Happy Birthday Mr. President

the GOAT

From Britannica:

Donald Trump, in full Donald John Trump, (born June 14, 1946, New York, New York, U.S.), 45th president of the United States (2017–21). Trump was a real-estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to several hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential properties in the New York City area and around the world. From the 1980s Trump also lent his name to scores of retail ventures—including branded lines of clothing, cologne, food, and furniture—and to Trump University, which offered seminars in real-estate education from 2005 to 2010. In the early 21st century his private conglomerate, the Trump Organization, comprised some 500 companies involved in a wide range of businesses, including hotels and resorts, residential properties, merchandise, and entertainment and television.


Trump was the fourth of five children of Frederick (Fred) Christ Trump, a successful real estate developer, and Mary MacLeod. Donald’s eldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, eventually served as a U.S. district court judge (1983–99) and later as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit until her retirement in 2011. His elder brother, Frederick, Jr. (Freddy), worked briefly for his father’s business before becoming an airline pilot in the 1960s. Freddy’s alcoholism led to his early death in 1981, at the age of 43.

Donald Trump attended New York Military Academy (1959–64), a private boarding school; Fordham University in the Bronx (1964–66); and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce (1966–68), where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in econmics. In 1968, during the Vietnam War , he was diagnosed with bone spurs, which qualified him for a medical exemption from the military draft (he had earlier received four draft deferments for education). Upon his graduation Trump began working full-time for his father’s business, helping to manage its holdings of rental housing, then estimated at between 10,000 and 22,000 units. In 1974 he became president of a conglomeration of Trump-owned corporations and partnerships, which he later named the Trump Organization.

In 1977 Trump married Ivana Zelníčková Winklmayr, a Czech model, with whom he had three children—Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric—before the couple divorced in 1992. Trump married the American actress Marla Maples after she gave birth to Trump’s fourth child, Tiffany, in 1993. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1999. In 2005 Trump married the Slovene model Melania Knauss, and their son, Barron, was born the following year. Melania Trump became only the second foreign-born first lady of the United States upon Trump’s inauguration as president in 2017.

First Lady Melania

The rest of the article from Britannica details lawsuits, impeachments and other “scandals” but it fails to depict the true nature of this man in my opinion. He loves God, his family and this country and is the embodiment of a true patriot. He is passionate and funny, brash and honest and the man I’d choose to have in my corner any day of the week!!

Happy Birthday, Sir!

258 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Mr. President

  1. PA starts impeachment process against Philly DA…bipartisan supposedly


    State Reps. Josh Kail, Torren Ecker, and Tim O’Neal, all Republicans, cited Krasner’s alleged failure to curb “unchecked violent crime” and his “willful refusal” to “enforce existing laws” as reasons for beginning the impeachment process.

    They also pointed to a recent mass shooting in the city’s downtown South Street neighborhood as “underscor[ing]” the need for lawmakers to “take immediate action.”

    “Unfortunately for the people of Philadelphia, and the people of Pennsylvania at large, the problem of violent crime in Philadelphia has reached a point that demands this action be taken,” Ecker said in a statement released by the state’s House Republican Caucus. “Taking this step today and undertaking this process continues what we have been doing and what we need to do to combat violence and crime here in Pennsylvania — ensure the laws already on the books are enforced.”

    “We did not arrive at this decision lightly or easily. In fact, we are taking this action after we have taken significant steps to pass legislation that addresses violent crime in Philadelphia by ensuring our current laws are enforced,” Kail said.

    At a press conference following the announcement, O’Neal said the lawmakers expect their articles of impeachment to draw support from some Democrats, noting that while the impeachment process is only just beginning, the group “fully anticipates” that impeaching Philadelphia’s top prosecutor will be a “bipartisan effort.”


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Liked by 2 people

  3. Martin Geddes Channel
    Forwarded from Child Covid Vaccine Injuries UK

    Media is too big

    Data coming from fertility clinics: Whats going on here?
    The sperm of injected men does not swim, the eggs of women do not grow into embryos
    We’re already seeing a 80% miscarriages rate of women injected in the first trimester
    miscarriages up by 700-800%
    79% increase in fetal malformations
    And this is the tip of the iceberg

    We are living through a sterilisation programme; what’s going to happen when these young women realise they can’t have a baby?


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I try to keep an eye out on the bin and spam folders – just approved one of yours from Geddes. I haven’t seen anything from Duchess, tho. Do you know if she signs into WP? That may be why but I’m not sure.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. hubby’s peeking around the corner watching me ROFL…I know he’s wants to know what’s so funny…but I’m shielding my laptop…LOL

      Liked by 2 people

  4. EXCERPT: “Hunter Biden recorded himself boasting that his father will adopt political positions at his command, footage obtained from a copy of his abandoned laptop shows.

    “He’ll talk about anything that I want him to, that he believes in,” Biden said in reference to his father, Joe Biden, in the Dec. 3, 2018, recording. “If I say it’s important to me, then he will work a way in which to make it a part of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world, and I know that to be certain, so it’s not going to be about whether it affects his politics.”

    “All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don’t love myself … I don’t fear that. You know why I don’t fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I’m a god,” Hunter Biden added in the 77-minute recording, which was taped about five months before Joe Biden launched his successful 2020 presidential campaign in late April 2019. “And my brother did, too. And the three of us, it was literally — I had the support to know I can do anything.”

    The recording was located on a copy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop within a password-protected backup of his iPhone XS. Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos, a cyber forensics expert commissioned by the Washington Examiner, located the password during his examination of the hard drive.

    In the recording, Hunter Biden bragged to his friend, British artist Phillipa Horan, that he was “better than anybody you know” as the pair discussed matters ranging from Joe Biden’s presidential aspirations, Hunter Biden’s struggles with addiction, an art project the two were working on together, and philosophical musings on how to live a fulfilling life.

    “Everyone thinks it, talks about how — ‘How can you be as good as your dad?’ I’m better than my dad,” Hunter Biden said. “You know why I’m better than my dad? Because my dad tells me I’m better than him, since I was 2 years old.”

    The conversation was taped at a house in Plum Island, Massachusetts, amid the throes of Hunter Biden’s addiction to crack cocaine. “Have you ever thought about this: Maybe this is the greatest thing that f***ing ever happened to me,” Hunter Biden mused to Horan about his addiction to the Schedule II narcotic. “Maybe this is literally the continuation and the continuum of what is going to be the thing that makes me the person that my father believes I am.”

    Horan asked Hunter Biden at one point in the recording what his father says about his crack addiction. “He says f***ing stop,” Hunter Biden responded. “He’s scared to death.” During the discussion, Horan asked Hunter Biden if his father would talk about drug reform if he becomes president. “He’s going to talk about drug reform and any other things that I want him to,” Hunter Biden responded.”


