Happy Birthday Mr. President

the GOAT

From Britannica:

Donald Trump, in full Donald John Trump, (born June 14, 1946, New York, New York, U.S.), 45th president of the United States (2017–21). Trump was a real-estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to several hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential properties in the New York City area and around the world. From the 1980s Trump also lent his name to scores of retail ventures—including branded lines of clothing, cologne, food, and furniture—and to Trump University, which offered seminars in real-estate education from 2005 to 2010. In the early 21st century his private conglomerate, the Trump Organization, comprised some 500 companies involved in a wide range of businesses, including hotels and resorts, residential properties, merchandise, and entertainment and television.


Trump was the fourth of five children of Frederick (Fred) Christ Trump, a successful real estate developer, and Mary MacLeod. Donald’s eldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, eventually served as a U.S. district court judge (1983–99) and later as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit until her retirement in 2011. His elder brother, Frederick, Jr. (Freddy), worked briefly for his father’s business before becoming an airline pilot in the 1960s. Freddy’s alcoholism led to his early death in 1981, at the age of 43.

Donald Trump attended New York Military Academy (1959–64), a private boarding school; Fordham University in the Bronx (1964–66); and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce (1966–68), where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in econmics. In 1968, during the Vietnam War , he was diagnosed with bone spurs, which qualified him for a medical exemption from the military draft (he had earlier received four draft deferments for education). Upon his graduation Trump began working full-time for his father’s business, helping to manage its holdings of rental housing, then estimated at between 10,000 and 22,000 units. In 1974 he became president of a conglomeration of Trump-owned corporations and partnerships, which he later named the Trump Organization.

In 1977 Trump married Ivana Zelníčková Winklmayr, a Czech model, with whom he had three children—Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric—before the couple divorced in 1992. Trump married the American actress Marla Maples after she gave birth to Trump’s fourth child, Tiffany, in 1993. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1999. In 2005 Trump married the Slovene model Melania Knauss, and their son, Barron, was born the following year. Melania Trump became only the second foreign-born first lady of the United States upon Trump’s inauguration as president in 2017.

First Lady Melania

The rest of the article from Britannica details lawsuits, impeachments and other “scandals” but it fails to depict the true nature of this man in my opinion. He loves God, his family and this country and is the embodiment of a true patriot. He is passionate and funny, brash and honest and the man I’d choose to have in my corner any day of the week!!

Happy Birthday, Sir!

258 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Mr. President

          1. you only have a mug shot IF you’re arrested, right? if they have a mug shot and nothing happens, they’re sweeping it under the rug. if there’s no mug shot, then they can say he was never arrested…one shows corruption–the other is a misunderstanding…
            that’s my take anyway

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  1. Liked by 2 people

          1. I just can’t help but return to just over a year ago, when I was considering uprooting it and letting it die!!! I always figured it was the lack of morning sun that was making them die and now I wonder if I just wasn’t pruning them like I should have….it’s all a learning process, eh?

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  2. Today is also the anniversary of the baseball shooting–incited by bernie sanders and other…will their be parades? hearings? nope. the left is never made to pay for their INCITEMENTS.
    Today is 6/14, a day that should live in infamy. This is the day that American democracy took a barbaric hit, when – five years ago on June 14, 2017 – the Democrat Party’s dangerous, violent rhetoric incited one of its members to attempt, and almost succeed in carrying out, the largest-scale political assassination in our nation’s history. On June 14, 2017, a Democrat tried to murder dozens of Republican Congressmen as they innocently gathered to play baseball at a field just outside the nation’s capital. The Democrat insurrectionist succeeded in seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and three others, including two police officers, before brave law enforcement officials stopped him and saved the rule of law. This June 14 commemorates the five-year anniversary of the “Congressional Baseball Massacre” — an actual domestic terror attack carried out by a Democrat.

    The Democrat-run media will, of course, not air a special live broadcast marking this anniversary. Congress will not hold a series of solemn events or observe a moment of silence commemorating the deadly insurrection, and the president will not deliver a special address condemning the Democrat Party’s violent rhetoric as a threat to democracy.

    But the day must be commemorated nonetheless – so history remembers the time when one political party openly advocated violence against its political rivals and nearly succeeded in wiping several out.

    Inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ false claim that “36,000 people will die yearly” if the Republican Congress succeeded in repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of Sanders’ supporters, a home inspector with no history of mental illness, set out with the express intent to “terminate the Republican Party.” The 6/14 insurrectionist campaigned for Sanders and was a supporter of Barack Obama. The Congressional Baseball Massacre came in the wake of a deluge of calls for violence against Republicans by Democrat politicians and their supporters in the media and in Hollywood. To name a few examples: just two weeks earlier, in May of 2017, Democrat comedian and far-left CNN contributor Kathy Griffin posed in a Mexican cartel-style photo featuring a mock severed and blood-soaked head of the recently-elected Republican president; also in May of 2017, Democrat rapper Snoop Dogg posted a video depicting him murdering the Republican president; at a Democrat rally in January of 2017, pop star Madonna had mused about blowing up the Republican-occupied White House.


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  3. today is Flag Day. DC Mayor bowser is flying flags with 51 stars instead of 50, demanding that dc become a state…political disrespect and theater.

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  4. Good morning y all! Nothing new to report here, relaxed yesterday. We are starting to pack and I am getting ready to paint the kitchen and bathroom ceilings this weekend. Gotta plan the move and when I will put in my notice. Have vacation the week of the 4th…anniversary is on the 8th. Overwhelmed with getting this all done on schedule. One task at a time…

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      1. I will still have to work, but not as much. Am wanting to do woodworking projects on the side, but I have to get my shop set up first. Most likely will work somewhere local. Not trying to do hvac as it will require too much travel. Luckily I have a couple different trades I can do and my wife can work from home online if needed. Her current job is looking into her working remote, which would be nice.

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        1. i love woodworking!!!
          my son’s woodshop is amazing…I took pictures when we were there…I don’t know what half the machines do to be honest…I will have to find them

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    1. Good Morning CM!
      remember the A Team?
      “I love it when a plan comes together!”
      planning…and more planning…but you’ll get there!!!

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  5. fox news says it IS his mug shot…

    Napa County Department of Corrections

    Fox News reported in part:

    “In Napa County, the decision to release or withhold mugshots or booking photos lies with the Napa County Department of Corrections, not the District Attorney’s Office,” a county spokesperson said in a statement Monday. “In the days after Mr. Pelosi’s arrest, Napa County followed the Department of Corrections’ policy regarding the release of booking photos and mugshots. Mr. Pelosi received the same treatment under that policy that all individuals released from County Jail receive.”

    Although Pelosi didn’t want the image out at all probably, better late than right away is probably what they were thinking. Will mainstream outlets cover this at all?


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  6. EXCERPT: “James Hodgkinson is a hero to Democrats; one of their own who dared stand up to tyranny! What did he stand up to? A bunch of Republicans practicing baseball for a charity game against Democrats. You might not remember the 2017 attempted mass murder, the Democrat media stopped talking about the story after 3 days – before the then House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, seriously wounded in the shooting, was off life support and it was known he would live. As soon as the truth of the would-be killer was discovered, the story ceased to be one. Parents are proud of their children, but not all movements are proud of the offspring they create. That’s how it was for the left and Hodgkinson.

    How can I say they created him? Because they did, they all did. Hodgkinson told the world why he was doing what he did – he was upset by “news” reports that the GOP plan for health care would lead to the deaths of 10,000 Americans every year. The “how” didn’t matter, nor did the fact that it was a lie, the gang at MSNBC and CNN parroted it over and over. If you’re unstable enough to believe those appendages of the Democratic National Committee, you almost have a moral obligation to act, don’t you?

    That’s what you’d think Democrats don’t understand – that if you convince people the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler is in the White House, the already troubled will have a compulsion to do something about it. But you’d be wrong. Not that the mentally unstable might act, but that Democrats view this as an unintended consequence.
    They know exactly what they’re doing. Is it their desire to get their political opponents murdered? Probably not. But you don’t set a pot of water on the stove over a high flame and not realize it will boil over if you don’t stop it before it does.

    Democrats have a campaign strategy of emotion, dangerous emotions. They seek to keep as many people as they possibly can on the verge of a breakdown without having them cross the line to keep them motivated to vote. The problem is you have a lot of unstable people on that side of the aisle. If they are manipulated into something just this side of a frenzy over made-up outrages, some are going to break. Most won’t, but there’s no way some won’t.

