Joe Biden is NOT Incompetent

He’s not the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s not incompetent!

I do not believe Joe Biden is incompetent in the least.  I think he is influence peddling as he’s done his entire political career. His physical and mental health may be declining, but Biden knows exactly what’s happening.  He bargained away his presidency for a 6-figure salary, a lifetime pension, and extensive perks. The senile, old man routine is a cover –not just for Biden–but for the person BEHIND Biden pulling the strings.

I believe in the run up to the 2020 election, Democrat leadership was presented with a roster of unlikeable, obnoxious candidates.


None of them were personable enough to capture a significant percentage of the population’s support.  As we watched the prospects drop out one by one, deals were being made.  I contend that Democrat leadership settled on the candidate they preferred for the president and vice president—Biden, who would be the most pliable once in office, and Harris who would check off the most boxes in the vice presidential position. 

Dumb and Dumber

I believe after seeing the roster debate and falter in the polls, deals were struck…concessions were made.  I believe that is what we are seeing play out on the national stage…the fruition of those deals. He is being instructed, not guided or advised, but told what to do.  Biden is not enacting policies or pursuing goals of his own because he is incompetent and has no idea what he is doing.  No, Biden is doing what he has always done when it comes to politics…selling out his position, his influence. 

10% for the “big guy”…

For instance, when Senator Warren bowed out of the presidential race, she traded her campaign run for a college free-for-all and Biden is trying to find a way to accomplish that in repayment.

free college? so she can charge more than $450,000 per class?

Similarly,  Harris, Warren, Booker, Gillibrand, Klobuchar and Sanders all supported the Green New Deal and lo and behold Biden is destroying our economy pushing those exact ideals—shutting down the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office—trying to shift the economy from fossil fuels to renewables—damage be damned.  Incompetence?  Hardly.  Biden is fulfilling his half of the deals that were made giving him the top Democrat spot.  He is repaying the debts he incurred when the others abandoned their campaigns.

This is not to imply Biden is calling all the shots.  He is BEING controlled.  He sold his position out and is taking orders from Obama in my opinion (who is also being controlled). 

smugness is ugly

But here’s the thing, making Biden SEEM incompetent is the goal in my opinion, because when the time is ripe, when there is an uprising against this administration, and it seems inevitable to me, the higher ups need a fall guy.  And THAT’S the true position Biden bought.  The higher ups may walk away scot free and leave Biden on his own to assume all the blame. 


And this is where Biden displays sheer genius. Biden is playing up the role as an incompetent, feeble old man—banking on public sympathy when the inevitable happens—hoping for leniency. By portraying an aging, bumbling buffoon, he hopes to mitigate the inevitable consequences of selling out his country.   It is not treason, it is stupidity.  It is not deliberate, it is mental decline.  In fact, it is the premise his entire administration is trying to project.  But I don’t buy the act for a minute.

I concede there might be some manipulation of prescription medicines causing some of the gaffes—the blank stare—the interruption of thought processes, but that is a deliberate attempt to create the appearance of a senile old man.  In reality, we have a cold hearted, calculating, sellout currently squatting in the White House. He is on a mission to fulfill Obama’s fundamental changing of the United States.  He is not incompetent, he is diabolical.

245 thoughts on “Joe Biden is NOT Incompetent

  1. Morning All!
    what a morning already!
    I had three orioles sitting on the deck railing, singing for jelly (I take it in at night cuz of da bears)…
    I took the hummer feeders out wearing my red sweatshirt jacket–one got right up in my face! ballsy little guy–I am a bit bigger than him!
    and last evening just before dark, we had a fox visit! he was mostly gray but had patches of red on his chest and hind legs…gorgeous tail tho!

    and I have apple turnovers in the oven in case duchess fires up the cessna

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning! The storm/cold front is moving thru – not bad but kind of windy now and then – only 64 now but the temp is heading back into the mid-to-high 90’s again in a few days. I’ll wait a bit before I put the big jelly feeder and the thistle feeder out but the small one is always out, no matter what, plus they have the nectar. Yeah, that’s one of the things I love about hummers – they’ve got balls!!! The Orioles keep their distance but chatter and scold the whole while!

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    1. Liked by 2 people

  2. Hmmmm….my opinion on this one is…..I think it’s a combo deal – yes, he is losing more and more of his faculties, but yes, he also sold out from the gitgo and this was planned, with agreements made among all the players. I do think that they underestimated the reaction to their treasonous activities by the general public. More and more people are coming to realize every day that the media can’t be trusted and when the pocketbook starts taking the kind of hits we’ve had lately? Yeah, people start paying attention! I think, to some degree, they are ALL puppets to the globalists, who are really driving this debacle. Obummer is, indeed, nothing but a puppet and not the sharpest tack in the box either!