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  5. Entire Article @ FB: “When he talks about racism in the U.S. justice system, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) often cites the case of his older brother—a “first-time,” “nonviolent” drug offender who was sentenced to life in prison due to a “pandemic of racism,” according to the senator.

    Warnock has compared his half-brother, whose full name is Keith Coleman, to black victims of police shootings, attributed his imprisonment to the “stigma of color and criminality,” and praised his early release in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a day of “hope” for the justice system.

    But hundreds of pages of court records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon tell a more complicated story: Coleman was a cop with the Savannah Police Department when he was convicted of facilitating a cross-country cocaine trafficking operation in 1996 and 1997—and once warned that he could send a drug dealer’s “black ass” to prison if the dealer didn’t pay Coleman more money.

    The details conflict with Warnock’s accounts, which omit that Coleman was a police officer and portray him as a victim of law enforcement corruption rather than a participant in it. “[My brother] was a first-time offender, convicted of a nonviolent drug-related offense, in which no one got hurt, no one died, no one even got high because the federal government basically created the sting operation,” said Warnock in a June 2020 speech to the American Jewish Archives.

    After the death of Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old black man who was fatally shot by an Atlanta police officer while resisting arrest in 2020, Warnock said, “It has become too common to counsel families grieving from unjust loss, like that of Rayshard Brooks, or to grieve from separation.”

    “I have known this pain personally, and my family has experienced it over the last 22 years of my brother’s incarceration,” Warnock said. The records also highlight the tension between the senator’s public statements railing against police misconduct and his personal efforts to support a family member convicted of police misconduct. Warnock has denounced “lawless vigilantes pretending to be police,” and opined during a sermon that “you can sometimes wear the colors of the state and behave like a thug.” Yet he has also lobbied for years to free his brother and privately sought a presidential pardon from former president Barack Obama.

    In November 1995, the FBI launched an undercover sting campaign called “Operation Broken Oath” to investigate whistleblower tips about dirty cops within the Savannah Police Department, according to a pretrial investigative report by the bureau. The probe ensnared nearly a dozen police officers who agreed to provide paid security for undercover FBI agents and informants posing as cocaine traffickers.

    One of these officers was Coleman, who quickly became a ringleader in the illegal scheme, using his police-issued handgun and car to escort the purported drug dealers as they drove kilos of cocaine to airports, hotels, and warehouses, according to prosecutors.

    Coleman reportedly recruited four fellow cops to provide security, boasting to them the operation was bringing in cocaine by the “goddamn truckloads.” “I know my guys,” Coleman told one undercover agent, referring to the officers he recruited. “They loyal to me and they gonna do whatever I tell them.” Coleman negotiated and distributed the illegal payoffs for the security services, often pocketing portions of the money that was intended to go to the other cops, according to prosecutors. Coleman “continued to push for more work and more money.” He demanded higher payments after an undercover agent posing as a drug dealer offered him $1,500 for one cocaine-trafficking job.

    “If I knowed I was fucking with a motherfucker off the corner who can’t afford [to pay me] no more than $1,500, his black ass would be in prison,” said Coleman, according to an audio recording cited in the court records. Coleman later demanded that the purported drug traffickers place the payments in envelopes instead of handing him stacks of cash, arguing that this was a better way to avoid detection. “No counting by the car,” he told them. “[Some witness] might want to mail some shit to 60 Minutes. … ‘I saw police taking some money by a car. Why would he be doing that?’”

    Prosecutors allege Coleman received $46,000 in dirty payments and helped traffic a total of 28.2 kilograms of cocaine between November 1996 and March 1997. On Nov. 21, 1997, Coleman was convicted by a jury of conspiring and attempting to aid and abet the distribution of cocaine, and with carrying a firearm during a drug trafficking offense. He was sentenced to life in prison, and two of his co-conspirators were sentenced to 17 years and 19 years, respectively. Court records cited Coleman’s possession of a weapon, his abuse of power as a police officer, and his recruitment of other cops as justification for a longer sentence.

    Coleman fought and appealed the conviction on numerous grounds over the years. He claimed in court filings that he was “incarcerated for an offense/act that the law does not make criminal,” arguing that “conspiracy to attempt” is not a recognized crime. He said the FBI selectively targeted him because of his race while ignoring corruption among white police officers. He criticized his lawyer as providing ineffective counsel. And he argued that the federal government had no jurisdiction in the case “because he was not arrested in any fort, magazine, arsenal, needful building,’ or other federal enclave,” according to one motion to dismiss. None of the appeals were successful.

    Outside, Warnock also intervened to help his brother. He wrote to then-president Obama, asking him to pardon Coleman. In that letter, which was included in the case file, Warnock noted that Coleman was a police officer, a detail he has not mentioned in public forums.

    “As his brother and as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, I stand ready to directly provide and coordinate, through my network of contacts, the resources and support he will need to turn a second chance into real success,” wrote Warnock in the letter to Obama, which was included in Coleman’s court filings. While that appeal was unsuccessful, Coleman was released in June 2020, after serving 22 years, due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19 in prisons.

    The Warnock campaign did not respond to a request for comment.”

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Entire Article @ FB: “The FBI’s top national security official had dozens of improper meetings with journalists and accepted tickets from one journalist to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, interactions that FBI officials said were a “no-no” and “dangerous.”

    Michael Steinbach, who served as an FBI executive assistant director, failed to report the gifts on his federal financial disclosures, according to an inspector general report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. He met regularly from 2014 until his abrupt retirement in February 2017 with 7 reporters and had contact with 21 others. His interactions with journalists overlapped with his work on major counterterrorism cases and Crossfire Hurricane, the ill-fated investigation into collusion between the 2016 Donald Trump campaign and Russia.

    The report, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, is the latest example of a top FBI official accepting gifts from journalists. The former head of FBI public affairs, Michael Kortan, received baseball game tickets and other gifts from CNN and New York Times reporters. Journalists also plied Steinbach’s former deputy, Bryan Paarmann, with a variety of gifts.

    The FBI prohibits employees from accepting gifts from a “prohibited source”—a category that includes journalists—without prior authorization. FBI officials told the inspector general that off-the-books meetings like Steinbach’s could “lead to a lot of problems” within the bureau.

    “You never know what can be said. You don’t know under what conditions it can be said. So it can lead to a lot of problems,” an FBI official told the inspector general’s office.

    Steinbach is not accused of leaking classified or sensitive information, but the inspector general’s report details numerous conversations he had with journalists about breaking news stories. The watchdog also determined that reporters gave gifts to Steinbach “because of his official positions with the FBI.”

