Joe Biden is NOT Incompetent

He’s not the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s not incompetent!

I do not believe Joe Biden is incompetent in the least.  I think he is influence peddling as he’s done his entire political career. His physical and mental health may be declining, but Biden knows exactly what’s happening.  He bargained away his presidency for a 6-figure salary, a lifetime pension, and extensive perks. The senile, old man routine is a cover –not just for Biden–but for the person BEHIND Biden pulling the strings.

I believe in the run up to the 2020 election, Democrat leadership was presented with a roster of unlikeable, obnoxious candidates.


None of them were personable enough to capture a significant percentage of the population’s support.  As we watched the prospects drop out one by one, deals were being made.  I contend that Democrat leadership settled on the candidate they preferred for the president and vice president—Biden, who would be the most pliable once in office, and Harris who would check off the most boxes in the vice presidential position. 

Dumb and Dumber

I believe after seeing the roster debate and falter in the polls, deals were struck…concessions were made.  I believe that is what we are seeing play out on the national stage…the fruition of those deals. He is being instructed, not guided or advised, but told what to do.  Biden is not enacting policies or pursuing goals of his own because he is incompetent and has no idea what he is doing.  No, Biden is doing what he has always done when it comes to politics…selling out his position, his influence. 

10% for the “big guy”…

For instance, when Senator Warren bowed out of the presidential race, she traded her campaign run for a college free-for-all and Biden is trying to find a way to accomplish that in repayment.

free college? so she can charge more than $450,000 per class?

Similarly,  Harris, Warren, Booker, Gillibrand, Klobuchar and Sanders all supported the Green New Deal and lo and behold Biden is destroying our economy pushing those exact ideals—shutting down the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office—trying to shift the economy from fossil fuels to renewables—damage be damned.  Incompetence?  Hardly.  Biden is fulfilling his half of the deals that were made giving him the top Democrat spot.  He is repaying the debts he incurred when the others abandoned their campaigns.

This is not to imply Biden is calling all the shots.  He is BEING controlled.  He sold his position out and is taking orders from Obama in my opinion (who is also being controlled). 

smugness is ugly

But here’s the thing, making Biden SEEM incompetent is the goal in my opinion, because when the time is ripe, when there is an uprising against this administration, and it seems inevitable to me, the higher ups need a fall guy.  And THAT’S the true position Biden bought.  The higher ups may walk away scot free and leave Biden on his own to assume all the blame. 


And this is where Biden displays sheer genius. Biden is playing up the role as an incompetent, feeble old man—banking on public sympathy when the inevitable happens—hoping for leniency. By portraying an aging, bumbling buffoon, he hopes to mitigate the inevitable consequences of selling out his country.   It is not treason, it is stupidity.  It is not deliberate, it is mental decline.  In fact, it is the premise his entire administration is trying to project.  But I don’t buy the act for a minute.

I concede there might be some manipulation of prescription medicines causing some of the gaffes—the blank stare—the interruption of thought processes, but that is a deliberate attempt to create the appearance of a senile old man.  In reality, we have a cold hearted, calculating, sellout currently squatting in the White House. He is on a mission to fulfill Obama’s fundamental changing of the United States.  He is not incompetent, he is diabolical.

245 thoughts on “Joe Biden is NOT Incompetent

  1. Reading the discussion about SIDs and vaccines at QTree – found this link but it doesn’t say when the vaccines were given, whether at birth or later. But the vaccines started much earlier than they are speculating. As an example, Combination diphtheria and tetanus toxoids for pediatric use was first licensed in the U.S. in 1947.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good afternoon y’all! With the weather in the upper 90s I have been swamped at work today. I also had to interview a potential new hire so I am late popping in to say hello. Hope all is well with everyone. Gotta eat lunch quick and get back to work.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. More info on vaccines:

    EXCERPT: America had many years of experience with vaccinations. The Puritans provided for vaccinations against smallpox after an outbreak devastated New England. But immunizations weren’t required anywhere in the United States until 1809, when Boston imposed mandatory vaccination to quell recurring outbreaks of smallpox that patchy, voluntary vaccination was permitting. Subsequently, some states adopted similar legislation. Scholars Alexandra Minna Stern and Howard Markel report that incidences of smallpox markedly declined between 1802 and 1840, but made major reappearances in the 1830s and 1870s when public memory of life imperiled by disease had dimmed and “irregular physicians” of the 1850s challenged the practice of immunization with “unorthodox medical theories.” One skeptical leader, British immigrant and reformer William Tebb, claimed, facts notwithstanding, that vaccination induced 80% of smallpox cases. Further, he alleged 25,000 children were “slaughtered” in Britain each year thanks to the program. The arguments were preposterous and contrary to evidence, but resonated with the public.
    In a sense, Jacobson represented the quintessential anti-vaxxer, which may be why his case caught the eye of the anti-vaccination league, which encouraged Jacobson’s recalcitrance and may or may not have provided the Harvard-trained James W. Pickering and Henry Ballard to represent him in court. Eventually the case made its way to the United States Supreme Court. In 1905 the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of the state against Jacobson; the Court having found that an immunization rate of 85-90 percent confers protection on the entire group. The landmark Supreme Court case Jacobson v Massachusetts served as the precedent for future court decisions and the foundation of public health laws.

    The Supreme Court considered the ordinance again in 1922 when some objected to the requirement that school children be vaccinated. Once again, the principle of mandatory vaccination was upheld. By 1969 compulsory immunization laws in twelve states—Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and West Virginia—had expanded to include smallpox, measles, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. Meanwhile, seven states—Arizona, California, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington—found it unlawful to compel citizens to be vaccinated for smallpox while still requiring pre-enrollment immunization for other diseases like measles.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EXCERPT: “On July 1, 1902, Congress passed An Act to Regulate the Sale of Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products (also referred to as the Biologics Control Act), which was the first legislation to control the quality of drugs, specifically the quality of vaccines. [2]

      Later, on Feb. 20, 1905, mandatory vaccination was upheld by the US Supreme Court in Jacobson v. Massachusetts (7-2). [9] In the aftermath of the ruling more states across the country began to implement mandatory child vaccination as a condition of public school attendance.”

      Liked by 1 person

  4. REALPOTUS gets “impeachment revenge”. Fry defeats Rice (who voted for impeachment)


    Trump gets impeachment revenge.

    Rice’s primary defeat in the state’s 7th Congressional District at the hands of state Rep. Russell Fry marks the first time this election cycle that a pro-impeachment Republican has lost at the ballot box. Rice’s loss also delivered Trump his first victory against an incumbent this year.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. no, no, no!
          take pictures demand they make it right!
          imagine the trauma you endured…expecting yellow and getting PURPLE–the color of Barney! you were traumatised as a child by Barney!!!
          you may need therapy now!! how could they be so cruel???

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  5. MadMax has cv again…release the typical statement–I am vaxxed, boosted and happy that it’s not worse…following all the propaganda…i mean protocols…yada yada yada

    Maxine Waters announced on Tuesday she has tested positive for COVID a second time after attending the Summit of the Americas in her home state.

    “Yesterday, after learning of a potential exposure at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, I was notified that I tested positive for COVID. I am currently isolating and have no symptoms,” she said in a statement.

    “I am following all protocols as recommended by the Office of the Attending Physician and CDC guidance. I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots. If you haven’t received the vaccine and/or booster, I encourage you to do so. I am feeling fine and resting at home,” she added.

    The 83-year-old California Democrat, who also tested positive for the virus in April, noted then that she had already received her initial vaccine regimen in addition to two booster shots, according to CBS News.

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also attended the summit, which included Biden and he announced on Monday he had tested positive for COVID a second time.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. weinstein loses appeal—no big surprise–but what was surprising to me–I hadn’t read (heard) about the descriptors the prosecution used to describe him…LOL

    On Thursday, June 2 an appellate body in New York upheld the conviction of Harvey Weinstein. On its face, the ruling could hardly be less surprising. Harvey Weinstein is not the most sympathetic defendant. Nor the most photogenic, as the prosecution in his New York trial repeatedly pointed out. The state’s witnesses and attorneys said that he was “overweight,” “sloppy,” “hairy,” “had moles…on his rolls,” and a “lot of black heads.” They told jurors that he “smelled like…shit” and “just was dirty.” In short, they presented him as so repulsive—in physical as well as moral terms—that no woman would willingly have sex with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two religious postings. here’s one I found that I liked.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. she missed her calling…
      she should be the spokeswoman for IHOP…
      that face could sell all you can eat pancakes!