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    1. I’ve been mulling this over for a while. we’ve been conned so many times before by the left and his actions are no exception.
      the “senility ploy” is his insurance policy that he doesn’t have to face treason charges–he will be deemed mentally incompetent and allowed to live the rest of his life in luxury.
      that’s why it’s an act–I’m not saying he’s not getting older –but the tripping, the coughing, the blank stares…sorry…I ain’t buying it.
      cameltoe could initiate 25th amendment stuff –and that’s the ONLY way she’d be prs…so why hasn’t she?
      she can be a puppet as well as ultra maggot

      Liked by 1 person

        1. i agree on that part.
          I am saying ultra maggot is playing up the old man part in order to escape treason charges later…his wife will insist she saw the decline in office…etc…
          rather than have him in jail.
          this is an act. he knows what he’s doing.

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          1. I agree that he is playing it up but….aw, hell – you’re probably 100% correct – in spite of all of this BS, there is still a smidgeon of naivete in me…..I don’t know how to “play a part.” I’m just me, no matter what the circumstances may be.

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            1. my first husband was a consummate liar. sometimes he lied so much, he actually started believing his own lies. frightening to watch from this side of it.
              but some learn to live the lie.

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              1. My last hubby was a good liar, too. But his brother was even worse. Remember the story I told about moving the horses from Ocala? 5 year old Megan rode with me in my truck. Some months later, they came to our place for a BBQ and Mark’s brother was there – IDR his name at the moment. We had a table set up on the screened-in patio with the food items. Megan asked me for something and I told her it was on the patio. She said she didn’t want to go out there because “the other Mark” is there and he scares me. He literally looked evil! And man, was he ever!

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              2. I still get choked up when I recall what she said to me when we crossed into VA: “Thank you, Miss Judy, for bringing the trailer for my Raisin!” That was the circus pony they had adopted who had been badly abused. I get goose bumps every time I think of that! That was at the end of almost 14 hours on the road, thru the night!

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  3. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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  4. Oh FFS! Come on, Ron Johnson! No, I do NOT “feel sorry for the Biden family for the tragedies they’ve experienced!” THEY BROUGHT THIS ON THEMSELVES!!!! He just said that on Maria’s show!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. see…THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!!!
      feel sorry for them, for him, for what the office has done to him…
      LENIENCY for someone who should be made to stand for treason imo

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        1. it’s part of the package–why do you think ultra maggot brings it up so often?
          to keep reminding us of his “tragedies”…to keep feeling SORRY for him…to garner SYMPATHY.
          he is MANIPULATING!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. True……I don’t know if I’ll ever be good about seeing things like that. It is so entirely foreign to me…..funny that my SIL is manipulative like that and yet at one time, he accused ME of being manipulative. SMH

            Liked by 1 person

  5. shaking my head….
    a lawyer filed a claim that Happy (an elephant in a NY Zoo) has the right to be free. And this case made it to NY Court of Appeals who voted 5 to 2 that she is not human and does not have an inherent right to be free…
    are you still with me? while our rights are being curtailed, some want to elevate the rights of animals. where is this going do you think?

    So, let’s free Happy. And free Willy. And free dogs, cats, pigs, cattle, and gerbils. Let’s give squirrels the vote and make it a crime to kill a cockroach. None of these things would likely even be controversial to today’s progressives, many of whom are so insane they believe humans (other than themselves, of course) are a virus, a scourge on the planet.

    Given the fact that one can now “identify” as just about anything one wishes, I am somewhat surprised the Court ruled as it did. I mean, California effectively ruled that bees can be fish. What if Happy identifies as a human?

    My guess is the New York Court of Appeals only declined to grant Happy her freedom because she is an elephant, the symbol of the Republican Party.

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  6. a member of the “squad” details what he thinks will happen if america does not vote for dems in nov…
    The January 6 commission would cease to exist, the findings will be completely suppressed and will not be admitted into any further investigations while the GOP will be in power. They would impeach president Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward. It would also embolden Republicans and the far-right and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House but the Senate the White House and state houses across the country.

    And We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war. So that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election.

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  7. EXCERPT: “The Government of Canada has confirmed that the vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths to have occurred across the country since the middle of February 2022, and 70% of those deaths have been among the triple vaccinated population.

    The Government of Canada produces a daily Covid-19 Epidemiology update, in which they sporadically provide new data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths as and when they feel like it. The following table is taken from their 14th June update, found here, and shows the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status up to May 29th 2022 –
    Unfortunately, the Government of Canada is attempting to deceive the public by providing a tally of cases, hospitalisations and deaths that stretches all the way back to December 14th 2020. By doing this they’re able to include a huge wave that occurred in January 2021 when just 0.3% of the population of Canada was considered fully vaccinated.
    But thanks to the ‘Wayback Machine‘, we’re able to look at previously published reports by the Government of Canada and do the simple math ourselves to work out the current situation surrounding Covid-19 by vaccination status.

    The following table is taken from a report published early March 2022, and it shows the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status between 14th Dec 2020 and 13th February 2022 –
    Now, all we have to do is carry out simple subtraction to deduce who is accounting for the most recent wave of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in Canada, and these are the results…

    The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 cases across the whole of Canada by vaccination status between 14th Feb and 29th May 22 –

    Canada recorded 429,335 Covid-19 cases between 14th Feb and 29th May 2022, and 376,451 of those cases were among the vaccinated population. With 11,211 cases among the partly vaccinated, 138,086 cases among the double vaccinated, and 227,154 cases among the triple vaccinated.