    Steinbach eagerly sought invitations to swanky media industry parties, such as the Radio-Television Correspondents’ Dinner and the White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual gala. According to text messages and emails in the watchdog report, Steinbach on March 25, 2015, began soliciting an unnamed reporter for tickets to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Steinbach attended the next year’s event and an afterparty, according to the report. Steinbach did not disclose the gift, which was valued at $300.

    Steinbach’s host is not identified, but text messages show him joking with a journalist from a different outlet about attending the gala. “I put you on the map and now you’re cheating on me with [reporter’s first and last name]?” a CNN reporter wrote Steinbach in April 2016. “I kept waiting for my invite from you,” Steinbach replied.

    The CNN reporter is not identified, but Steinbach in February 2015 conducted one of his only television interviews, with CNN’s Pamela Brown. Steinbach in an email after the dinner thanked his host. “Thanks for hanging out with us last night,” Steinbach wrote in an email titled “Great Night.” He told the reporter he “would love to grab … drinks” at some point in the future.

    It is unclear where the reporter worked, but some news organizations have policies against reporters giving gifts to sources. The Los Angeles Times, for example, prohibits staff members “from accepting gifts from or giving gifts to news sources, potential news sources, or those who seek to influence coverage.”

    Steinbach is one of several officials who worked under ex-FBI director James Comey to run afoul of FBI guidelines. Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was fired in 2018 after the inspector general found he lied in October 2016 to internal investigators about authorizing leaks to the media regarding an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Peter Strzok, who oversaw the Crossfire Hurricane probe, was fired after the discovery of anti-Trump text messages on his FBI cell phones.

    The FBI did not respond to a request for comment. Steinbach, who is now head of fraud prevention at Citi, did not respond to a request for comment.”

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  7. Entire Article @ FB: “As the Jan. 6 hearings roll on, we are awash in professions of Democrats’ deep concern for the health of our democracy. Committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.) kicked things off on Thursday talking about the “domestic enemies of the Constitution” who “put two and a half centuries of constitutional democracy at risk.”

    So it’s puzzling that Democrats are shelling out millions of dollars to help some of those very people secure a spot on the ballot in the upcoming midterm elections. You got that right: The same folks droning on about the existential danger of former President Donald Trump are boosting some of his most fervent supporters—in a couple of cases, men who literally marched on the Capitol on Jan. 6—because they think it’ll help Democrats in November.

    In Pennsylvania, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Josh Shapiro, spent more money on a single ad boosting one of the Republican candidates, Doug Mastriano, than Mastriano’s entire television budget. Mastriano, of course, spent thousands of dollars in campaign funds to bus supporters to the “Stop the Steal” rally. He is now the GOP gubernatorial nominee, and while the Republican Governors Association hasn’t endorsed him, the Democrats are all in.

    Out in Colorado, Democrats are boosting nutjobs in the Republican Senate and gubernatorial primaries. A Democratic super PAC spent $800,000 in a single week to buoy state representative and Senate candidate Ron Hanks, another diehard Donald Trump fan who showed up for the former president’s last stand at the Ellipse. Hanks, who would face off against Sen. Michael Bennet (D.), also supports a blanket ban on abortion, so remember that the next time you hear a hysterical Democrat on the airwaves.

    Elsewhere in the Centennial State, Democrats have reserved $1.5 million in airtime to boost a local mayor and 2020 election conspiracy theorist, Greg Lopez, in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Lopez doesn’t think we’ll ever know who won that election: “I mean, people are still questioning and debating what happened with the Kennedy assassination, what happened with other major situations, right?”

    This strategy has backfired as recently as 2016, when Hillary Clinton and her allies sought to bolster Trump in the primary. (Adviser Neera Tanden rejoiced over how “easy” it would be for Hillary to defeat him.)

    Democrats should be careful what they wish for — and, in the meantime, spare us their primetime pablum.”

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  8. EA @ FB: “Jihadist militants imprisoned in the United States are receiving cash and legal assistance from a website similar to Facebook that connects them with terrorist sympathizers and publicizes their location, including “GPS-coordinated satellite imagery of the facilities at which the inmates are held,” according to a watchdog group.

    “At least two incarcerated ISIS operatives maintain registered profiles on the website, suggesting the accounts were generated by the operatives themselves,” according to a new investigation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a watchdog group that tracks jihadist behavior online. “Online ISIS supporters have raised awareness about ISIS operatives’ profiles on the website, raising potential security risks.” MEMRI is withholding the website’s direct address to avoid aiding in its recruitment.

    ISIS uses social media and the internet as a recruitment tool, and its online efforts to assist convicted terrorists in American prisons raise domestic “security risks,” according to MEMRI. ISIS wants to establish a direct line between imprisoned terrorists and their supporters across the globe, allowing them to exchange information and potentially plot attacks. The prisoners are also receiving monetary support from the website, raising concerns that these funds are coming directly from ISIS affiliates.

    The website allows these convicted terrorists to connect with other militants and ISIS sympathizers who can provide them with monetary assistance and legal help, according to the report. In-depth information about the federal detention centers where these inmates are held also is available on the site, making these locations vulnerable to a possible attack or other ISIS-backed operation.

    “Chatter in pro-ISIS chat rooms about the website may raise security concerns for the facilities where the operatives are held,” according to MEMRI. “The website provides addresses and GPS-coordinated satellite imagery of the facilities at which the inmates are held.”

    Inmates who join the site can “claim their criminal records” by providing photographic documentation and verifying their identity. Entries include contact information, links to similar websites, writings from these terrorists, and other information about their crimes.

    The website works similarly to Facebook: It “generates a profile based on the incarcerated individual’s criminal record, which includes a profile photo and name; a Federal Bureau of Prisons identification number; demographic information; the district of arrest; a mailing address; the location of detainment (including GPS coordinates); [and] contact information for the federal detention facility.”

    There also is a “fund transfer option” that facilitates payments via MoneyGram, the mail, and Western Union directly to the prisoner’s commissary account.

    ISIS supporters online have been promoting the website, raising another security risk, according to MEMRI. Earlier this month, an ISIS-run chat server linked to the website, prompting users to seek additional information and ask about contacting the incarcerated terrorists.”

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  9. Another FB article: “A new poll from the Washington Post reveals most Americans agree: Transgender athletes in women’s sports should be sidelined.

    Fifty-eight percent of respondents said transgender female athletes should be banned from professional competition. The same number agreed for college sports, and 55 percent and 49 percent of respondents supported a ban on transgender females in high school and youth sports, respectively. Nearly 70 percent said transgender girls would have a competitive advantage. The poll, which was conducted in concert with the University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement and the Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism, surveyed more than 1,500 people nationwide in May.

    Transgender participation in sports was thrust onto the national stage this year when Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, won the NCAA Women’s Division I Swimming and Diving Championships 500-yard freestyle event in March. Thomas’s swim time smashed national women’s records, and the athlete leaped from ranking 65th among collegiate men to first among collegiate women in the event.