  8. Politically Incorrect” by Jon McNaughton

    Out on the gun range he stood,
    The embodiment of a man.
    He was neither black nor white,
    A proud American.

    He held a firearm of choice.
    It was his right to own,
    and was trained to use it skillfully,
    For defenses unbeknown.

    The American Dream is real.
    Though ideologies clash.
    He wore a red MAGA hat,
    And a Martin Luther King mustache.

    Who tells you what to think,
    Or how to raise your voice,
    Republican or Democrat,
    Choose life, or be pro-choice?

    You see – ALL Lives Matter,
    And you cannot favor race,
    The Constitution is colorblind,
    Wokeness – a disgrace!

    There is an absolute truth
    Bigoted leftists always forget:
    You cannot sensor people,
    Or the politically incorrect.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. A very high standard, revealed in nuanced translations of scripture…

    A worthy goal I personally am no where near attaining (yet)…

    Acts 20:24

    New International Version

    However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

    King James Version

    But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

    New Living Translation

    But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

    Expanded Bible

    [L But] I don’t ·care about my own life [consider my life worth anything]. ·The most important thing [or My only goal] is that I ·complete [finish] my ·mission [task; course; L race; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1], the ·work [ministry; service] that ·the Lord Jesus gave me [L I received from the Lord Jesus]—to ·tell people [testify/witness to] the ·Good News [Gospel] about God’s grace.

    New American Standard Bible

    But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of God’s grace.


  10. CS Lewis…

    Lewis, grieving the death of his wife, Joy:

    There’s a limit to the ‘one flesh.’ You can’t really share someone else’s weakness, or fear or pain. What you feel may be bad. It might conceivably be as bad as what the other felt, though I should distrust anyone who claimed that it was. But it would still be quite different. When I speak of fear, I mean the merely animal fear, the recoil of the organism from its destruction; the smothery feeling; the sense of being a rat in a trap. It can’t be transferred. The mind can sympathize; the body, less. In one way the bodies of lovers can do it least. All their love passages have trained them to have, not identical, but complementary, correlative, even opposite, feelings about one another.

    We both knew this. I had my miseries, not hers; she had hers, not mine. The end of hers would be the coming-of-age of mine. We were setting out on different roads. This cold truth, this terrible traffic- regulation (‘You, Madam, to the right—you, Sir, to the left’) is just the beginning of the separation which is death itself.

    And this separation, I suppose, waits for all. I have been thinking of H. and myself as peculiarly unfortunate in being torn apart. But presumably all lovers are. She once said to me, ‘Even if we both died at exactly the same moment, as we lie here side by side, it would be just as much a separation as the one you’re so afraid of.’ Of course she didn’t know, any more than I do. But she was near death; near enough to make a good shot. She used to quote ‘Alone into the Alone.’ She said it felt like that. And how immensely improbable that it should be otherwise! Time and space and body were the very things that brought us together; the telephone wires by which we communicated. Cut one off, or cut both off simultaneously. Either way, mustn’t the conversation stop?

    From A Grief Observed
    Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis

    A Grief Observed. Copyright © 1961 by N. W. Clerk, restored 1996 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Preface by Douglas H. Gresham copyright © 1994 by Douglas H. Gresham. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.


  11. ALERT: DC federal judge has DENIED Steve Bannon’s motion to dismiss his contempt of Congress case

    Trial next month

    — Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) June 15, 2022

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  12. I’ve seen some seeming hybrid squirrels in Michigan for the first time this year. They are large, like a Fox Squirrel, with a black body & a darker reddish cast tail that looks more like the tail of a Fox Squirrel. Other than the the tail color & size they look like a Black Squirrel.

    I’ve seen Black Squirrel’s in Northern Michigan all my life. Black Squirrels have been in Metro Detroit for years now & I’m seeing them more frequently these last few years. This new “hybrid” is something different.

    Anyone else seeing these unusual squirrels?