    This means the unvaccinated population accounted for 12% of Covid-19 cases between 14th Feb and 29th May, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 88%, 60% of which were among the triple jabbed.”

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  8. para59r brought this to the q tree…a good indication of what those dang digital ids can do…

    June 15, 2022 08:23

    Harbinger of Control: China Quells Protests by Turning Covid Passports Red

    Reuters reported Chinese authorities thwarted a protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors seeking access to their frozen funds in Henan province. They did that simply by flipping the health code apps on the phones of the protesters from green to red.

    Reuters noted that without a green code, Chinese citizens are denied access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls. And they no longer are allowed to travel across the country.

    “They are putting digital handcuffs on us,” a depositor from Sichuan province surnamed Chen told Reuters.

    In some regions of China where there are COVID outbreaks, travelers have been required to register their plans online. A Wuhan resident named Wang Qiong said her health code had turned red after she registered to travel to Henan on June 11.

    “The police had my identity details from the last time I went to protest in April,” said Wang.

    She said she has lost access to 2.3 million yuan, which is about $341,550. Reuters spoke with other depositors who said they arrived in the city of Zhengzhou by train or car, but their codes turned red as soon as their phones were scanned in the city.

    Newsweek reported last August that New York, California, Oregon and Hawaii had rolled out digital vaccine passports. The news site cited an article by a senior analyst for the American Civil Liberties Union, Jay Stanley, expressing concerns about how the technology might be used for other purposes aside from vaccination.

    “Given the difficulty of creating a digital vaccine passport, we could see a rush to impose a COVID credential system built on an architecture that is not good for transparency, privacy, or user control,” he wrote in an article titled “There’s a Lot That Can Go Wrong With ‘Vaccine Passports.”

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  9. Sad to say but I think guys like Brown are using their injuries during war time as a prop to win office! Just like that POS ex-Seal who keeps running his danged mouth about “killing Bin Laden!” SEALS DO NOT TALK!!!! Wait and see if HE chooses to run for political office!

    Entire Article @ Fox: “Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt will face Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto in a battleground state race that could be pivotal in Republicans’ efforts to win back control of the Senate.

    Laxalt had 56% of the vote compared to first-time Senate candidate Adam Brown’s 33% when the Associated Press called the race. Laxalt, who served as the state’s attorney general from 2015-2019, was considered the front-runner in the race and was backed by both former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

    Brown, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who sustained serious injuries from a roadside bomb during a 2008 deployment, vowed to defend conservative principles in Washington, D.C., but said he would also advocate for Nevada as its representative in the Senate.

    Brown won the Nevada Republican Party’s endorsement in April.”

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      1. I like the guy, Kent, who’s running in WA – he is ex-CIA. You may not recall but I got into a “discussion” with someone about him, arguing that just because he worked there….etc., etc.

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  10. Entire Article @ Powerline: “First it was Boeing, which announced a few weeks ago that it was moving its headquarters from Chicago to the Washington DC area. Boeing had moved to Chicago from its long-time home in Seattle 20 years ago to “be closer to its customers.” So this move to DC makes sense as the federal government is increasingly a primary “customer” of Boeing products—not just defense material, but its commercial aircraft and other product lines for which the FAA and NASA are now de facto managerial partners.

    Today, heavy equipment manufacturer Caterpillar announced that it, too, is pulling up stakes and moving its headquarters from Chicago to Irving, Texas. Cat has been a pillar of the business community in Illinois for more than 100 years. As the Wall Street Journal reports:

    ‘The maker of construction and mining equipment said Tuesday that its existing office in Irving, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, would serve as its new global headquarters. Caterpillar said that the move from its current base in suburban Chicago would help it grow and that the company wasn’t getting any economic or tax incentives related to the headquarters move.

    The move—expected to affect the roughly 230 corporate employees at Caterpillar’s headquarters—is the latest in a series of recent relocations that have drawn major manufacturers closer to corporate and government customers, and tech giants from Silicon Valley to Texas.’

    I like the sentence that Texas wasn’t offering any tax incentives to Caterpillar for the move. Texas doesn’t need to. Having no personal income tax is tax incentive enough, and that’s available to everybody, not just favored companies. Even the Journal’s conventional (meaning mostly liberal) news pages can’t really conceal this, noting: “Manufacturers have increasingly turned to the Southwest as a destination for new factories, drawn by available space, appealing tax policies and an expanding technology workforce.”

    I wonder if it will occur to anyone in Illinois to ask: “Gee-I wonder if it was something we taxed?”

    Alternative formula: What do you get when you keep your taxes and Democrats down? Prosperity. Chaser (and heh):

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    1. unfortunately being in the southwest, it will also draw illegals to the area…because there will be jobs. and the citizens will be competing with them for those jobs.

      close the border and employ CITIZENS and then you’ll have something good. for now it’s just a freaking beacon for illegals.

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  11. Good Morning…

    Enjoyed your Open Pat… and agree…

    In fact, I think several persons are playing a part!