    The kid from California who flew to DC to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is just such a person. Unstable – he was already suicidal and looking to commit murder for the cause before taking his own life, making him a hero to his political party, in his mind at least – he only broke down once he realized the existing security around Kavanaugh’s house would make his dreams of martyrdom impossible and he called police on himself.

    It wasn’t a story. The torture kit he carried with him would be national news if he’d been caught walking into a school anywhere in the country or near any of Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama’s mansions was reported and then ignored. This guy may be the only 26-year-old with no social media footprint, or the tech companies wiped it clean in the hours between him turning himself in and the eventual release of his name. His name was as closely guarded a secret as the identity of who Paul Pelosi was out getting hammered with while Nancy was on the other side of the country giving a commencement address, no one in the media knew it until the Justice Department was ready for it to be known.”


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  7. Still hot and humid, altho not quite as bad this morning. Supposedly we’ll have a cold front coming thru around noon today, followed by possible thunderstorms. We hit 100 here yesterday – 103 reported for Norfolk!!! Normal 80’s temps the next few days but it’s supposed to go back up again by next week-end.

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      1. Since I am further north and west, the cold front will hit up here first, thankfully. I can already tell the difference between when I first got up and put the feeders back out at 6 am, then went back out to put up the Thistle feeder 10 minutes later – in fact, the temp has dropped from 79 to 77 now. Any time it looks like there is even a chance of rain, I bring it in – tired of wasting Thistle seeds! The nectar feeder was almost empty so they are apparently hitting that more than the jelly now. Perhaps the heat had something to do with that?

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        1. i put out the jelly feeder with the hummer feeders and ALL of them are going crazy–it seems to be 2 dozen hummers and at least 5 orioles vying for the feeders.
          we must be expecting storms later

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    1. where is ray epps? i say more importantly…WHO is ray epps? a fed?
      In one video of Ray Epps taken on the evening of January 5, 2021, Ray is seen wearing a red MAGA baseball cap and exhorting protestors to “Go into the Capitol.” During the span of Jan 5-6, 2021, Epps can be seen in several locations between the White House and the Capitol, urging people to enter the People’s House. Like the imaginary Waldo, Ray Epps shows up doing his old man impersonation of Ethan Hunt on a Mission Impossible episode.

      Like the fictional Ethan Hunt, the Agency (FBI and DOJ) has disavowed any knowledge or connection with Ray Epps. For some time, a picture of Epps appeared on an FBI website soliciting information about those who entered the Capitol on January 6th. That picture went up in a puff of smoke and, now, the FBI refuses to answer questions about him.

      Nancy Pelosi and her minions are crafting their own narrative that they want to be accepted as truth. She does not want her version annoyed by questions of deplorables. That heavy-handed behavior tends to raise red flags in the minds of truth seekers. Why can’t we see all the footage covering the January 6th event in the Capitol? Why is the renowned FBI sitting on what they know about Rancher Ray?

      What a mysterious guy! He lives in Arizona but makes himself famous, herding Trumpers to the Capitol. As he was exhorting action, several people loudly suggested that Ray Epps is a FED. I know I am expressing a quaint notion from America’s past, but don’t the people in the FBI and DOJ work for us, aka “We the People”?

      I don’t care about Waldo, but I want to know what brought Ray Epps to Washington from Arizona and who was paying him to stir things up.



  8. so true. we do not need MORE gun laws–we need enforcement of laws already on the books.
    Crime isn’t skyrocketing nationwide because firearm laws have changed (they haven’t), but because the law-enforcers have changed.

    Enforcement of local laws makes far more sense than any one-size-fits-all policy, too, as crime is not an evenly distributed phenomenon. Consider that more than half of 2016’s murders occurred in just certain parts of two percent of our land’s counties, and 68 percent of the homicides were committed in only small pockets of five percent of the counties.

    Oh, these would be exclusively, or almost all, Democrat-governed areas.

    In contrast and on average, “73 percent of counties in any given year had zero murders from 1977 to 2000,” reported Fox News in 2017. (These would generally be GOP areas.)

    In other words, we don’t have a “gun problem.

    We have a Democrat population/governance problem.

    What’s so disgusting about enacting more laws but not strictly enforcing those on the books, especially the important ones, is that only good people are affected. They tend to follow laws even when enforcement is lax and punishment for violation is minimal; miscreants won’t without the threat of Draconian measures.

