The Alaska Triangle

The Alaska Triangle, sometimes called Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle, is a place in the untouched wilderness of the Frontier State where mystery lingers and people go missing at a very high rate.  The Alaska Triangle connects the state’s largest city of Anchorage in the south, to Juneau in the southeast panhandle, to Barrow, a small town on the state’s north coast. Here, is some of North America’s most unforgiving wilderness.

The area began attracting public attention in October 1972, when a small, private plane carrying U.S. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, Alaska Congressman Nick Begich, an aide, Russell Brown, and their bush pilot Don Jonz seemingly vanished into thin air while flying from Anchorage to Juneau. For more than a month, 50 civilian planes and 40 military aircraft plus dozens of boats, covered a search area of 32,000 square miles, but no trace of the plane, the men, wreckage or debris were ever found.

Afterward, more planes went down, hikers went missing, and Alaskan residents and tourists seemed to vanish into thin air. In fact, since 1988, more than 16,000 people have disappeared in the Alaska Triangle, with a missing person rate at more than twice the national average.

Alaska is bound by 33,000 miles of coastline, contains more than three million lakes, untamed wildlife, and winters that blanket vast reaches of the state in snow and ice.  In any given year, 500-2,000 people go missing in Alaska, never to be seen again. Authorities conduct hundreds of rescue missions, most often return without finding the missing person or any evidence at all.  There are several theories about the disappearances—everything from severe weather to aliens—to swirling energy vortexes to evil shape-shifting demons.

The Environmental Theory

The most likely explanation of these many missing people is the wilderness itself. Despite the warnings from authorities regarding weather, wildlife, and environmental conditions, hundreds of tourists visit Alaska to see the unspoiled land, many of whom are unprepared for the natural elements. Some of these people probably became lost in the middle of nowhere, resulting in the numerous search and rescue operations performed each year.

Within this area are dense forests, craggy mountain peaks, massive glaciers, hidden caves, and deep crevasses where downed aircraft or lost hikers might easily be hidden and then covered by snowfall, hiding any trace of human activity. This harsh landscape is also filled with wild animals and is subject to unforgiving weather, including avalanches. That, however, does not explain why there are more disappearances in the Alaska Triangle than elsewhere in the state.

The Vortex Theory

Some believe that the Alaska Triangle is home to its own electromagnetic variations, also known as ‘vortexes,’ that affect the physical world. Energy vortexes are thought to be swirling centers of energy concentrated in specific places where the energy crackles most intensely. The energy radiates in a spiraling cone shape clockwise or counterclockwise, creating positive and negative effects. They are thought to affect humans in various physical, mental, and emotional ways.

One example of this vile vortex is the Bermuda Triangle, but a more common example would be the North and South Poles. These types of magnetic energy centers are believed to have varying affects on humans, including anything from confusion to emotional changes.

Positive vortexes spiral upward in a clockwise motion creating an enhancing flow of energy. This type is said to be conducive to healing, meditation, creativity, and self-exploration. People actively search these places out to feel inspired, recharged or uplifted. Some of the places where positive vortexes are said to exist are the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the Sedona desert, and sacred temples and cathedrals throughout the world.

Alternatively, negative vortexes spiral downward in a counterclockwise motion, creating a draining or depleting energy and depleting the positive energies in its vicinity. In humans, they are believed to cause health problems including depression, nightmares, disorientation, confusion, and both visual and audio hallucinations. They are also said to cause electrical instruments to malfunction. Some places that are said to be filled with negative vortexes are the Bermuda Triangle, Japan’s Devil’s Sea, and Easter Island.

Electronic readings in Alaska have found large concentrations of magnetic anomalies, some of which have disrupted compasses to the point that they are as much as 30 degrees off. In addition, some search and rescue workers have reported having audio hallucinations, disorientation, and lightheadedness.

It is unclear whether vortexes really exist and the theory has been open to a good amount of skepticism, but is it possible?  Whether the mysterious disappearances of the Alaska Triangle are the result of natural perils, strange energy vortexes, or ancient evil spirits, they are certainly alarming.