    Today may bring SCOTUS decision on RvW – or not

    Still on 1st cuppa… check on y’all later ….

    Liked by 2 people

  12. If you haven’t seen Tucker’s show last night – it was a good one, with the sarcasm flowing like a river! You can read it all here or use the link and listen to audio.

    EXCERPTS: “Biden isn’t simply incompetent, though obviously he is. Biden is the single most destructive force in the history of the United States. In just a year and a half, Biden and Ron Klain, his strange, shadowy chief of staff, have done more damage to this country than anybody could possibly have imagined. We read the numbers every night, but they don’t capture it. You know, what captures it? This story.

    This story comes from the reliably liberal financial news outlet CNBC. Here’s the second sentence of the piece: “A rising number of former Californians are migrating out of the country altogether and are instead heading south of the border. Many are seeking a more relaxed and affordable lifestyle in Mexico.”

    Yes, in Mexico, not Switzerland. Mexico. So, things are so bad in Joe Biden’s America that thousands of Americans are voluntarily moving to a Third World country in the middle of a brutal drug war. Yes, there are human heads littering the side of the road in Acapulco, but at least it’s not Los Angeles.

    Darrell Graham works in real estate in Mexico. He says of the people he sells to “at least half are coming down from California… Suddenly the cost of taxes, the crime rates, the politics, all the things that people are unhappy with in California make them want to come down to Mexico.” Another analyst who studies the trend at the Migration Policy Institute says so many Americans are relocating to Mexico right now that locals are being priced out of their own neighborhoods.

    So, it’s mass migration in reverse. It’s pretty amazing.

    No matter how bad you thought this administration was going to be, you probably could not have imagined ever caravans of Biden refugees fleeing our country across the southern border, looking for a better life in Mexico. At this rate, the next stop will be Port au Prince. Say what you will about Haiti, it’s better than Baltimore. Now, one upside of moving to Latin America is like-minded neighbors. Hispanics despise Joe Biden, too. Biden’s approval rating among Hispanic voters in this country has fallen to 24%. That’s his lowest among any demographic group.

    Meanwhile, as of tonight, guess who’s the preferred candidate for 2024 among self-described Latinos? That’s right. The Taco Bowl Guy, Donald J. Trump. Let that sink in for a second. Donald Trump, supposedly the most anti-Hispanic racist this country has ever produced, that man, is far more popular among actual Hispanics than a cringing White liberal like Joe Biden. So, the guy who tried to build a border wall is loved. The guy who uses the word Latinx, not ironically, is hated. Remarkable.
    The one thing Karine Jean-Pierre can say with dead certainty is that Joe Biden is great. Joe Biden is energetic. He’s fully in charge of his faculties. In fact, he’s planning on running again in 2024, by which time all of suburban Chicago will have moved to Haiti in search of a higher standard of living.

    She actually said that, “To be clear, as the president himself has said repeatedly, he plans to run in 2024.” And we can just guess how you feel about that, but how do leaders of the Democratic Party feel about that? He’s their guy, and yet they’re horrified. Even Sandy Cortez, who can defend anything if she has to up and including another pointless neo con war in Ukraine, even she can’t get behind another Joe Biden run. Watch.
    In other words, he’s too freakin’ old. Biden has got dementia. Who knew? Well, actually, they all knew, and they all knew all along, and they should not be allowed at this late date to evade their culpability for knowing and lying about it. They committed this crime. These people are cynical. They’re ruthless. They’re morally disfigured and if you need more proof of that, consider how they’re treating poor Kamala Harris.

    They’ve abandoned Kamala Harris completely. It’s shocking, really, given that just 18 months ago, these very same people were yelling at you about how lucky you were to have this historically Indian, Black female vice president, the very first in history. It was thrilling. They got emotional just thinking about it. Kamala Harris was that wonderful. Here’s a recap.
    “Don’t tell me things can’t change!” Oh, they can change and they have. That was just the other night. We were getting goose bumps listening to it, but now they’re ghosting Kamala Harris like a bad tinder date. They’re pretending she doesn’t exist. In effect, in doing that, the Democratic Party is embracing White supremacy. How? Well, Democratic Party leaders plan to deny Harris a job that she has earned as Democratic nominee and replace her in the next cycle with yet another—wait for it now—White man.

    Let’s try Beto. How about Mayor Pete? Notice a theme here? Pale and male as they are forever telling us because it turns out diversity isn’t actually our strength. Equity and inclusion are fine if you’re hiring middle managers at a big company. You would never hire a middle-aged White guy at Citibank. That’s probably illegal, same with the airlines and hospitals. We’ve got way too many White male pilots and heart surgeons and Supreme Court justices. The Biden administration tells us that constantly.”

    Much more w/video and audio:

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    1. “Yeah, that little girl was me.” Now, that little girl actually grew up in French-speaking Canada, not in the Jim Crow South, but whatever. Look what she’s become. Now, simply because she’s a moron and no one likes or even agrees on how to pronounce her first name, the Democratic Party is trying to throw Harris away, toss her out the window like a used Big Mac wrapper.