    So ponder the vicious circle here:

    You don’t enforce just laws.
    Crime consequently proliferates.
    There’s then a drumbeat for more laws, which take away good people’s freedom but also won’t be enforced on evildoers.
    Crime then rises further leading to a call for even more laws, and, well….

    You get the idea. Wash, rinse, repeat — and soon few freedoms remain. Of course, were you conspiracy minded (perish the thought), you might fancy this the whole point of this seemingly pointless exercise.

    As for you politicians, federal and otherwise, focus on enforcing existing laws or forever hold your peace. ’Cause with the way your pet criminals are running wild, a good citizen certainly has to hold his piece.



    1. amazing isn’t it?
      i go somewhere and the smell bothers me, or the music is too loud, I LEAVE. I don’t expect the business to change for ME…
      Karens…sigh…it’s all about them

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  9. Entire article from 2015: “The most well known high IQ society is Mensa. To join Mensa one must score in the top 2% of a standardized IQ test. That really isn’t all that outstanding. One out of 50 people have IQs high enough to join Mensa. Numerical IQ scores are not an accurate indicator of intelligence. For instance a score of 72 on the U.S. Navy GCT test is about equal to score of 150 on the WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale). Percentile IQ scores are a more informative measurement.

    Way back during the 2004 presidential election I wrote an article that shook up the major news networks and the New York Times. I was able to document that George Bush had a higher IQ score and better grades than John Kerry. I belong to one of those high IQ societies, and I am a psychotherapist, so I have a credible background to evaluate Mr. Trump, even though my opinions are speculative.

    Please keep in mind that IQ is a measure of intellect not character. I will comment on Donald Trump’s character later in this article.

    Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and anthropology. Mensa doesn’t accept SAT scores from after 1994. However Mr Trump was a student at Wharton when it was possible to derive an accurate IQ core from known SAT scores. Given the usual requirements for admission to a top school like Wharton, I estimate that Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum.

    The standard description of this level of intelligence is “Genius – Exception intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts.” However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

    People with this kind of intellectual ability can do things with their minds that can’t even be described to ordinary people. Remember that quote from the above paragraph, “capable of looking beyond known facts?” These highly intelligent minds process and organize data into solutions and insights, and the individual person is not even consciously aware of the process. The cartoon light bulb that goes on over someone’s head happens to people like Mr. Trump on a regular basis. I would not be surprised if Mr Trump’s IQ actually measures significantly higher than the minimum estimate mentioned above.

    Enough about how smart Mr. Trump is. I was motivated to write this article because of the personality traits that are revealed in Mr. Trump’s behavior. His character traits are every bit as fascinating as his intellect.

    Abraham Maslow, the American Psychologist and philosopher best known for his self-actualization theory of psychology, spent most of his professional career trying to identify what was right with people, rather than looking at pathology. Maslow did extensive research to define the traits of a “self actualized” person. My wife and professional partner is also a high IQ person. She makes the point that a better term is “self actualizing,” correctly pointing out that there isn’t state of personality to be achieved, but rather the individual is in the process of becoming his best self.

    Donald Trump’s observable behavior informs us about the degree to which he is “self actualizing.” Quote from a Psychology Professor I once had; “People are not who you think they are. People are not who they think they are. People are what they do. That is why this is called a behavioral science”. Forget the labels. They are all misleading. Pay attention to the behavior.

    Here are some examples of the Traits of a Self Actualized Person, from Maslow’s own research:

    · They resist enculturation.

    Self-actualizers tend to be nonconformists, since they are inner-directed people. If a cultural norm is contrary to their personal values, they simply will not adhere to it. They are almost always loners, or leaders. They are never joiners. Yup. That sounds like the “Donald” to me!

    · They are creative.

    Maslow found this trait in all of the self-actualizers. “This is a universal characteristic of all the people studied or observed. There is no exception. This creativeness appears in some of our subjects not in the usual forms of writing books, composing music, or producing artistic objects … It is as if this special type of creativeness being an expression of healthy personality is projected out upon the world, or touches whatever activity the person is engaged in. In this sense there can be creative shoemakers or carpenters or clerks. This creativity comes from the fact that self-actualizers are more open to experience and more spontaneous in their feelings.”

    Yes, Donald is always coming up with new creative ways of seeing things differently and solving problems.

    · They are autonomous and therefore tend to be independent of their environment.