The Alien Theory

Another theory about the Alaska Triangle is…aliens.  Since 1998 there have been over 560 reported UFOs (Per the National UFO Reporting Center) in Alaska with a majority of sightings in the Alaska Triangle.  The most notable example of this, however, happened in 1986, when a Japanese plane flying from Iceland to Anchorage witnessed something that still has no explanation to this day. The plane stumbled upon what appeared to be three separate aircraft, all of which followed the plane’s flight pattern for roughly 400 miles before they disappeared after about 30 minutes. The entire time, the pilots reported the unusual aircraft darting in and out of their line of sight and performing strange aerial maneuvers that are unlike what anyone had seen with the average plane.

The Kushtaka Theory

Still there are many theories that persist about a shape-shifting demon that is associated with the native Tlingit people who live in the area. These people are said to have origins dating back to 11,000 years ago. Their name, Tlingit, means “People of the Tides.” These people believe that there is a shape-shifting demon named Kushtaka who is a cross between a man and an otter. It is said to lure people to their impending doom by attracting lost people to the water by portraying children or women who are screaming for help.  It is also said that when the Kushtaka (also known as the “Otterman”) captures these lost people, it then steals their souls. It is folklore that has never been proven, but it’s still a frightening thought, to say the least.

The Big Foot Theory

And still legends persist about Big Foot—Sasquatch.  With huge amounts of forests and uncharted wilderness, Alaska is certainly a perfect location for Bigfoot to hide out.  There are numerous reports of Bigfoot sightings throughout the entire state. Some reports include evidence of nesting sites, a possible Bigfoot skeleton, and unidentified hair samples. Some witnesses have even reported seeing a swimming Sasquatch during their encounters.

Some villages have even relocated as a result of terrifying encounters with Bigfoot, which is surprising because the common understanding is that the creature prefers isolated areas and is in general quite peaceful.

The Nome Serial Killer

Our discussion of theories would not be complete without a serial killer and the FBI. Around 2005, people began to notice that a large percentage of residents or tourists who went missing in Alaska happened to disappear from the city of Nome. In fact, the numbers became so worrying, that rumors of a serial killer began to run rampant throughout local topics of conversation, totally freaking out the population. This loud panic eventually caught the ear of the FBI, who came rushing in to investigate, eager to catch a murderer and show him off to their friends. But they didn’t find one.

Instead, they concluded that it was Nome’s fault all along. You see, Alaska is known to have one of the highest concentrations of alcohol-free municipalities in America, but Nome? Nome loves to party, which is the very reason why so many people flocked to the city in the first place.

So now you had a bunch of drunk visitors wandering off alone, into the woods to take a pee maybe, and then suddenly they get eaten by a bear, or stolen by aliens, or seduced by the Otter-Man, or they pass out and freeze to death, snowed under, gone, added to the list, forgotten already. Morale of the story? Don’t get baked in Alaska…

178 thoughts on “The Alaska Triangle

  1. Morning All!
    wow! prices have skyrocketed in the last 2 weeks…
    Van DeKamp’s fish filets (hubby loves): we buy the large 26 piece bag and I freeze 4 at a time for us for a meal–they used to be under $10 for the bag–yesterday? $14.83!!!!
    and those swiss rolls? $4.53 a box! (used to be $2.58 a box)
    shelves were emptier than normal. but labor day weekend coming up, so…

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    1. Wow! Big difference! I just ordered a few things on-line from WM and the biggest price change I noticed was the cat litter. Used to be just over $10 for 20 lbs, now over $14. Speaking of cats….Little Man was over by my lilac bush last evening – I called him and he came running for some loving and some cat food. He still has that sore behind his ear and it seems to be getting bigger…..sigh….

      Very interesting open! I had not heard of the Alaska Triangle. Pragmatic me says…wilderness is gonna wilderness so…..altho the energy vortex certainly sounds plausible. Demons? Aliens? Bigfoot? Nah…..I don’t think so….one thing that isn’t mentioned is “planned” plane crashes… Stevens…would I swear on the Bible that the following somewhat “over-the-top” article is 100% accurate? Not in a million years….having said that, the belief that he was murdered has been widespread for a long time.

      From 2012: EXCERPT: “Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was the longest-serving Republican senator in US history, serving from 1968 until January 2009. Senator Stevens was killed [Assassinated] on 9 August 2010 when an amphibious single engine DeHaviland DHC-3T airplane he was on crashed into the side of an Alaska mountain near the Bristol Bay fishing town of Dillingham, while on a fishing trip.