      Now, Kamala Harris may be stained with secret sauce, but she deserves more than that. Yes, she does. Mediocrity is no excuse for firing someone. A low IQ, a terrible personality, a total inability to do the prescribed job – those are not reasons to deny someone a job. The Biden administration has told us that repeatedly.”

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    2. doesn’t mexico have a piolicy that only mexicans can own beachfront property or something like that?

      the left wouldn’t have a problem with cameltoe if they had vetted her even a little bit. there is nothing wrong with meritocracy–it weeds out the vapid box checkers.

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  13. EXCERPTS: “Yeonmi Park, who defected from North Korea on a quest for self-preservation and freedom, told Fox News Digital that she is worried freedoms are being lost in America amid what she describes as the left-wing indoctrination in K-12 schools.

    “This is exactly the dictator’s handbook. I mean, it’s [Adolf] Hitler’s youth, Mao’s youth and Kim Il-Sung’s youth. They always go for young children because they have [not] lived their life enough to… have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable, and easy to observe information and believe it and [they’re] innocent,” she said. “And… big killers [who] want to seize power from the people, they always mobilize the youth. And that is the truth that [worries me that], as a parent myself, that I cannot protect my child right now in America.”
    “I’m willing to move anywhere it takes for me to protect my child from this brainwashing,” she said. “So when one more person convert[s] every day like that, we are going to end up like North Korea eventually. So I think it’s our personal responsibility to protect as many people… [and] children as we can from this massive indoctrination coming from the left.”

    Park escaped in 2007 when she was 13; it was a long and treacherous journey to China, Mongolia, South Korea and then to the United States in 2014. “I escaped North Korea when I was 13 years old… And that journey led me to become trafficked in China and sold as a child sex wife… Currently, I’m right now actually fighting for freedom even in America.”

    “A lot of people in America who are born into freedom, they never had to fight for their freedom… I had to fight for freedom… I fought for it… So I think it gives me unique perspective and unique appreciation for what I have here,” she said.

    Park is raising her 4-year-old son in Chicago and says she is concerned about the indoctrination in the daycare she sends him to. “It’s really worrisome because… I cannot afford not to work and… do homeschooling. I have to have him [in the] public education system.”

    The indoctrination includes tenets such as “White privilege” and “White guilt” and, she said, is exactly what North Korea did in the name of “equity.” “[In America,] it’s all about this hierarchy of victimhood. And I see that my son… [is] learning their school, who is privileged, who is guilty,” she said.

    Park added that Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracist socialism, whose concepts are taught in many U.S. schools, terrifies her. She recalls how North Koreans gave up their land and rights for the sake of equality and ended up getting nothing in return.”

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  14. This sounds like one movie I could enjoy and I would do it just to support her!!!

    EXCERPTS: ““Terror on the Prairie” represents a lot of firsts for Gina Carano. It’s her first western, her first time producing a film, and her first project after walking away from the traditional studio system. She knows how many eyes are on her, waiting to see if there’s life after the establishment. And like Hattie McAllister, the homesteader she plays in the film, she’s determined to forge a new path through wild country.

    By now, anyone with even a cursory interest in Hollywood news is familiar with Carano’s fall-out with arguably the most powerful institution in the industry: Disney. Once one of the biggest draws of its hit Star Wars series, “The Mandalorian,” the company Canceled her for voicing political opinions that fell afoul of left-wing orthodoxy. Rather than follow the typical pattern of getting her PR team to do damage control via public mea culpas and conciliatory late-night interviews, Carano fought back, taking her talents to The Daily Wire.

    While doing double duty as a star and producer on “Terror,” Carano took pains to make sure the set operated differently than the one she experienced with LucasFilm. “We did this movie with a cast and crew that all knew what they were signing up for,” she says. “So we had a set where it was like, if you wanted to put a mask on, go ahead. If you didn’t. No worries. If you wanted to get vaccinated, fine. If you didn’t, great. Everybody was a responsible adult and kind of took care of each other. But [they] also took care of making their own decisions.”

    She says that contrary to popular perception, she’s not an especially politically-minded person. But the pandemic compelled her to consider how stifled the conversation within the culture at large, and especially within her own industry, had become. She saw colleagues who were fearful to challenge progressive thinking on COVID mandates or cancel culture, and didn’t think what she was seeing was healthy.

    “You know, it was a health pandemic, but it was more of a pandemic of thought and mind and freedom of spirit, too,” she muses. “I’ve always liked actors that don’t say anything political, but when it came to this timeframe, at this moment, I just felt somebody had to say something.”
    Carano wasn’t the only “Mandalorian” veteran on the set of “Terror,” or the only one with a warning over where the country is headed in regard to stifling debate. Yves Manu, a former assistant director on the streaming series, has seen first-hand the danger that can come from allowing the government to seize power over issues like personal health decisions.

    Originally from the Congo, he fled over civil war. After living for a time in a refugee camp in Malawi, a scholarship brought him to Los Angeles and, eventually, filmmaking. “So I’ve always admired the ability to actually be able to criticize the government and not get killed, right?” he laughs. He shares that as someone who witnessed political oppression up close, it’s been sobering to realize that many Americans don’t realize how tenuous the freedoms they enjoy really are.