    “Because self-actualizers are B-motivated rather than D-motivated, they are more dependent on their own inner world than on the outer world. Deficiency motivated people must have other people available since most of their main need gratifications (love safety. respect, prestige, belongingness) can come only from other human beings. But growth motivated [B-motivated] people may actually be hampered by others. The determinants of satisfaction, and of the good life, are for them inner & individual, and not social. They have become strong enough to be independent of the good opinion of other people, or even of their affection. The honors, the status, the rewards, the popularity, the prestige and the love others can bestow must have become less important than self-development and inner growth.”

    Donald frequently says that he doesn’t plan what he is going to say. It is obvious that his strategy is to simply be authentic.

    · They have a strong ethical sense.

    Although their notions of right and wrong are often unconventional, self-actualizers, nonetheless almost always know the ethical implications of their own actions. Right and wrong (good and evil) are part of every decision Donald makes.

    · They tend to accept democratic values.

    Self-actualizers do not respond to individuals on the basis of race, status or religion. They can be and are friendly with anyone of suitable character regardless of class, education, political belief, race or color. As a matter of fact, it often seems as if they are not even aware of these differences, which are for the average person so obvious and important. Donald is as likely to treat his chauffeur or secretary as equitably as CEOs or politicians.

    · They tend to identify with all of mankind.

    The concerns that self-actualizers have for other people do not extend only to their friends and family, but to all people in all cultures throughout the world. This feeling of brotherhood extends also to individuals who are aggressive, inconsiderate, or otherwise foolish. Self-actualizers have a genuine desire to help the human race. Donald consistently shows a universality of concern for all people.

    · They exhibit spontaneity, simplicity and naturalness.

    Self-actualizers tend to be true to their feelings; what they really feel they tend to say and/or experience. They do not hide behind a mask, and do not act in accordance with social roles. They are true to themselves, speaking candidly and authentically. One of the traits that makes Donald so popular with voters is that he is “real.”
    There are many other observations to be made about Mr. Trump being a “self actualizing” person. However, let it suffice to observe that Donald Trump is a brilliant man with a healthy personality. It should be pointed out that “self-actualizing” people are not what most human resources departments are looking for. Most executives want those who will follow the manual and fit into the corporate culture. That does not describe Donald Trump.

    Maybe the voters of America share some of the same biases as executives. Perhaps what we need is a rebel genius with self actualized traits to be our President. Lord knows we have tried enough of the other kind of leader.”



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  11. I am going thru my Trump bookmarks – I have a separate folder for President Trump. This is another blast from the past, written by Tucker Carlson in 2016:

    EXCERPT: “About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair. I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day.

    “It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.

    At the time, I’d never met Trump and I remember feeling amused but also surprised he’d say something like that. Now the pattern seems entirely familiar. The message had all the hallmarks of a Trump attack: shocking, vulgar and indisputably true.

    Not everyone finds it funny. On my street in Northwest Washington, D.C., there’s never been anyone as unpopular as Trump. The Democrats assume he’s a bigot, pandering to the morons out there in the great dark space between Georgetown and Brentwood. The Republicans (those relatively few who live here) fully agree with that assessment, and they hate him even more. They sense Trump is a threat to them personally, to their legitimacy and their livelihoods. Idi Amin would get a warmer reception in our dog park.

    I understand it of course. And, except in those moments when the self-righteous silliness of rich people overwhelms me and I feel like moving to Maine, I can see their points, some of them anyway. Trump might not be my first choice for president. I’m not even convinced he really wants the job. He’s smart enough to know it would be tough for him to govern.

    But just because Trump is an imperfect candidate doesn’t mean his candidacy can’t be instructive. Trump could teach Republicans in Washington a lot if only they stopped posturing long enough to watch carefully. Here’s some of what they might learn:

    He Exists Because You Failed

    American presidential elections usually amount to a series of overcorrections: Clinton begat Bush, who produced Obama, whose lax border policies fueled the rise of Trump. In the case of Trump, though, the GOP shares the blame, and not just because his fellow Republicans misdirected their ad buys or waited so long to criticize him. Trump is in part a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn’t.