    In the past two years, 18 states have passed laws to limit or ban transgender athletes from female interscholastic sports. Louisiana took the most recent legislative action last week, prohibiting biological males from participating in women’s sports.

    Identifying as transgender is becoming more common, especially among young people. More than 1 percent of people aged 13-17 identify as transgender. That figure is only half a percent for people over the age of 18.”

    Liked by 1 person

              1. You get more storage space, hence, the ability to post more pics and such, and the ability to post things that the basic website doesn’t allow. I’m sure there are other things but I’m not up on all of it.

                Liked by 2 people

              2. True – I like things ‘simple’ – besides I went through agony with (3) different computers – that pretty much did it for me – met a nice lady online who helped me through the third one – but, it was not fun at all!!! 🙃

                Liked by 2 people

              3. I cannot say I was a whiz at any of this – trial and error – or some smart nerd – and I got through it – now – not so much – WP still baffles me – lol

                Liked by 2 people

              4. WP baffles me, too, Duchess! I had the benefit of being in on the new computers way back in the early ’80’s. I used to take a portable PC with me when I traveled for business conferences.

                Liked by 2 people

              1. we had 2 dozen at one time today–and several orioles…Filly puts grape jelly out for hers…so i tried it…they love the jelly! and they are gorgeous!
                how’s things at the farm???

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Busy – First Harvest (alfalfa) – now they are watering – haven’t had much rain – roses and peonies are blooming – lilacs were gorgeous in May – got my peach rose – and wow is it beautiful!!!

                No hummingbirds here – thot of putting up a feeder – we have so many trees – but not sure if we are in the right area – have to check – we have had flocks of cardinals – more than ever before – my little monkey (Leah) is definitely a barn cat – stays around home – but is outdoors most of the day and night – told her to get the rodents and leave the birds alone – not sure if she gets it yet…

                It has been a cool Spring – not complaining – the flowers bloom when they are ready – not cold enough to kill them…but it looks like summer is right around the corner – too soon for 90’s but that is what we are getting – the midwest is baking and the south – not sure – heard Texas grid is straining – 112

                However…bet you are cool and comfy – right? 🙃

                Liked by 1 person

              3. oh wow! i bet your peach rose is gorgeous!
                do you have honeysuckles? the hummers here love them! but we have 4 feeders too…
                we have the AC on…in the afternoons…

                Liked by 1 person

              4. No honeysuckles – but, am sure my friend at Sarah’s Nursery could get me some – I would love to watch them – have not seen any chickadees yet, either – or any wild canaries – maybe, it is too early for them – I hear the doves in the morning – cooing so sweetly – unfortunately, they awaken Leah – and zoom out the door!!! lol

                Liked by 1 person

              5. We have lots of open farm land here – horse stables – and cow barns – only patches of forest here and there – I will have to check – about the only thing we have growing wild here is liberals – 🙃

                Liked by 1 person

      1. * Waves from the farmland below * How’s the weather up there – many in the Heartland are experiencing a heat wave – we are getting hit tomorrow – had to fire up the AC – UGH!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. EXCERPT: “Dilkhayot Kasimov lived in Brooklyn, one of the nation’s leading hotspots for trendy young hipsters, but he had much more on his mind than checking out the street art scene in Bushwick or the Fort Greene Flea Market. Kasimov, 34, who was sentenced Friday to fifteen years in prison for aiding the Islamic State (ISIS), was involved in plots to strike within the United States, including possibly even killing Barack Obama. Dilkhayot Kasimov is a citizen of Uzbekistan, and so his case once again raises the question that Biden’s handlers steadfastly ignore: why is the U.S. bringing jihad terrorists into the country?
    (NF: They “came to the attention of law enforcement in 2014,” yet nothing was done until 2019??? WTH is wrong with THIS picture??!!??)

    When Kasimov was convicted in September 2019, UPI reported that he “was named in an indictment that charged three other men in a plot to assist the Islamic State.” Kasimov’s accomplices, “Akhror Saidakhmetov, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev and Abror Habibov planned to travel to Turkey and then to Syria to assist the IS.” They also had a Plan B: “If their plan was not successful, they allegedly planned terrorist attacks on the United States. The men were each charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy and travel document fraud.” They “came to the attention of law enforcement in August 2014 after they allegedly posted on a Uzbek-language, pro-IS website saying they would kill former President Barack Obama if ordered by the IS. The plans included placing bombs on Coney Island.”
    There is no word about Kasimov being deported after he completes his prison sentence (or however much of it he ends up having to serve; he isn’t, after all, an “insurrectionist” or a “white supremacist,” so he is unlikely to serve the entire sentence). However, another one of Kasimov’s accomplices, Chicago’s Dilshod Khusanov, 36, according to the DOJ, will be deported after he serves a prison term. And Kisanov and Khusanov aren’t even close to being the only foreign nationals who have become security risks inside the United States. Others include a Somali Muslim migrant who stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian; Ahmad Khan Rahami, an Afghan Muslim migrant who set off bombs in New York City and New Jersey; Arcan Cetin, a Turkish Muslim migrant who murdered five people in a mall in Burlington, Wash.; Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, who stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud, Minn. while screaming “Allahu akbar”; and Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, who injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University.

    Meanwhile, Fox News reported Monday that “A Haitian migrant taking part in what could be the largest ever migrant caravan through Mexico to the U.S. is demanding that President Biden keep his promise to allow them to stay once they reach the border.” The migrant said of Old Joe: “He promised the Haitian community he will help them. He will recall Title 42. He will help us have real asylum.” Fox notes that “the migrant is taking part in a caravan that could become the largest ever to reach the U.S. southern border, with the current number of close to 10,000 migrants, is expected to swell to about 15,000 before it reaches the border.” What could possibly go wrong? Well, could more jihad terrorists such as Dilkhayot Kasimov take advantage of the chaos at the border to enter the United States and begin to plot massacres here? Come on, man! Celebrate diversity!


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  11. From The Bee: “U.S.—Education experts are warning about the detrimental effects of homeschooling, as it may cause children to miss out on their opportunity to be gay communists.

    “The two essential roles of public education are to turn kids into communists, and then make them gay,” said AFL-CIO President Randi Weingarten. “If education fails to accomplish both of those things in the life of a child, it has failed miserably.”

    Studies show that while homeschooled kids may excel in advanced mathematics, literature, history, Latin, debate, civics, religion, music, art, theoretical physics, and physical fitness, most kids educated by their parents fall woefully short in essential subjects like Communism and being gay.

    “We need common-sense regulation of homeschooling to ensure our nation’s kids are sufficiently perverted by gender theory and fully ready for the violent overthrow of the Republic to usher in a glorious communist utopia,” said Weingarten. “No child should be left behind.”