    “People don’t really know the gift they have until it’s gone,” he says. “You see all these tyrannical views on saying what other people must do. And it’s like, no, we live in a really complex world. Nobody has the same view on life or the outcomes.”

    On the set of “The Mandalorian,” it was immediately clear to Manu that it would be a bad idea to voice opinions that challenged vaccine and mask mandates. “It was clear who was in power from day one. It was understood, ‘We all side with these guys and not those guys.’ So yeah, I quickly learned to just shut up,” he says.

    While Manu didn’t leave the production over Carano, he was frustrated to see her ousted over a personal belief. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around how we got to a point where if I’ve [a] certain opinion about something that makes you the devil. That’s kind of where I draw the line. I work with anybody who wants to work — you might be as left wing as they come, you might be as right wing as they come, but as long as you have mutual respect for each other, we can work and dine together. That’s the America I came here for.”

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  15. Entire Article @ Slay: “Celebrated filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has thrown down the gauntlet to former Attorney General William Barr and challenged him to a debate over claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” questions the integrity of the 2020 general election and the filmmaker wants to debate the film’s findings with Barr. D’Souza threw down the challenge after Barr laughed when referring to the movie during a recorded deposition.

    The deposition was aired by the anti-Trump House January 6 committee during the televised hearings on Monday. “My opinion then, and my opinion now, is that the election was not stolen by fraud,” Barr said. “And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie,” he added before starting to laugh.

    Committee member Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) asked Barr to provide his assessment of the documentary. Barr responded that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation had looked into the cellphone geo-tracking evidence used in “2000 Mules” by the vote integrity group True the Vote and was “unimpressed with it.”

    True the Vote partnered with D’Souza in making “2000 Mules.”

    I hadn’t seen this video of Barr yet so I didn’t know what people were talking about:

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  16. JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades this a.m.

    Good morning, kids. The results from yesterday’s primaries in South Carolina, Nevada, Maine, and North Dakota are in and Trump-backed or otherwise non-RINO populist candidates roared to victory. The one exception was Nancy Mace, who beat back challenger Katie Arrington. For a recap of all the races, you can click here for Breitbart’s election night live wire, as they seem to have the most extensive coverage.

    The big news of the night, though, came out of south Texas where, in a special election, a seat in an overwhelmingly Latino district that the Democrats have held for 150 years flipped Republican.

    con’t at link

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  17. Entire Article @ The Federalist: “Here is the erstwhile journalism foundation, Poynter, campaigning for red flag laws.

    Here’s a thought experiment:

    Let’s imagine a law that empowered a court to temporarily nullify the free speech rights of journalists who are accused by a third party of being potentially dangerous. Let’s imagine that the nullification could be enforced before the journalist even had a chance to respond to any of the allegations leveled against them. Would Poynter argue that the proper standard of due process was met? Because that’s what numerous red flag laws allow.

    Let’s then imagine that this law demands the journalist prove their innocence, rather than the state prove their guilt, before reinstating First Amendment rights. And until the journalist can offer a compelling enough argument to convince a judge that they would not commit a crime in the future, the state would continue to strip them of their rights. Would Poynter argue that such a law lacked proper due process? (Considering journalism’s embrace of censorship, perhaps not.)

    Let’s imagine now that the law also allowed the free speech rights of journalists to be canceled, not over a pre-crime, but because of “overblown political rhetoric” — as the ACLU, hardly the NRA, warned about Rhode Island’s red flag law. Does Poynter believe people who are offended by, say, social media posts should be able to petition a judge to shut down the rights of individuals? Does that law meet the proper standard of due process? (Again, these days, I’d be nervous to hear the answer.)

    Or let’s imagine that the law also permits cops to show up at the home of the journalist, search it, and demand they hand over property, without offering any evidence that they committed, or ever planned to commit, a crime. Do laws that allow the authorities to circumvent normal evidentiary standards and procedures to help in investigations meet Poynter’s acceptable standard of due process? Because red flag laws allow for that kind of abuse.

    Whether it’s the First or Second Amendment, the underlying due process arguments remain the same. It’s one thing — an authoritarian thing, for sure — to argue that some of our rights are so dangerous that we should now ignore fundamental Constitutional protections, but it’s another thing to claim that even pointing out this reality is “misinformation.”

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  18. EXCERPT: “Moral Relativism: In order for gender to be fluid, reality itself must be relative. To seek “the truth” is offensive because it might step on the toes of “my truth.”

    This brings us back to the easily triggered interviewees. Driven by feelings, moral relativism is all niceness and tolerance until someone pokes at it with an appeal to truth, and then it can only lash out like a child.

    We might read about such responses in anecdotes or articles, but seeing them happen in real conversations on screen makes it starkly clear: Our culture has murdered truth, and as a result, it is a weak and insecure creature. What’s more, it can only destroy itself, because when someone declares that “my truth” is hatred, violence, or terrorism, relativism has no moral power to call it wrong.