    Liked by 1 person

        1. we’ve got a gray one with brown ears–he’s a PITA…LOL…he comes onto the deck, hides behind the grill and chatters at me…LOL…
          I chase him with the broom!

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          1. The black squirrels here Really like to chase each other around & chatter at each other, especially in our neighbor’s tree. They are fun to watch & seem like it’s Always mating season! 😉

            Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I always thought that Black Squirrels were from Up North, so having them as far South as Detroit is a significant change.

        Are your reddish squirrels Red Squirrels or Fox Squirrels (the only ones in Metro Detroit of my childhood)?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I have no idea – all I know is they are a PITA!!!! Thankfully, the bitch is staying clear of me now and I’ve not seen any other squirrels here. As for the rabbits? That is a different matter entirely! I still have my cantaloupe seedlings covered or they would eat them up in a heartbeat!

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            1. Oh, my! What a saga that was! Here goes: the Starlings always nested in an open space under the eaves of my patio that goes back about a foot. Then I noticed that the moisture from the nest was beginning to rot the plastic piece we put up to block the wind. So I decided the time had come to stop it. I got my 6′ ladder and grabbed my long-handled BBQ fork since I couldn’t reach all the way to the back. I’m pulling the nesting material out bit by bit and suddenly I heard something squeaking and out pops the head of a baby squirrel! Oh, no – that will NOT do! That danged squirrel Mama had caused me untold problems from burying corn kernels in all of my pots and garden beds to destroying my Hummer feeders trying to get to the nectar. So I keep prodding away and he kept skittering back and forth between the beams.

              Finally, I must have poked him because he leapt off the end of the gutter and landed in the grass. Ah, relief! I climbed down the ladder for some reason (IDR now why), then went back to it. Lo and behold, somehow, that little sucker had climbed right back up there. So I’m poking and poking and suddenly, I heard Mama chittering away at me from about 3′ away – she had climbed the next screen over and was scolding me. I kept trying and couldn’t get that sucker out for anything. Finally, I gave up.

              I came back inside and sat down in front of the computer, while keeping an eye out on the patio. I looked out and here she is, with her baby in her mouth, trying to bring him down. Problem was he had his nails dug into the screen – she kept pulling and pulling to get him off while she is hanging upside down. Finally, she got him loose and they jumped down and disappeared.

              Thank goodness! The next day, I went out into my garage to go to Bomgaars in Creighton for planting materials. When I hit the button to open the door, I heard something rustle in the far SE corner, where I have a shelving unit and a bunch of trash cans and other stuff. I walked over and moved a couple of things but didn’t see anything. I just figured it was a mouse or something.

              I came home, closed the garage door and went on about my business. The next day, I was going out to do some weed eating and went thru the garage. Again, when I opened the door, I heard something rustling, even louder this time. I decided that was it – whatever it was, it was going OUT! I moved a bunch of things and saw just the tip of a squirrel’s tail. I guess my garage door must have been open when I chased them out – apparently, she had taken her baby in there. He thought he was hidden but I could still see his tail. Luckily, I already had my gardening gloves on and I grabbed onto him and pulled him out. He’s squeaking and trying to bite me as I walked out of the garage. I held him up for a couple of minutes, hoping Mama would hear him, then tossed him out into the side yard.

              I never saw him again and she gives me a VERY wide berth now. I’ve only seen her a couple of times – one of them was when the blackbirds chased her out of the yard. They both nest in the cottonwood tree, apparently. I’ve only seen her once or twice since then.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. WOW–that is quite the squirrel saga! I think they are so cute, but not living In Our spaces. I’m surprised that squirrel mama even wanted to hang around in your vicinity after all that!

                I Finally got back to reading your story, that I think you wrote on Thursday. I’d seen the lengthy post in the “notifier” while at the library, but was about to get kicked off that system so made a note to go back & read what you’d shared “later”…It seems, in keeping w/ my crazy life, that “later” keeps getting later & later! 😉

                I do have a “problem” with running “late” but don’t feel to bad about it since I Plan on being Late to my Funeral too. ❤

                Liked by 2 people

              2. ROFL – good one! I have no schedule so you do what you need to do when you have to – just wave now and then! LOL – and I always read at M’s because you aren’t the only one I want to keep up on….! 😉😉😘🤗🥰

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              3. That’s so sweet!