      Senator Stevens controlled the nation’s purse strings as chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee before losing his reelection bid in 2008 in the midst of a corruption scandal laying charges he failed to report over $250,000 in home renovations along with other gifts from an oil executive. Stevens was convicted, but the case was later thrown out due to prosecutorial misconduct, including exculpatory evidence being withheld from Stevens’ defense lawyers.

      In 1998, John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me how the elites are planning to assassinate senator Sevens, also an elite, in a staged “airplane crash into the side of a mountain” because they are afraid of the information he has could be reveled when they try to publicly oust him from office to advance their agenda.”

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      1. I thought that too–assassination–but i didn’t go there.
        i heard about the triangle on the blacklist–and since they were correct in so many conspiracy theories about the cabal and such–i wanted to see if it was real…
        it is apparently and more planes have disappeared since then–but like you said wilderness gonna wilderness

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    1. Speaking of Huma and her pervert hubby…..what DID happen to his computer that had copies of a whole lot of evidence against Killary? You know, that laptop the NY cops confiscated and then buried? Same SD of NY legal-beagles involved with the Seth Rich cover-up, I do believe….!

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        1. And don’t forget Debbie Wasserman-Shultz – her brother is a prosecutor with the SD of NY; i.e,., Seth Rich debacle, with ties to the Awan brothers. That POS Sheriff Israel (Parkland) is also her neighbor.


  6. okay…I LOVE this conspiracy theory-it’s so far off the wall it’s gotta be true…LOL
    ghislane maxwell invented an imaginary cellmate–whenever weird happened she blamed it on A-17–the imaginary cellmate: (from the article)

    During Ghislaine Maxwell’s first interview after being arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial, she made some very peculiar statements. They were so off-the-wall that they were certain to be included in any post-interview write-ups. Here’s what she said:

    ‘Mysterious’ events have led her to create an imaginary cellmate, despite the fact she has been in solitary confinement from the start, with a light being shone into her cell every 15 minutes to ensure she has not self-harmed.

    ‘Strange things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a ‘cellmate’ called A-17 so when something strange happens I blame it on A-17.’

    so the theory is that was “code” to let her captors know she had created a “secret” file and if anything happened to her, it would be released.
    AND what is listed in the inventory report of things that they took from REALPOTUS at Mar-a-lago? A file named A-17…..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LOL

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        1. IDK, Pat – I think it is VERY dangerous to underestimate the intelligence of these traitors who are, in reality, running this clusterfuck! Mueller/Comey/Obama/Clintons, ad nauseum, have been at this for a VERY long time! Add in their handlers, the globalists and, well….I put NOTHING past them!

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  7. Good morning! Sliding on down….I was finally able to upload last night’s sunset pics to Imgur this morning…..tried over and over and over last night, never did go thru – zipped right thru this morning!!! It is apparently an issue with Imgur – LOTS of complaints about it.

    After a bit of editing and zooming….

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      1. Pfftttt….pissy little “storms!” A little wind, some sprinkles off and on, a few big lightning strikes in the distance, and done! And now they say the heat is going to continue into the week-end – 90’s again for a few days, then Sunday (I think) a high in the 70’s!

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  8. EXCERPT: “After controversy erupted at an Aug. 17 school board meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida, the School District of Palm Beach County School Board walked back a policy that would have required medical data for student athletes to be submitted online via Aktivate, a digital platform connected to Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

    The policy would have required all mandatory forms and medical data for the registration of middle school and high school athletes to be submitted via the Aktivate platform, instead of in paper form. Aktivate is a private company, founded in 2021, that designs and markets software for the registration of student athletes and the submission of their medical data.

    Although the school board is said to have been aware it would be signing a contract with Aktivate as early as February 2022, finalizing that deal in May, parents and athletic personnel were not consulted and not informed until July, shortly before athletic registrations for the new school year were to begin.

    The policy of mandatory registration of student athletes through the Aktivate platform was also reportedly not discussed at school board meetings until several parents brought the issue to the agenda for the Aug. 17 meeting. Concerns were also raised about the usability of the software and the privacy of students’ data.

    Watch the meeting below with public comment starting at 1:57:

    It was such concerns that prompted the school board to walk back the policy just two days after the contentious meeting, making the registration of student athletes through Aktivate “optional” instead of a requirement.