    Consider the conservative nonprofit establishment, which seems to employ most right-of-center adults in Washington. Over the past 40 years, how much donated money have all those think tanks and foundations consumed? Billions, certainly. (Someone better at math and less prone to melancholy should probably figure out the precise number.) Has America become more conservative over that same period? Come on. Most of that cash went to self-perpetuation: Salaries, bonuses, retirement funds, medical, dental, lunches, car services, leases on high-end office space, retreats in Mexico, more fundraising. Unless you were the direct beneficiary of any of that, you’d have to consider it wasted.”

    Very long article: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-is-shocking-vulgar-and-right-213572/

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    1. agreed.
      I would rather someone be brutally honest (sarcastic but witty) to my face than be nice to my face and trashing me behind my back.

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    2. “Republican primary voters should be forgiven for wondering who exactly is on the reckless side of this debate. At the very least, Trump seems like he wants to protect the country.

      Evangelicals understand this better than most. You read surveys that indicate the majority of Christian conservatives support Trump, and then you see the video: Trump on stage with pastors, looking pained as they pray over him, misidentifying key books in the New Testament, and in general doing a ludicrous imitation of a faithful Christian, the least holy roller ever. You wonder as you watch this: How could they be that dumb? He’s so obviously faking it.

      They know that already. I doubt there are many Christian voters who think Trump could recite the Nicene Creed, or even identify it. Evangelicals have given up trying to elect one of their own. What they’re looking for is a bodyguard, someone to shield them from mounting (and real) threats to their freedom of speech and worship. Trump fits that role nicely, better in fact than many church-going Republicans. For eight years, there was a born-again in the White House. How’d that work out for Christians, here and in Iraq?”

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  12. EXCERPT: “She is the wife of a billionaire who is still top of the polls among Republican contenders for the White House. Last night Melania Trump went center stage as she accompanied her husband Donald at the party’s debate in Colorado – and where despite a muted performance, he remained front-runner in the polls.

    To be in such a position would be unusual of itself. But, Daily Mail Online can disclose, it is extraordinary. For Melania Trump is also the daughter of a card-carrying Communist and was brought up in a Soviet-era apartment in a country which fell apart in a bloody frenzy of inter-ethnic violence.

    Until last night the potential first lady had hardly been seen on the campaign trail with her husband. But she wasn’t always one to shy away from the cameras. In fact, exclusive photos paint a different portrait – a young Melania shining in front of the lens, trying to launch her modeling career. Melania, who could become the first foreign-born First Lady in almost 200 years, was born in 1970 in south-eastern Slovenia, near the border with Croatia.”

    At 17:

    Treasured memories: Melania (right) her sister, Ines and friend Nena Bedek featured in a local newspaper (right) as taking part in a young fashion show. ‘Melania was transfixed by the idea of becoming a model and loved sketching designs for clothes,’ Bedek tells Daily Mail Online.

    Scenic setting: The Knav family moved to a new house in 1984, escaping the state-owned communal property they had been in. Melania’s father’s Communist party membership is likely to have helped. They stayed, however, in the same scenic village

    Meet the parents: Melania’s father Viktor Knavs (left) was a listed member of the League of Communists, but her mother Amalija Ulcnik (right) was not a member. His appearance has been compared to that of his son-in-law, to whom both he and his wife are close.


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  13. Entire Article: “Former Trump butler Tony Senecal defended Donald Trump in an interview with CNN’s Carol Costello this morning.

    “He’s an incredibly generous person. He’s been generous to his employees. He’s generous to strangers. He’s an entirely a nice guy. He’s not the gruff person that people make him out to be. Sure, you attack him, he’s going to fight back. But most of the time he’s just a nice man. I lasted with him for 20 years, he had to be pretty good,” Senecal said.

    Senecal defended Trump as a patriot who wants what is best for the country.

    “His interest in the American people. His patriotism. The man was born on Flag Day. He’s a very patriotic person — ahem, excuse me — and he wants what’s best for this country,” he told CNN.

    The former butler called BS on claims that Trump’s water, magazine and steak businesses were unsuccessful ventures. “That it wasn’t true that he didn’t have the water, that he didn’t have the magazine, that he didn’t have a steak. It is all bull,” Senecal said. Several years ago Newsmax ran a story on Senecal titled, The Real Story on Donald Trump.

    The full CNN interview:”

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  14. From CHD: “Please watch and share this video about the devastation that can occur from COVID shot injuries or death featuring the song “Hands Off Our Children” by artist Joydah Mae.


