bound’ all over again.”

    According to Allison, five-year-old Tex had fallen into despair the moment Tom walked out the door. “Tex packed all five stages of grief into about ten seconds,” said Allison. “He whimpered, hung his head, and finally accepted he may never see Tom again. But Tex still stood faithfully by the door to wait for Tom – and twenty seconds later, it was the happiest reunion this world has ever witnessed.”

    Animal scientists have long been amazed at the ability of dogs to overcome remarkable obstacles to reunite with their owners. “There are so many incredible stories of dogs waiting years for their owners to return, or travelling hundreds of miles to find them,” said animal researcher Dr. Meghan Platt. “Dogs, however, are just as elated about seeing their owners when they’ve been gone for two minutes to the bathroom. Dogs are amazing creatures, but also quite dumb.”

    At publishing time, Tex had decided Tom was a magical wizard after Tom had appeared to throw a ball, but the ball disappeared.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two religious postings. here’s one I found that I liked.


    1. at that point, had i been watching, which i wouldn’t have been cuz I have more than 2 brain cells, I’d have turned the crap off.

      Liked by 1 person

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