    In a call that went out from the school district to parents on Aug. 19, the district informed them that registration through the Aktivate platform was no longer mandatory, and claimed that “confidentially concerning student information is a priority of the school district.”

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  9. Entire Article @ CHD:

    “Healing from childhood trauma is what equipped Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., to see through what he described as public health officials’ orchestrated fear tactics during the COVID-19 pandemic. On a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Ladapo told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., how the predominant public health response to COVID-19, primarily driven by fear, resulted in ineffective public policies.

    Ladapo — who recently authored the book, “Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health” — said that at the beginning of the pandemic, “There weren’t many voices” in the U.S. public health sphere, and that 95-98% of public health officials were “really saying the same thing in terms of nonsense about, ‘stay in your house and avoid other human beings because they could kill you or you could kill them.’”

    To Ladapo, a highly distinguished graduate of Harvard Medical School and well-published medical researcher, fear — not sound public health science — was driving the messaging.

    “The week that Governor Newsom shut down the state of California, I was working in the hospital at UCLA Ronald Reagan in Los Angeles, and some of the patients I took care of were patients with COVID,” Ladapo said. “So not only did I get to take care of patients with COVID that week, but I also got to see what was happening around me.”

    Ladapo said he saw the hospital leadership and administration “in full-out panic.” He also saw panic and fear in patients, “some of whom were actually completely fine, but who thought they were going to die” because of what they were seeing and reading in the news.

    Believing the government response to the pandemic was ineffective, Ladapo wrote a series of articles for USA Today and The Wall Street Journal criticizing lockdown measures and arguing the health system “would be less burdened if more patients were treated before they require hospitalization, and there are promising therapeutic options that patients can administer themselves at home.”

    Ladapo’s outspokenness and his approach to handling the pandemic caught the eye of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who appointed him as the state’s surgeon general in September 2021. But Ladapo said he wasn’t always so clear-headed in the face of fear. Kennedy, who wrote the foreword to Ladapo’s new book, asked him to tell the “fascinating story” of how he went from being “literally disabled by fear during more than half your life” to a leading voice in U.S. public health policy.

    Ladapo said his experience as an abused child rendered him incapable of connecting emotionally with other people and left him chronically afraid. “I didn’t know the extent of the effect that experience had on me until my life kind of fell apart when I fell in love with my wife,” he said, because “one of the things about love” is it takes “all the things that aren’t working in your life” and “brings them to the surface.”

    “I was afraid of everything — and I’m not exaggerating,” he said. “Literally … the frequency in which I lived and operated was the frequency of fear.” At the prompting of his wife, Ladapo worked with a former Navy SEAL, Christopher Maher, who helps people who experienced trauma deal with fear and being emotionally “stuck.”

    Maher used “a combination of Chinese medicine techniques” and other techniques designed to increase the flow of energy, or chi, in the body. Ladapo said he doesn’t fully understand but is nonetheless a beneficiary of the techniques. The work helped him connect with others emotionally and move beyond living in fear.

    Kennedy pointed out that fear in the form of an intuitive, instinctual knowing can be useful, according to Gavin de Becker, author of “The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence.” De Becker wrote the afterword to Lapado’s book.

    “He [de Becker] talks about fear ultimately as a gift if we handle it correctly,” said Kennedy, “but he also knows what happened during this pandemic is that sinister forces can manipulate people by orchestrating fear in order to promote an agenda.”

    Lapado agreed, acknowledging there’s a difference between the “gift” of fear as intuitive knowing and the kind of fear that shuts down people’s “frequency of joy and openness and expression and curiosity.” “That’s a different phenomenon,” Lapado said. “Same word, but it really means different things.”

    Listen to the podcast here:

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  10. Oh, dang it!!! I just missed a gorgeous pic!!! The male WP, a BJ and 5 finches/sparrows, all eating seed together within a 2 foot radius on my walkway!!! Two BJ’s in the garden bed going after the berries on the honeysuckle!!! I’ve got to figure out what to do to get around the screen…there is glass in the top of the door but I’d have to stand on a chair…..hmmm…..

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  11. EXCERPT: “A college student who suffered a blood clot after getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been given a temporary reprieve from his school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The Michigan State University (MSU) student, 19, was granted a medical deferment until Nov. 24, according to communications reviewed by The Epoch Times.