    Lawmakers are discussing programs to send drag queens to the homes of homeschoolers but insisted they will have to repeal the 2nd Amendment and take away all the guns first.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. what do you bet they were thinking of coming up with something similar to this–not exposing a real reason–just something to stir the fear pot–and the bee beat them to it!

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  12. the article states january 11th…which year? this or last I am uncertain…but the inability to answer these questions by ted cruz are IN FACT ANSWERS themselves…
    entire article
    As the national media turns its attention to the partisan January 6 committee hearings amid rising energy costs, soaring inflation, and the risk of war overseas, it behooves us to bear in mind there are questions that the Democratic Party and the FBI refuse to answer about the Capitol Riots.

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in scathing cross-examination of the FBI’s Executive Assistant Director Jill Sanborn on January 11th asked her about the Feds’ involvement in the Capitol building events. Her responses were downright
    downright chilling to watch.

    “I want to turn to the FBI,” Cruz said. “How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?”

    “Sir? I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” Sanborn replied.

    “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th?’ Cruz went on. “Yes or no? January 6th?”

    “No, sir,” Sanborn responded. “I can’t, I can’t answer that.”

    “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th?” Cruz continued.

    “I can’t answer that, sir,” she replied.

    “Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6th?” he pressed.

    “Sir, I can’t answer that,” Sanborn responded.

    “Ms. Sanborn. Who is Ray Epps?” Cruz asked.

    “Yeah, I’m aware of the individual, sir,” she replied. “I don’t have the specific background to him.”

    “Well, there are a lot of people who are understandably, very concerned about Mr. Epps,” Cruz zaid. “On the night of January 5th, 2021, Epps wandered around the crowd that had gathered and there’s video out there of him chanting, ‘Tomorrow, we need to get into the capital, into the capital.’ This was strange behavior. So strange that the crowd began chanting ‘Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed. Fed.’ Ms. Sandburn, was Ray Epps a Fed?”

    “Sir,” she replied. “I cannot answer that question.”

    “The next day, the next day on January 6th, Mr. Epps is seen whispering to a person,” Cruz went on. “And five seconds later, five seconds after he is whispering to a person, that same person begins to forcibly tear down the barricades. Did Mr. Epps urge them to tear down the barricades.”

    “Sir,” the FBI official replied. “Similar to the other answers, I cannot answer that.”

    Ms. Sanborn really didn’t have to. Her silence spoke for her.


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    1. Pardon my French but FUCK Lyin’ Canadian Ted!!!! I won’t post more from the Texas Tribune – they are scumbag liars, too!!!

      “His appearance came one day after Carlson lambasted the junior Texas senator for his choice of words during a Wednesday U.S. Senate committee hearing about the oversight of the Capitol Police during the 2021 riot. During that hearing, Cruz acknowledged the “solemn anniversary” of what he called a “violent terrorist attack on the Capitol where we saw the men and women of law enforcement … risk their lives to defend the men and women who serve in this Capitol.”

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  13. And, of course, my first question is…….I think you know!!!!

    Entire Article @ Daily Caller: “Democratic Illinois Rep. Sean Casten announced Monday that his 17-year-old daughter died. Gwen Casten died Monday morning, according to Casten’s office. Her cause of death was not disclosed.

    “This morning, Congressman Casten’s beloved daughter, Gwen (17), passed away,” his office said in a statement on Twitter. “The Casten family requests privacy, and we will be issuing no further comment during this heartbreaking time.”

    Downers Grove, Illinois, authorities were called to the family home at roughly 6:48 a.m. for a female who was unresponsive, Fox News reported. She was pronounced deceased, though no other detail was provided. The DuPage County Coroner responded as well and is investigating the cause of death, according to Fox News.

    Casten is running for his third term in the newly-drawn 6th congressional district. His opponent, Democratic Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, issued a statement expressing condolences.

    “My heart breaks for the Casten family for the devastating loss of their daughter,” she said. “My prayers are with Sean, Kara, and the entire Casten family.”

    Both Casten and Newman have suspended their campaign ads in the wake of Gwen’s death, according to CBS News.”

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  14. so is roberts waiting to release the abortion ruling (till perhaps the last day of session) so they can then all escape to wherever and not have to face the angry mob? OR is he giving the angry mob more time to try to intimdate his fellow justices?

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  15. Entire Article @ DC: “Famous British astronaut Tim Peake told Good Morning Britain’s hosts Monday that it’s a good thing that American lawmakers are investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs).

    Peake shared comments on UFOs on Good Morning Britain in 2020, but his latest theories coincide with the publication of reports on UAPs from the Pentagon and hearings by Congress on the frequent sightings from the U.S. military.

    “I think it’s interesting that the U.S. government has made this public. The report is out. There have been over a hundred incidents. They’re calling them unexplained aerial phenomena,” Peake told the GMB hosts.

    “There’s been a hearing in Congress. Of course, there weren’t many answers to the questions,” Peake continued, before noting that he’s glad these conversations and investigations are happening. The hosts then asked Peake whether he has a “private theory” on UAPs and UFOs.

    “Do you think these are things from realms beyond? Do you think they’re something to do with the development of secret weapons by China, Russia?” The host asked Peake. The question comes just days after Roscosmos space agency head Dmitry Rogozin admitted that Russia is also investigating UAPs.

    “I don’t think it’s the development of any state nation, or non-state organization. Not at all,” Peake replied immediately, “I think when you see the video footage it is quite remarkable. It does seem extraordinary as to what these machines are capable of. There is no explanation for it.”

    “There are several theories about could it be something that has been developed in a classified program. But then, why would this information be made public?” Peake asked, “Is it some sort of uncrude robotic object from another civilization? I heard one theory where a pilot was talking about potentially, in the future they’ve developed time travel.”

    The British government hasn’t released updated information on UFOs to the National Archives since 2013. The last time there was a mass release of information from the British government’s Ministry of Defense was 2009, according to their official website.”

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  16. EXCERPT: “The Biden administration issued its latest decision impacting an Elon Musk business venture Monday, forcing SpaceX to take more than 75 environmental actions before moving ahead with its rocket launch plans in Texas.

    SpaceX must take a number of steps and actions — like donating $5,000 per year to both an ocelot refuge and peregrine falcon fund and operating a shuttle from the parking lot to reduce traffic — before proceeding with its proposed Starship Super Heavy Project in Boca Chica, Texas, according to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announcement. The company has proposed to use the facility to launch its Starship spacecraft and Super Heavy rocket, a reusable transportation system the company said is the most powerful launch vehicle ever made and could travel to Mars.