    Dear Friend,

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is likely to grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for children ages 6 months through 4 years and Moderna’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for infants and children ages 6 months through 5 years and 6 years through 17 years in their upcoming meetings today and tomorrow (June 14-15).

    CHD is poised to take legal action against the FDA should they grant these emergency use authorizations. We seek to hold FDA accountable for recklessly endangering our children with products that have little, no or even negative net efficacy. These products may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke, other thrombotic events and future reproductive harm.

    Please join Children’s Health Defense in telling the FDA to get their #HandsOffOurChildren and let regulatory authorities know that we will not stand idly by while they subject the youngest, most vulnerable population to these experimental shots.

    We need Defenders like YOU to hold the line as we try to stop the approval of EUA amendments that profoundly impact the health and safety of our kids.

    Urgent: Take Action & Advocate Today on Behalf of Children!

    We have two action alerts. First, demand the FDA, CDC and VRBPAC members vote NO on the EUAs, and second, share Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s letter directly with your federal legislators. Please complete and share these action alerts today!”


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  15. Entire Article @ ThePoliticalInsider from 2015: “While the media is busy smearing President Donald Trump, he continues to speak directly to the American people. That’s because we know the truth… and they would never report THIS story!

    But this story is extraordinary! In Los Angeles, an airline was refusing to help get a sick 3-year-old Jewish boy on a flight. Trump was called, and he immediately made his expensive private jet available. Donald Trump acted to save the day, without hesitation. THIS is what a REAL leader looks like.

    The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness. The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area. Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

    Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

    “Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,’” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning. Asked why he thought Trump made his private jet available, Ten replied, “Because he is a good man. He has three children of his own and he knows what being a parent is all about.”

    While Donald Trump is busy saving young boys at airports, President Barack Obama allows his family to live in poverty somewhere in Kenya.

    Thank you Donald Trump for setting such an example for the rest of us! We should always help others in need.”

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  16. Entire Article @ BuzzFeed from 2015: “It was September 1986, and Annabel Hill, 66, was facing an auction where she would lose the farm that had been in her family for five generations.

    Hill’s husband, Lenard, had committed suicide eight months earlier, 20 minutes before a scheduled auction, in a last-ditch attempt to save his property with life insurance money. The life insurance money wasn’t enough, covering only $175,000 of debts than ran in excess of $300,000, from two years of a drought that Hill said had ruined their livelihood. Even when several hundred acres of the 1,300-acre Waynesboro, Georgia, farm were sold, the now-widowed Annabel still found herself deep in debt and facing an auction.

    That’s when real estate tycoon Donald Trump and a series of other personalities stepped in to help save Hill’s farm. The push to save Hill’s farm began with Frank Argenbright, a well-regarded Atlanta businessman. Argenbright had helped another farmer keep his land, according to reports. Argenbright asked Hill to appear at a news conference with him in the city. That news conference made its way onto NBC’s Nightly News and was watched by Trump.

    “I saw a story on the news about Annabel Hill, who’d hit bottom,” The Donald writes in his book The America We Deserve. “It was a very sad situation, and I was moved,” Trump writes in The Art of the Deal. “Here were people who’d worked very hard and honestly all their lives, only to see it all crumble before them. To me, it just seemed wrong.” Trump reached out to Argenbright, who was able to put Trump in touch with bank that held Hill’s mortgage.

    “The next morning, I called and got some vice president on the line,” writes Trump. “I explained that I was a businessman from New York, and that I was interested in helping Mrs. Hill. He told me he was sorry, but that it was too late. They were going to auction off the farm, he said, and ‘nothing or no one is going to stop it.'”

    It was then, Trump claims, he decided to talk tough to the banker. “That really got me going,” he writes. “I said to the guy: ‘You listen to me. If you do foreclose, I’ll personally bring a lawsuit for murder against you and your bank, on the grounds that you harassed Mrs. Hill’s husband to his death.’ All of a sudden the bank officer sounded very nervous and said he’d get right back to me. Sometimes it pays to be a little wild.”

    “An hour later I got a call back from the banker, and he said, ‘Don’t worry, we’re going to work it out, Mr. Trump.'”

    At a press conference at the entrance to the Burke County Courthouse where the foreclosure sale was set to begin, Argenbright and members of the Hill family discussed their plan to save the farm. Neighbors and friends of the Hills, who had planned to console the family after their sale, were instead “stunned” with the news of a rescue plan, according to the Chicago Tribune. Argenbright and Trump had put up the money with Federal Land Bank that morning for a 30-day option to purchase the farmland. The auction was called off less than two hours before it was to begin.