    No reason was given for the reversal, which came after school officials denied a request for a medical exemption and the appeal of that denial. The student, whose name is not being made public at this time, received a Pfizer primary series in the fall of 2021 because of the school’s mandate, according to his vaccination card and his lawyer.

    After that, he experienced blood clotting in his left leg, according to medical records reviewed by The Epoch Times. The student, a football and lacrosse player, had to miss time on the field due to the serious issue, lawyer Jenin Younes with the New Civil Liberties Alliance told The Epoch Times.

    Younes raised the issue on social media this week, saying the school “has denied a medical exemption from its booster mandate to a 19-year-old student who suffered from a blood clot in his leg two months after the second shot that sent him to the ER, put him on crutches, and from which he has not yet fully recovered.”

    The post went viral, drawing nearly 15,000 shares and likes on Twitter. The school sent the medical deferment notice the next day. Based on the timing, the attention prompted the reversal, Younes speculated. The school didn’t respond to a request for comment.


    MSU received a medical report finding persistent clotting as of July 18, as well as a letter from a physician who reviewed the student’s records and said that there were “no other events” apart from vaccination that would explain the clotting. The doctor, whose name is being withheld, said in the letter:

    “While one cannot definitively link his extensive leg [clotting] to his 2nd vaccination, the absence of another explanation raises some concern. If there is an underlying and yet undetected proclivity to clotting in Mr. [redacted] potentially exacerbated by the mRNA vaccine, given no sustained community benefit to him receiving a COVID-19 booster, insisting that he do so is, at the very least, medically, and epidemiologically unwarranted and potentially dangerous.”

    The Pfizer vaccine is built on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.”

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  12. Time for an update from Filly’s Mini-Zoo!!! Some background is required, of course….ala the issue with taking pics thru the screen door — I decided to prop the door open, with it lined up perfectly for me to take pics from where I sit. Ha! NOW I’ll get some good shots!!!

    Then I went about doing my watering… I was doing the hanging baskets under the CW tree, who shows up but Little Man on the other side of the fence. He went around to the gate, climbed over and proceeded to follow me everywhere I went. Walked right into the patio and made himself at home!!!

    Had I left the inside patio door open, I have no doubt he would have just sashayed right on in! Jake, of course, was fit to be tied, watching thru the doors! I had to shut him in the BR – usually, when I walk down the hallway and say, “Let’s go,” he runs in front of me in hopes I’ll watch him eat. This time, I had to catch him and CARRY him to the BF! ROFL!!

    Little sucker just laid out on the outside ledge of my patio and chilled…..pretty eyes, don’t you think? “Hi, Mom! Got food?!?” SMDH

    He followed me thru the garage and all around the front – going back thru the garage, he was pulling a Jake-move….when DID they discuss this??!!??….throwing himself on the floor in front of me and trying to trip me! I swear….I just can’t win!!!! Now, he is all laid out surveying his apparent new domain out by the shed……

    He immediately started rubbing his cheek everywhere to leave his scent – man, is Jake ever going to be busy the next time he goes out on the patio!!! He won’t know where to smell first!!! ROFL

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  13. Interesting result on uploading pics from my camera to Imgur. I tried and tried and tried with a pic I had NOT edited – no go! I opened it, edited the size, and re-saved it? FLEW right thru!!! It is definitely something with the interface with my camera…..

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      1. I looked it up – I would have to go thru this incredibly long and complex process to install some kind of programs….and I’m just not capable of doing it. I’d lose my patience very early in the process! Screw it!

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  14. Since the time is coming quickly for at least two weeks when I will be moving the Vinca vines in at night and back out in the morning, I wanted a way to move all 3 buckets at one time. A cardboard flat is kind of flimsy….so I made use of a wire hanging basket that Marilyn gave me….

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  15. so the irs sent stimulus checks to convicted felons who might be death row…over ONE BILLION DOLLARS

    More than 1.1 million incarcerated individuals received COVID-19 stimulus checks, totaling over $1 billion dollars, according to internal data provided by the IRS.

    Roughly 163,000 of those recipients are individuals serving life sentences without the possibility of parole, the IRS told Rep. Don Bacon (R., Neb.) in a letter exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said that his agency does not possess data on how many of those individuals with life sentences may also be facing the death penalty. A study by the left-wing Sentencing Project found that life sentences are most commonly given to individuals convicted of homicide and rape.