    “Why can’t we build things anymore in the U.S.? Look at this absurd process the FAA is making SpaceX go through,” Alec Stapp, the co-founder of the Institute for Progress and director of technology progress at the Progressive Policy Institute, tweeted. (RELATED: ‘Strongly Believe’: Elon Musk Makes His Stance On The Second Amendment Crystal Clear)

    Stapp highlighted that SpaceX will be required to boost local education and preservation efforts including writing a historical report of the Boca Chica geographic area under the FAA announcement.

    In addition, Musk’s company must develop and produce five interpretive signs describing the “history and significance” of the area and fund “educational outreach” about the region’s cultural heritage, the agency said. SpaceX will also be required to hire a biologist to conduct environmental monitoring within three miles of the site.

    SpaceX, though, celebrated the FAA announcement, saying that it was “one step closer to the first orbital flight test of Starship.” The company didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.”


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  17. SMDH……EXCERPT: “An assistant investigations chief in Washington state is being paid over $1 million to resign from his position after being disciplined for taping a Nazi symbol on his office door.

    The city of Kent will pay former Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell $1.5 million to resign after being reprimanded in July 2021 for hanging the symbol for the rank of Obergruppenführer, a position in the SS in Nazi Germany, above the nameplate on his office door in September 2020, reported The New York Times (NYT).

    City officials conducted an internal affairs investigation into Kammerzell after an officer reported the Nazi display, which concluded with the former officer receiving a two-week suspension and mandatory training, according to the city of Kent’s statement.

    The officer who reported the insignia told investigators that Kammerzell often made jokes about the Holocaust, including a frequent favorite about his grandfather dying as a Nazi camp guard, reported the NYT.
    “When [Kammerzell] was placed on leave, we made a statement that he would not be returned to work. We also noted that under federal and state law, the City was unable to terminate the Assistant Chief or otherwise change the discipline imposed based on double jeopardy principles. As a result, we noted that his resignation would come at a high cost to the City,” the city said in a statement.

    Kammerzell initially demanded $3,112,317 for his resignation, but settled with the city of Kent for $1,520,000, reported the city.”


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  18. Entire Article @ DC: “Utah authorities released body cam footage showing the moment a police officer fatally shot an armed man that was holding an infant hostage. The incident began on Feb. 17 in St. George, Utah, when police were searching for 30-year-old Oscar Alcantara, who was wanted in connection with a different incident in which he brandished a weapon, according to KUTV. Authorities managed to find Alcantara in St. George.

    When authorities pulled over the vehicle Alcantara was traveling in, a woman jumped out of the car and warned police Alcantara was still in the vehicle with her baby and was armed, according to KUTV. Alcantara reportedly jumped into the driver’s seat and sped off, prompting police to give chase.

    Alcantara ended up crossing the Arizona border before police tried to get Alcantara to surrender. “Put the child down on the ground, we will not pursue you!” a police officer can be heard yelling at Alcantara in the video footage which was obtained by KUTV through a FOIA request.

    Alcantara reportedly grabbed the child and ran into a wooded area and pointed the weapon at the baby. “Oscar stop! We don’t want to hurt you!” an officer could be heard screaming, according to the outlet. As police tried to talk Alcantara down after he hid behind vegetation, snipers moved into position, according to KUTV.

    Authorities say Alcantara pointed the gun at them. “The gun is pointed right at us! Gun pointed at us!” one officer could be heard yelling. Roughly one hour after the incident began a sniper shot and killed Alcantara with a single shot.

    “I got child, I got child, come here baby,” a police officer was heard saying. The shooting remains under investigation, according to KUTV.”

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  19. Liked by 1 person

  20. From the New American: “An 18-year-old British student was hounded out of school for daring to challenge a visiting pro-transgenderism politician’s viewpoint. The unnamed student was in the sixth form, the equivalent of
    grades 11 and 12 in the United States, at a private girls’ school in the United Kingdom.

    According to a May 13 account by John Rickards, a teacher at the school, during an after-school question-and-answer session with a stridently pro-transgenderism member of the House of Lords, the student asked the baroness if she had ever gotten into any debates or arguments over transgender issues with another well-known member of the House of Lords who holds opposing views.

    “The language she was using was implying critical theory took precedence over biological reality in defining women,” the girl told The Times of London May 18. “When I questioned that, she said it wasn’t an issue of semantics. She said trans people don’t have basic human rights in this country. Afterwards I spoke to her and said I’m sorry if I came across as rude.”

    However, as Rickards pointed out, “It was probably somewhat naive of her not to realise that this [transgenderism] is indeed ‘an ideology’ and one with which you’re simply not allowed to disagree, however respectfully. To question its basic tenets is simply heresy and heretics in one way or another need to be exposed, attacked and gotten rid of.”

    Sure enough, shortly after her conversation with the baroness, the girl “was surrounded by up to 60 pupils who shouted, screamed and spat at her,” she told The Times. “She escaped and said she collapsed, unable to breathe properly.” According to Rickards, word quickly spread throughout the school that the student was a “transphobe” — despite the fact that “she has a close friend who[m] she respectfully refers to as ‘they/them’ as her friend identifies as non binary.” After a few weeks of being forced to stay in the library and to endure bullying by other students, the girl left the school and began studying at home.”

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  21. Quick Quips from the New American (I have a digital subscription)

    Supreme Court Justice Responds to Journalists Who Hope He Retires: “I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours.” With a wry smile on his face, Justice Clarence Thomas added, “And I meant this as a compliment.”
    Some Years Ago, a Brilliant Columnist Noted That Politicians Are Slippery: “When most politicians wrestle with their conscience, they win!” Not only a clear-thinking analyst of political movers and shakers, the late Joe Sobran was also a commentator whose quips would make even hard-hearted opponents smile.
    Chances of Re-offending Are Zero

    This column previously reported on Florida Sheriff Bob Johnson’s statement that “if someone is breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do, actually.”

    Sheriff Johnson was a guest on Fox News on April 26, when he said, “If somebody breaks in your house in Santa Rosa County and you shoot and kill them, the chances of them re-offending after that are zero, and we like those odds.” Sheriff Johnson also explained his strong support in the community: “I tell everybody 99% of the people here love law enforcement and the other 1% are in my jail currently.”

    With lines such as this, when Sheriff Johnson retires from law enforcement, he might have a bright future as a comedian.

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  22. Entire Article @ DC: “Customers flocked to a California gas station Thursday after a gas station manager mistakenly placed a decimal in the wrong spot, selling $6.99 premium gas for only 69 cents a gallon. The pricing error took management at the Shell gas station in Rancho Cordova three hours to correct, according to a CBS 13 report.

    Many customers shared the pricing error with friends and family, but one customer took to Instagram to share a video of himself filling up with the impossibly cheap gas to spread the word, reported KTXL. (RELATED: Gas Prices Hit Another Record High)

    In the Instagram post, Sacramento resident Darryl Surita wrote “We got to fight these gas prices some how 69 cents a gallon I am loving this!”