    Walsh’s documentary doesn’t offer much in terms of healing mainstream culture, but for anyone who wants to try, examining that culture up close is a key first step. For that, “What is a Woman?” is a must-watch.”

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  19. Crazy fricking weather – had to turn the heat on!!! Jeez! Still only 63 outside and more clouds on the horizon. Hmmm…..sure hope it clears up later so Michael can help me with those danged trumpet vines!

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      1. The bed of my truck is already half-full from last year and this year, with another pile on the driveway – it will probably take 2 trips. I can take them to the dump anytime – it is open 24/7 for trees, limbs, grass clippings, etc. They pile it all up and burn it periodically.

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  20. EXCERPTS: “A Jan. 6 prisoner who was released by a federal judge after being denied cancer treatment for eight months is now “in dire straights,” according to his girlfriend. On March 10, 2021, Chris Worrell was arrested and charged with alleged offenses related to his presence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    According to the March 10, 2021, criminal complaint, Worrell is charged with knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. According to the statement of facts (pdf), the FBI received a tip alleging that Worrell had participated in the breach at the Capitol, but there is no evidence that Worrell entered the Capitol building.

    Worrell’s girlfriend, Trish Priller, was also in Washington that day. In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Priller shared her story of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, and the disturbing events that have transpired over the subsequent 17 months.
    Two months later, on March 11, Worrell and some of his friends headed off for a weekend canoeing trip in northern Florida. It was a Friday, and Priller was home alone when the FBI raided the house.

    “They flash banged me and held me at gunpoint,” Priller recalled. “When I went outside I had all of the lasers on me. They held me in my home for seven and a half hours. During that time they were rifling through everything in the house and I had to sit in a chair and watch them. I couldn’t go anywhere. If I wanted something to drink, they would bring it to me. When I had to go to the restroom I had to go with two agents with me into the bathroom. I was held prisoner in my home for all that time.”

    Five hours into the ordeal, Priller said she was allowed to call Worrell and give the phone to the FBI. The agents agreed that Worrell could come home. During the 3-hour drive back home, Worrell checked in about every 30 minutes to let the FBI know where he was, Priller said. When Worrell arrived, he was immediately handcuffed, searched, and brought into the house. Documents (pdf) show Worrell was taken to Fort Meyers, Florida.

    He was originally granted pretrial release on bond, but a second judge ordered a stay on Worrell’s release, and Worrell was instead transferred to Charlotte County, Florida, where he was held for three weeks.

    Worrell has a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer, and had been managing the illness since he was diagnosed in 2007. He remained at stage one of the illness for several years.
    Priller said Worrell filed hundreds of grievances through the jail, not just for the lack of medical care for his cancer and broken hand but for the deplorable conditions he and other Jan. 6 prisoners were forced to live under.

    “They told him if he keeps putting in grievances they were going to put him in the hole,” Priller said. “and they did. They kept him there for 16 days.”
    When Worrel was released from prison, he hadn’t had any medications for eight months. At that point, he had gone from stage one cancer to stage three.

    “Chris just finished five rounds of chemotherapy and has a follow-up appointment in July for further diagnostic tests,” Priller said, noting that some of his symptoms are already returning. “His medical condition has deteriorated dramatically. His teeth, his skin, so many issues that could have been prevented. Chris is in dire straights.”

    As Priller explained, Worrell now needs multiple surgeries on his mouth and teeth due to radiation treatments “and further complications due to the fact he was using a very specific type of toothpaste that he could not get while incarcerated.” The cost is estimated at about $30,000. Then there is the additional chemotherapy to treat the returning symptoms. For that, he will need at least another $50,000. There is a GiveSendGo account to raise money for Worrell’s treatment.

    In the meantime, Priller said their daily lives are stressed with the constant threat of another visit from the government. “The marshals and pretrial services can just show up any time they want and do a search,” Priller said, “and they do, and you have to let them in. They’re looking to violate you, to see what you’ve done wrong. We have parameters, we have to call in every single day. There’s a lot of rules we have to follow. We have to submit a weekly schedule and call in every Tuesday.”

    She described how there was one instance where she was on the phone with the pretrial officer trying to get their schedule filed on time. Shortly after, the pretrial service officer filed an order (pdf) claiming Worrell violated the conditions of his conditions of release “because he heard keystrokes,” Priller said.

    Stavrou filed a response (pdf) explaining that it was Priller typing in an effort to submit the weekly schedule on time while “on the phone simultaneously with Pre-trial services Officer Tad Parks.” Judge Royce Lamberth accepted the explanation (pdf).

    “I’m being watched and monitored and I wasn’t even the one arrested,” Priller said. “So I am basically imprisoned also.”

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  21. EXCERPTS: “A retired neurosurgeon named Russell L. Blaylock has written the mother of all ‘I told you so’ letters about the Covid-19 pandemic, which he calls the most manipulated infectious disease events in history.

    In the bimonthly peer-reviewed journal Surgical Neurology International, Blaylock lays out the campaign of destructive Covid lies that characterized the federal, state and local government response that was conducted in collusion with Big Pharma.