    “The American Rescue Plan was reckless in the amount of massive spending with no off-sets,” Bacon told the Free Beacon. “Giving stimulus checks to death row inmates is a glaring example. This bill triggered the worst inflation in 41 years, costing the average family $500 a month. The poor suffer the most.”

    The total cost of these payments is estimated to be at least $1.3 billion.

    Republican lawmakers such as Bacon and Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.) warned in 2021 that President Joe Biden’s nearly $2 trillion stimulus package lacked appropriate guardrails. After reports came out showing terrorists including the Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev received a $1,400 stimulus check, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler apologized for giving Cotton “two Pinnocchios” over his concerns.

    The IRS’s disclosure of criminals receiving stimulus checks highlights how the federal government’s unprecedented spending spree passed with little oversight. The Small Business Association admitted in May that it had no plan to stop fraudulent loan applications for its nearly $1 trillion Paycheck Protection Program.

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  16. the congressional aide had an arrest warrant issued for him, he resigns from one post AND joins another…they never get punished, just rotated
    The chief of staff for Democrat Rep. Jake Auchincloss who was caught defacing posters outside of GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s office has resigned from his post.

    Chief of Staff Tim Hysom will step down Friday, according to Rhode Island TV station WPRI-12.

    “I appreciate Tim’s service in my office and wish him all the best in his new endeavor,” Auchincloss told the TV station.

    Hysom will reportedly be joining a different congressional office, after working for Auchinson for about a year.

    In June, Greene, a firebrand conservative, revealed the U.S. Capitol Police force had issued an arrest warrant for Hysom after he was repeatedly caught on surveillance camera putting stickers on one of the congresswoman’s posters outside of her office.

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  17. Holy cow! If you like the English-style, skinny slicing cukes, these are the seeds to buy!!!! Ordered from Gurneys, first harvest 2020, 2nd in 2021, 3-4 vines and I was picking 2-3 cukes every day at least a foot long: “CUCUMBER, Tasty Green Hybrid (Cucumis sativus)” – I’m getting 2-3 every week or so just from the two volunteers!!!!

    About those cukes in the barrel that I planted for shits and giggles…remember I said I just couldn’t pull them but I was positive they wouldn’t be producing due to issue of the water dropping to the bottom….guess what? They’ve got blooms, which means cukes!!!! Huh… continually soaking with the hose worked!!!!

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      1. Oh, yes….this is the barrel that was over on the NW fence line in the hot sun all afternoon and I moved the 150+ lb barrel on my hand-truck over by the shed first; but it was still too much afternoon sun, so I moved it under the tree. It gets a good bit of morning sun there and afternoon sun late….but it wasn’t blooming or showing any progress so I figured the vines were too burned up. Surprise, surprise!!!

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  18. I was out cleaning off the adirondak chairs and the swing and the hummers kept giving me grief…LOL…like i need their permission to be out there when i’m not refilling their feeders…lol

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  19. G’day … hope y’all are having a good day … I slept in ’til almost Noon!

    must have needed it …

    a very introspective day I am having …

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            1. I’ll be looking forward … you probably don’t recall … I used to ride … Hunter, English style … loved it! None of the grands were interested. In fact, grandson is scared of horses! Sadly …

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          1. Smarty! You’re still a cutie!

            Alaska is interesting … moreso today than yesterday as your Open informs! Enjoyed reading.

            On a sad not … Sara Palin lost her race last night… it was a “Special” Election … the DIM will only be in office ’til Nov. when Sara will run again. Hopefully win this time.

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              1. can you believe int he middle of an election cycle, our stupid election commission (in PA) inserted mail in ballot requests into the voter registration forms?

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              2. Yes, it’s been seeping away …

                We are now merely consumers … we export very little… mostly war.