    “I thought it was to good to be true until I checked the gas meter in the car and it was full but I only spent 14 dollars,” Surita told Newsweek. “I filled my car up left, came back with a second car, filled it up, then left again and came back with my cousin and filled up 150 gallons of a 500 gallon tank. The whole gas station was filled with cars and people with extra gas cans.”

    John Susina, the gas station manager who caused the pricing error, later described the glitch as a “mistake” and “nightmare,” reported WRAL.com.

    Susina was fired Monday and accepted full responsibility for the mistake, WRAL.com reported. His family has started a GoFundMe with the goal of raising $16,000 to pay the gas station for its lost revenue and avoid further legal action.

    In contrast, the national average price of gas continues to climb to record highs of over $5 per gallon, with California seeing prices ranging anywhere from $6.37 to $7.25 per gallon, higher than the federal minimum wage.”

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  23. Oh, good grief!!!

    Entire Article @ DC: “Kim Kardashian wore Marilyn Monroe’s dress to the Met Gala, and the iconic fashion piece now appears to be damaged, seemingly due to the size of Kardashian’s ass.

    Images of the dress were posted on social media Monday, appearing to show the severely stretched, fraying fabric and a number of missing crystals, according to Pop Crave. Interestingly, the damage seems to have been centralized around the posterior of the gown. One of the snaps can be seen hanging by a few loose threads, and it’s evident that further wear would result in tearing of the historic gown. Kardashian, who is known for her shapely derriere, has just taken that element to a whole new level by allegedly damaging a piece of fashion history with it.

    The dress was originally worn by Marilyn Monroe and is classified as being her “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” dress. Monroe famously sang at the celebration of President John F. Kennedy’s 45th birthday, and the dress was instantly recognized as being a historic collector’s item, according to Biography. The value of the gown was estimated at $4.8 million, according to NBC News.

    Kardashian stunned the crowd at the Met Gala when she appeared wearing this piece of fashion history, and later admitted to going through extreme measures to fit in to the stunning dress, which included a rigorous exercise routine and very limited food intake, according to Vogue. Based on the photographs, those measures were seemingly not enough to prevent Kardashian from damaging the expensive fabric of the gown.

    Behind the scenes video footage has emerged which shows Kardashian’s team working tirelessly to cram her entire ass into the dress. The struggle is very real in the video, and as the team tried repeatedly to shove her ass into the dress, Kardashian could be heard saying, “do I need to put on another pair of shapewear?”

    “Once it gets up, it’ll fit the back,” Kardashian said in the video.”

    Liked by 1 person

        1. she might have had to get insurance in case she gets a stain on it, but cramming her ass into an antique gown not made for someone with her humungous ass is pure vanity.

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    1. Back in the day, with the desktops, I was a whiz at it. Now? Not a chance!!! I mean, I know more than a lot of people but nowadays…..pfffttt….I’m as lost as anyone else!


  24. no verification yet…but i thought it was interesting nonetheless…

    copied from tcth

    June 14, 2022 5:17 pm

    BREAKING: Scandal erupts as Paul Pelosi DUI booking photo metadata shows the photo was taken TEN DAYS AFTER his arrest

    Pelosi was apparently allowed to go home for 10 days to heal his facial injuries- explaining the strange time delay in releasing the photo

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    1. The only place I can find that is in various Tweets. There are a lot of pics and some video at the link below.

      EXCERPT: “It’s the photo they tried to hide, but DailyMail.com has obtained the mug shot of shame-faced Paul Pelosi after he was arrested on DUI charges last month. Pelosi, 82, was collared by California Highway Patrol officers in Oakville, California, on May 28 after he blew through a stop sign in his 2021 Porsche and hit a Jeep.

      The mugshot, which shows Pelosi wearing a neat brown suit and collared shirt, would have been taken shortly after the late-night incident. Pelosi, who had a blood alcohol content of 0.08%, is scheduled to appear in court over the incident on August 3. Napa County DA Allison Haley said last week that she has still not decided whether to bring charges, telling Fox News that he will be arraigned at the hearing if she does file charges.

      The new development comes after DailyMail.com revealed Pelosi has a history of driving incidents and was involved in a smash that killed his brother David when he was 16. According to a 1957 report in the San Francisco Examiner, Pelosi, who was then a high school sophomore, had collected David, 19, from the home of a girlfriend at 12.30am and the brothers had decided to take a ‘joy ride’.

      The fatal crash happened shortly after 2.40am close to the Crystal Springs Dam just outside of San Mateo and left David trapped under the car where he was throttled by his neck brace. Although a coroner’s jury later dismissed manslaughter charges against Pelosi, a patrolman quoted in contemporary news reports said David had told his brother to slow down seconds before the crash. He said: ‘This is a bad stretch – better slow down,’ as they approached a tight curve near the Crystal Springs Dam on the Skyline Highway – now California State Route 35.


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  25. Liked by 1 person

              1. The best part about his book was the two pages of questions that I wish people would ask themselves.

                He does talk about how Trump put a stop to the reset but of course bite me wants it so….

                But it was pretty good. But nothing really new for us.

                Liked by 2 people

  26. EXCERPT: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel today voted unanimously to recommend Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 to 17 after determining the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for use.

    The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted 22 to 0 to recommend Moderna’s two-dose vaccine for 6- to 11-year-olds at half the strength of the adult version, and 22 to 0 in favor of authorizing the shot for 12- to 17-year-olds at the same strength as adults.

    The FDA’s vaccine advisors will meet again on Wednesday to discuss amending Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to include the “administration of the primary series to infants and children 6 months through 5 years of age. The committee tomorrow also will discuss amending EUA of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to “include the administration of the primary series to infants and children 6 months through 4 years of age.”

    After VRBPAC makes its recommendations, the FDA will then decide whether to authorize Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines for the suggested age groups.

    During the public comment session of the meeting, individuals expressed concern over recommending a vaccine for an age group that has an almost zero risk of experiencing severe illness or death from COVID-19 and has already acquired a high level of natural immunity.

    Dr. Harvey Klein, orthopedic surgeon, mechanical engineer and rocket scientist said he is appalled at the FDA’s arrogance in even “thinking of vaccinating healthy children with outdated, highly toxic COVID vaccines.”


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  27. EXCERPT: “Story at a glance:

    – Pfizer announced preliminary data from Phase 2/3 trials in children 6 months to under 5 years would be submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use authorization; the data are based on 1,678 children and 10 who got sick, which Pfizer claims is an 80.3% effectiveness rate.

    – Even vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit is dismayed at the number from which Pfizer is drawing conclusions. Just days before, New York announced the vaccine efficacy in children 5 to 11 years fell to 12% within two months after vaccination.