    “The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies,” Blaylock writes while providing sources. “We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.”
    “Another unprecedented tactic is to remove dissenting doctors from their positions as journal editors, reviewers and retracting of their scientific papers from journals, even after these papers have been in print,” he continued. “Until this pandemic event, I have never seen so many journal papers being retracted— the vast majority promoting alternatives to official dogma, especially if the papers question vaccine safety. Normally a submitted paper or study is reviewed by experts in the field, called peer review. These reviews can be quite intense and nit picking in detail, insisting that all errors within the paper be corrected before publication. So, unless fraud or some other major hidden problem is discovered after the paper is in print, the paper remains in the scientific literature.”

    “We are now witnessing a growing number of excellent scientific papers, written by top experts in the field, being retracted from major medical and scientific journals weeks, months and even years after publication,” he noted. “A careful review indicates that in far too many instances the authors dared question accepted dogma by the controllers of scientific publications—especially concerning the safety, alternative treatments or efficacy of vaccines. These journals rely on extensive adverting by pharmaceutical companies for their revenue. Several instances have occurred where powerful pharmaceutical companies exerted their influence on owners of these journals to remove articles that in any way question these companies’ products.”

    “Worse still is the actual designing of medical articles for promoting drugs and pharmaceutical products that involve fake studies, so-called ghostwritten articles,” the retired neurosurgeon added. “Richard Horton is quoted by the Guardian as saying ‘journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.’ Proven fraudulent ‘ghostwritten’ articles sponsored by pharmaceutical giants have appeared regularly in top clinical journals, such as JAMA, and New England Journal of Medicine—never to be removed despite proven scientific abuse and manipulation of data.”
    The doctor then laid into television and print media for allegedly propagating myths and false claims about pharmaceutical products.


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  22. From Intel Slava

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Residents of Berdyansk, the new authorities wrote off all debts on utility bills for water in the amount of 27,000,000 hryvnia.
    It is also expected to write off debts and loans in Ukrainian banks, as previously stated by representatives of the CAA of Zaporozhye region.

    Similar events are expected in the Kherson region, which will certainly increase the involvement of the population in building a new life in the liberated territories.

    🇷🇺🇺🇦❗The authorities of the liberated territory of the Zaporozhye region plan to introduce social support measures for families with many children, single mothers and people in difficult life situations – Vladimir Rogov, member of the main council of the military-civilian administration of the region

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    1. From Newsweek on June 7: “In Ukraine’s occupied Kherson, a senior pro-Moscow official has explained how the region may eventually become part of Russia.

      Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the Russian-backed Kherson Military-Civilian Administration, was quoted by state-owned media as saying on Tuesday that a there is high chance a referendum will take place in Kherson, as part of a process that may pave the way for the region to join Russia.

      The Kherson region has been almost entirely under the control of Russian forces since the beginning of March, when it became the first major city to be seized by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s troops since the war began.

      Ukrainian authorities and Western intelligence officials have long raised concerns that Russia intends to hold a referendum on the creation of the Kherson People’s Republic in the region, although the Kremlin has so far denied the claims. Ukraine has called plans to hold a referendum in the city a sham.

      The new regional government is already phasing out Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, and introducing the Russian ruble. A referendum on the accession of Kherson to Russia has been planned, Stremousov told reporters on Tuesday.

      “This is likely to be a referendum that will be held in the territory of the Kherson region,” the official said. “And the next stage will be the elections, which we will hold directly on the territory of the liberated Kherson region. And then we will continue to work legislatively,” Stremousov said, noting that it will be up to residents to determine Kherson’s fate. He said the new regional government decided to create a public council that represents the residents.

      Stremousov didn’t elaborate on when the he expects a referendum will be held in Kherson. There is still a lot of work ahead for people to make a decision “in favor of something good, bright,” he said.”

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      1. From IntelSlava

        🇷🇺🇺🇦❗As soon as the Kherson region is integrated into the Russian Federation, the border with Crimea will cease to be a border – Kirill Stremousov

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  23. Listening is an act of love and no one knows this better than the Children’s Health Defense Team. Join Stephanie Loccricchio in getting to the heart of the matter as she invites those who have been profoundly impacted by vaccine injury, medical mandates, censorship and social injustice to share their stories and experiences.

    For further resources about the effects of Covid-19 vaccines, visit this site.

    *The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense

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  24. “So Much Healthier” – Dr. Tapper’s and Dr. Thomas’ Experience With Unvaccinated Children

    Dr. Paul Thomas: How many kids in your unvaccinated population had autism or other chronic conditions?

    Dr. Ben Tapper: “I never had a single one have autism that was unvaccinated … they [moms with both vaccinated and unvaccinated kids] would tell you that unvaccinated kids are healthier. They see it firsthand. They hit their milestones sooner; they’re speaking sooner. They’re just healthier.”


    Special thanks to @TheVigilantFox for the clip!

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  26. as we wait in anticipation of the roe v wade case, remember this DOES NOT outlaw abortion. it merely allows the states to set their own determination about it.
    it moves the fight to the states.

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