                The world is no longer unipolar, ruled by the empire of lies and deceit … we are a multipolar world and the natives are good and angry. We will soon lose the petrodollar and thereafter the reserve dollar… petro will be a mixed bag of national currencies . The world is no longer afraid of the “Bully” … and we are $18/25 Trillion USDs in DEBT. The economy is in the pits …

                We have a rough journey ahead … further decline. Not just my view…

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              3. I’m usually “Mary Sunshine” … never the pessemist(sp) … but I’m digging as deep as I can, and I don’t see how …

                Sorry to bring up religion, but I believe we are created with Free Will… and if God intervenes in earthly affairs … why would He intervene and help the “Bully” ? That’s the rock and the hard place I’m in … and I can’t gloss over it by sayin’ – that Americans are good and the gov’t is bad, so He will save our Country … when our Country has been the Bully since at least 1945 (I was born in ’40 and lived most of the years we have been terrorizing the parts of the world without an army but plenty of resources), and Americans (and the Europeans since the formation of the Union) have enjoyed their superior life style because of our bullying…
                we have turned a blind eye. Even now, after most realize war is a racket, they still SUPPORT our gov’t killing foreigners … heck they don’t even pay attention to news about it. (I’ll shut up now)

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              4. His ways are not our ways. I have never considered the Lord as a throw out the baby with the bathwater type. He provides avenues for redemption…it’s our choice to follow that path or another.
                some things are beyond our control.
                but i refuse to condemn an entire country as bullies because of the actions of those in power.
                i worked for everything I have–since i was 14–i was put thru hell and survived. no one “gave” me a good life–I worked for it.

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  22. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two religious postings. here’s one I found that I liked.

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  23. EXCERPT: “Story at a glance:

    – On Aug. 17, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly admitted the agency’s COVID-19 response “fell short,” and that an internal reorganization has been launched to improve response times and data sharing, and to make health guidance easier to understand. Six days before this announcement, the CDC published updated COVID-19 guidance, now matching what “misinformation spreaders” have called for all along.

    – The vow to revamp fails to take into account the real reasons why people no longer trust the CDC, namely their dishonesty, their suppression of science that doesn’t fit the Great Reset narrative and their protection of Big Pharma at the expense of American lives, including children and pregnant women.

    – Despite widespread failures and blatant corruption within the CDC, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) is asking for a bigger budget. Its proposed budget for 2023 is $1.7 TRILLION in mandatory spending and another $127.3 BILLION in discretionary spending.

    – Of those budgeted trillions, the CDC will in 2023 receive about 1% of the HHS budget, or $10.6 billion — $2.3 billion more than its 2022 appropriation — and this includes “mandatory funding to establish a Vaccines for Adults program.”

    – The CDC being wrong on everything about the pandemic — and taking two and a half years to admit even a fraction of it — is proof positive that centralizing health care decisions is a bad idea. Ideally, all that HHS money should be divided among the states. We’d be far better off with local community programs handling current HHS services — including pandemic response.

    After botching the COVID-19 response in every possible and improbable way, the CDC now wants more money — and more power.

    On Aug. 17, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly admitted the agency’s COVID-19 response “fell short,” and that an internal reorganization has been launched to improve response times and data sharing, and to make health guidance easier to understand.”

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  24. EXCERPT: “A bill that would have allowed California children ages 15 and older to be vaccinated without parental consent went “inactive” Wednesday. State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who authored Senate Bill 866 (SB 866), announced he will not put the measure up for a vote in the California Assembly because it does not have enough support to pass.

    Wiener said in a statement the bill, which would have lowered the age of consent for all vaccines — including the COVID-19 vaccine — to 15, was “several votes short of 41” needed to pass, with no “viable path for these final few votes.” He also tweeted his response regarding the outcome of the bill:

    While Weiner attributed the bill’s failure to a “small” but highly vocal and organized “minority of anti-vaxxers,” many Californians said the bill faced growing bipartisan opposition.

    Californians rise up – “The tide has officially turned in California,” Nicole Pearson, attorney and founder of Facts Law Truth Justice, told The Defender in response to Weiner’s announcement. Pearson continued:

    “What happened Wednesday was not the product of a minority, fringe, extremist group. It was the result of thousands of tireless hours of millions of Californians uniting, educating and empowering each other, and rising up together to take our seats at the political table where we belong and have the right to be.

    “It was the product of measured, respectful, informed, consistent efforts from Californians from all political, religious, racial and professional backgrounds, meeting with their elected representatives to educate and inform them and ensure that they represent and protect the will of the people.

    “While we as lawyers — and doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, concerned citizens and human beings — still have a tremendous amount of work to do to truly turn our state around, today marks a tremendous moment in California history. Today marks the day that we know that we have the power and right to turn our communities into exactly what we want them to be.”

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