    – Despite 48,833 records in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of adverse events in children under 18 from the vaccine, Pfizer says the shot for 6 months to under 5 years old has “a safety profile similar to placebo.”

    – Moderna announced their submission to the FDA for children younger than 5 years has a 37% to 51% effectiveness, which is close to the effectiveness of the flu vaccine.

    – Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that as the months roll by, more Americans are not taking or completing the shots to meet CDC criteria to be fully vaccinated. The push to vaccinate children may likely be related to the pharmaceutical industry’s goal to mandate the vaccine under full legal immunity from damages.
    Curiously, Pfizer’s claim of 80.3% effectiveness in children comes on the heels of a New York State Department of Health study that showed vaccine efficacy in children ages 5 to 11 years old fell to 12% in two months after vaccination.

    In other words, 7 out of 8 kids who were vaccinated had no benefit from the vaccine two months after receiving the jab. The data taken from 365,502 children showed a striking difference between children ages 11 and 12. The effectiveness against infection in 12-year-olds was 67%, but in 11-year-old children, it dropped to 11%. The data from the U.S. were consistent with a report from Britain that showed effectiveness against symptomatic infection dropped 22.6% after two months in adolescents aged 16 to 17 years.
    It’s more likely that young children represent an untapped financial windfall for the company since the vaccine has proven to have dangerous side effects, while the death rate in children from the infection itself is far below any other age group. But, if the vaccine is added to the pediatric vaccine schedule, and if it’s mandated like other childhood vaccines, it will become an evergreen market representing billions of dollars to the drug companies.

    Each year the CDC records vaccine effectiveness for flu shots for all vaccine types in all age groups. The FDA may find the COVID jab’s 37% effectiveness rate acceptable since the flu vaccine’s adjusted effectiveness is similar, ranging from 34% to 68% in children ages 6 months to 8 years during the 2015-2016 through the 2019-2020 flu seasons. While the flu shot is a one-jab, annual event, thus far, the CDC recommends multiple jabs with the COVID vaccine.

    This means an adult may receive up to five injections of an mRNA shot with unknown long-term effects, which has not proven to effectively protect people against infection. Since the effectiveness of the COVID jab in adults and children drops in just weeks, it’s highly likely the same will happen in children 6 months to under 5 years.”
    In this fascinating interview with Alix Mayer, we discuss the nefarious reasons why our children are being aggressively targeted for the COVID-19 injection, even though CDC data show they are not a serious risk.

    Mayer is board president of the Children’s Health Defense California chapter and is herself vaccine injured from a series of vaccines she received 20 years ago, before traveling out of the country.

    She’s a graduate of Duke University and Northwestern University with an MBA in finance and management strategy. Historically, VAERS has shown that many vaccines have a questionable safety profile, especially when they’re combined.

    Yet data from 2021 and 2022 have suggested there’s never been a vaccine as dangerous as the experimental mRNA gene transfer injections for COVID.

    The lack of transparency and accountability has been a chronic problem within the industry, but the hazards associated with the COVID jabs have really highlighted this issue. Because the injections are still under EUA, they have legal immunity against liability for vaccine injury.

    Much more: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-pediatric-immunization-schedule-cola/

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    1. It cooled off really fast this morning but we’re back up to 89 on my patio now. My thermometer hit 99 yesterday – supposedly 103 in Norfolk!!! Yeah, it’s hot and my a/c has been running for days now!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh wow. Yeah it was a hot one today. I still can’t sit on the deck.

        It was 108.

        Same have the AC running which you know is bad we when do it.

        Liked by 2 people

  28. EXCERPT: “You Agreed to What? Doctor Check-In Software Harvests Your Health Data”

    The Washington Post reported: ‘The doctor will sell you now. Your intimate health information may not be as private as you think if you don’t look carefully at the forms you sign at the doctor’s office. There’s a burgeoning business in harvesting our patient data to target us with ultra-personalized ads. Patients who think medical information should come from a doctor — rather than a pharmaceutical marketing department — might not like that.

    Here’s what’s going on: A company called Phreesia makes software used by more than 2,000 clinics and hospitals across the United States to streamline check-ins, replacing the clipboard and photocopied forms with screens on a website or app. The company says it was used for more than 100 million check-ins in the past year.

    Phreesia says it does not “sell” your data. Instead, Phreesia mines your data and uses it to target you with ads on its own system without passing the information to others. (That’s a privacy argument I also often hear from Facebook and Google.) Phreesia also says it doesn’t track you in other digital places, and consenting won’t result in you seeing eerily targeted ads on other websites and apps.

    Phreesia is not the only medical-data business that wants access to your records to show you ads. I’ve also investigated “patient portals” used by many doctors that, if you read the small print in their privacy policies, claim the right to your information to show you ads.’

    A Hacked Kaiser Permanente Employee’s Emails Led to Breach of 70,000 Patient Records

    TechCrunch reported: “Kaiser Permanente, the largest nonprofit health plan provider in the United States, has disclosed a data breach that exposed the sensitive health information of almost 70,000 patients.

    In a notice to patients on June 3, Kaiser revealed that someone gained access to an employee’s emails at the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington on April 5 that contained protected health information — including patient names, dates of service, medical record numbers and lab test result information. Financially sensitive information, including social security and credit card numbers, was not exposed by the breach, according to the healthcare provider.

    Although the company didn’t reveal the scale of the breach, a separate filing with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that 69,589 individuals were affected.

    It is unclear why it took Kaiser almost two months to inform patients affected by the breach.”
    More headlines: After Rogan COVID Controversy, Spotify Forms a Safety Council to Rethink Its Content Moderation Policies

    Canada to Suspend Vaccine Mandates for Domestic Travel, Civil Service — Source

    Meta Rolls out New Parental Controls for Instagram and Quest VR Headsets

    Advocates Call on Congress to Bolster Protections for Kids in Privacy Bill

    Religious Watchdog Groups Warn Secular Society Causing ‘Self-Censorship’ Among Christians

    Policy Expert: One More Reason to Abandon High-Tech Period-Tracker Apps

    Apple and Google Are Coming for Your Car

    Meta, TikTok, Google and Twitter All Preparing to Sign on to New Misinformation Rules in Europe


    Liked by 1 person

    1. hi kea!
      I will watch this in the morning!
      I LOVED Candace’s 5 reasons people hate pride month you posted yesterday!
      hubby heard it while i was watching and he came over and asked who is THAT?

      Liked by 2 people

  29. I am adding a short daily prayer to the board. I would invite each of you, if you wish, to also add one or maybe two of your own liking. I do not want to stifle anyone but please limit yourself to one or two prayers or religious teachings. here’s one I found that I liked.

    Liked by 1 person

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