                Speaking of keeping up on people, do you know where Angel Staria/Angel at the Gates of War might be? The email I had for him is shut down & I haven’t seen him around for a while. He was Majorly praying for Josiah & I Really want to update him about the wedding & all…

                Liked by 2 people

              4. YW – of course, I hesitated but if they can give you the info you need. I do feel the need to remind you, tho, that the general consensus was, last I heard, to be wary with Angel. OK? But I can’t verify that in any way so… do what’s right for you.

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              5. I’d love you to expand on this, if you wouldn’t mind. I haven’t had contact with him for more than a year, I think. Honestly I was wondering if he was even still alive for I thought he’d been facing very significant health challenges that I’d last heard.

                His sister “Just Stevie” was on some of the blogs, but not on the Q-Tree, where I usually was, so I didn’t see Any of her posts to even inquire…


              6. Honestly, all I know is what others have said…that he isn’t at all what he claims to be and neither is Angie – wasn’t she connected to him somehow…someone named Angie, I thought but maybe not. For some reason, I’m halfway thinking that they are the same person…?

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              7. I don’t know. He said his sister was “Just Stevie” & he seemed to have a connection w/ Bren but I don’t recall beyond that…He’s the one who told me about PHC’s blog after he was kicked off CTH while dying & that was where I learned about the Q-Tree…

                Liked by 1 person

  13. What an encouraging word from CS Lewis!

    On the holy spirit

    It is quite right that you should feel that “something terrific” has happened to you (It has) and be “all glowy.” Accept these sensations with thankfulness as birthday cards from God, but remember that they are only greetings, not the real gift. I mean, it is not the sensations that are the real thing. The real thing is the gift of the Holy Spirit which can’t usually be—perhaps not ever—experienced as a sensation or emotion. The sensations are merely the response of your nervous system. Don’t depend on them. Otherwise when they go and you are once more emotionally flat (as you certainly will be quite soon), you might think that the real thing had gone too. But it won’t. It will be there when you can’t feel it. May even be most operative when you can feel it least.

    From The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume III
    Compiled in Words to Live By

    The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 1950-1963. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.


  14. this is interesting….

    by Kay Smythe
    November 15, 2021

    Rep. Bennie Thompson, the January 6th Commission Chairman, threw his support behind a secessionist group called the Republic of New Afrika (RNA), an unearthed video has revealed.

    According to Just The News, Thompson uttered support for the guerilla warfare secessionist group who attempted to take control of several U.S. states in exchange for peace with law enforcement throughout the 20th century.

    Thompson’s advocacy on behalf of the RNA has been well documented in newspaper clippings, video footage, FBI and local law-enforcement archives. From this evidence, Thompson has been found to blame law enforcement for instigating violence that led to the murder of police officers and brutal attacks on an FBI agent while in contact with RNA group members.

    The RNA has threatened guerilla warfare in the United States since its founding in 1968. The group has been linked to two shootouts: one in New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit, and one in Jackson, MS, where two bombs were found inside of a house raided by the FBI. During the second raid, one officer was killed, with a second wounded along with an FBI agent.

    After these violent incidents, Thompson sided with the RNA. He went so far as to suggest law enforcement should allow the group to proliferate despite their violent methods. Of the FBI actions against the RNA, he said, “I believe this is an attempt on part of law enforcement officials to stop the Republic from building its community.”

    By that point, the FBI had already determined that the group were engaged in multiple violent crimes, and were attempting to stage takeovers of Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia.

    In March 1969, an FBI memo described the RNA as a “black extremist separatist organization.” The group was formed with the explicit purpose of “[forming] a ‘Black Government or Black Nation’ that would negotiate with the United States for several southern states in return for domestic tranquility.”

    As recently as 2013, Thompson campaigned for RNA’s former vice president Chokwe Lumumba to be mayor of Jackson, MS. Lumumba was successful in his campaign, but died suddenly shortly after his election. Thompson referred to Lumumba as a friend, having known him since 1974.

    Thompson is not alone in his radicalized left support, as Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois founded the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers in 1968. A year prior, in 1967, armed Black Panthers stormed the state capitol in California.

    Both Rush and Thompson have come out against former President Donald Trump. Rush went so far as to state that Trump wanted to instigate a race war.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. posted without comment
    Today, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and Chief Medical Advisor to Biden, tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test. He is fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice. He is currently experiencing mild symptoms. Dr. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from his home. He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials. Dr. Fauci will follow the COVID-19 guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and medical advice from his physician and return to the NIH when he tests negative.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. TGP headlines I read them so you don’t have to.

    Biden Energy Secretary’s Message to Americans Suffering Because of High Gas Prices: Brazilians Pay the Same Amount For Gas —Its clear someone doesn’t know where Brazil is and that we are in the USA NOT Brazil. Get her a map. Make sure she holds it right side up.

    Michigan Attorney General Calls for ‘A Drag Queen For Every School,’ Says They ‘Make Everything Better’—- Pedo just saying.

    FDA Advisors Recommend Emergency Authorization for Moderna’s Covid-19 Shot in Young Kids 6 Months to 5 Years of Age—- Because they don’t care. Its all about the money

    Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Dr. Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 Pandemic For First Time Since COVID Began—– LOL wow that vax works right you little imp

    Data Show Just How Ineffective are the COVID-19 Vaccines Around the World—- No shit. Wow I’m not a doctor and I was able to put two. and two together.

    Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates by 75 Basis Points – Largest Hike Since 1994—- biteme did that

    Liked by 2 people

        1. i did see the sign in the park saying kids below 21 were not allowed in areas were there was drinking…and kids age 5 and over required a ticket for something…so they were expecting young kids

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      1. It gets worst the other singer is trans.

        Kim Petras was born in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.[5][6] While she was assigned male at birth, her parents said that from the age of two, Petras knew she was a girl. In 2006, Petras, then aged 13, appeared on a German television current affairs show in which she discussed her medical gender transition. At age 14, Petras appeared in a documentary and a talk show,[7][8] in a push to get permission for early sex reassignment surgery at age 16, before the minimum age of 18 in Germany.

        Liked by 2 people

  17. US to send $1 billion in fresh aid to Ukraine, Biden tells Zelenskyy—— Grrrrrrrr

    Actress Patricia Heaton Blasts Disney for Replacing Tim Allen with Chris Evans in ‘LightYear’: ‘Completely Castrated’ the Character—–She’s right. We all know why they cut Tim

    ‘Lightyear’ Star Chris Evans Calls Critics of the Disney Movie’s Lesbian Kiss ‘Idiots’: Going to ‘Die Off Like Dinosaurs’—– Make it fail

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hate to tell this GENIUS that if all we have are lesbians kissing–the entire WORLD will die off like dinosaurs…does he even get biology???

      Liked by 2 people

  18. One more…..disgusting!

    EXCERPT: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel today unanimously voted 21-0 to recommend Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for infants and young children, stating the totality of the evidence available shows the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks of use.

    Pfizer’s three-dose vaccine would cover children 6 months to 5 years old, while Moderna’s two-dose vaccine covers children 6 months to 6 years old. States have already ordered millions of doses made available prior to FDA authorization by the Biden administration.

    Depending on whether the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) accept the recommendations of their advisory panels, White House officials have said the administration of vaccines for these age groups could start as early as June 21.

    The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) ignored pleas from experts, the vaccine injured and a congressman representing 17 other lawmakers to halt authorization until questions about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines for the nation’s youngest children could be properly addressed.

    Many of the committee members, including pediatrician Dr. Ofer Levy, said the decision to authorize the shots was about providing a choice to parents who wanted access to COVID-19 vaccines, despite concerns by public commenters the panel was not adhering to the requirements for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and that authorization would eventually lead to mandates — as it did with adult vaccines.”

    “I know that the death rate from COVID and young children may not be extremely high,” said Dr. Jay Portnoy, professor of pediatrics at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. “It’s absolutely terrifying to parents to have their child be sick.”

    Portnoy said there are “so many parents who are absolutely desperate to get this vaccine” and he thinks the committee “owes it to them to give them the choice.”

    Liked by 2 people

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