    “It was a business decision that waiting a month doesn’t put the bank in any worse position, and [the earnest money shows] that this is no sham,” the bank’s manager said. “In this case, there was a lot of cooperation and effort on their part. We don’t always get that in foreclosure cases.”

    Annabel Hill told the media her husband “would be overjoyed with the idea that the land will be saved. Truly, I don’t believe he will have died in vain, because one of these days this land will be coming back to the Hill family, and crops will be raised on it again.”

    During the 30-day option period, a donation drive to collect the $187,000 necessary to pay the debt was launched. It instantly took off, thanks in no small part to Trump’s celebrity and his connections. “By the end of the week, we’d raised $40,000. [Don] Imus alone raised almost $20,000 by appealing to his listeners,” writes Trump in The Art of the Deal. After a successful swarm of donations the debt still stood at $78,000.

    That was when Trump offered to help pay half and Dallas farmer and landowner Tom McKamy matched Trump’s offer. “Financially this was obviously no big deal,” writes Trump in The America We Deserve. “But in human terms, there aren’t words to express what Annabel Hill gave to me. Most of us have a few things in life we would never give back, no matter what. Helping Annabel is that way for me.”

    That Christmas, at the atrium of the Trump Tower, The Donald and Annabel Hill, flanked by the media and others who had donated, burned Hill’s mortgage. “It feels wonderful, it really does — especially at this time of the year,” Hill said. ‘I’m just so grateful to these men. It’s really hard with the main person in your family gone. This kind of eases the ache a little bit.”

    ”I never gave up hope. Farmers don’t ever give up hope,” Mrs. Hill added.

    “It was unreal, almost like my mom was Cinderella,” Hill’s daughter Betsy told BuzzFeed News. “We couldn’t believe that we were going up to New York to actually meet Donald Trump in person and sit down and have a meal with him. He was just precious to help save our farm. It was just like we couldn’t believe it.”

    “It’s nice to see that other side of a big real estate, investor and businessman to want to help such small, little unknown people,” she added. At the Christmas event, Trump, struck a similar chord to what he says today. “We give a lot of money to foreign countries that don’t give a damn about us, but we don’t help the American farmers,” Trump said.

    Annabel Hill passed away at the age of 91 in 2011. She said about the motives of Trump’s charity, “the only way I can explain it was God touched his heart.”

    Trump kept in touch with Hill for a while after the mortgage burning. “I would see Annabel, whether it was in church or whether, you know, out in the community and she was always saying, ‘Well, you know I’m praying for Mr. Trump, I am praying for Mr. Trump,'” Marty Baker, a pastor at the local church, told BuzzFeed News. “And she just, you know, really stayed in contact with him some and continually just prayed for him.”

    “I saw a side of him that was very caring, very sincere,” Argenbright told Lost Tycoon author Henry Hurt in his book. “He would call her up and check on her [even after the publicity died out]. There was no feeling of, ‘well, Frank, okay, you’ve done the deal. Annabel’s gone. The publicity is over with. There’s no benefit to Donald Trump now.’ Not any of that ever.”

    The Hills, according to Annabel’s son, Jim, who spoke with BuzzFeed News by phone, had never heard of Trump before he called up their family. “It was a small Southern town,” Jim Hill said. Jim Hill said that after their farm was saved, the family became the unofficial spokespeople for farmers losing their lands to banks in foreclosure. “She sort of kind of became the spokesperson of the entire group of farmers that committed suicide or were losing their properties or losing the remainder of their properties,” he said.

    Leonard Hill, Annabel’s son, who currently lives on the farm, says the family is deeply indebted to Trump. “I’ve got three daughters and it allowed them to grow up on the farm,” Leonard Hill told BuzzFeed News. “We have been very blessed, very blessed.”

    “My wife was pregnant with our youngest daughter when Mr. Trump came into the picture, and she grew up and decided to be a lawyer and went to the Catholic law school in Washington, D.C., and probably would not have been able to do that without Mr. Trump,” he stated.

    “We about lost our names, I wouldn’t even know who I was. It was a tremendous blessing.”

    Liked by 2 people

  17. From the LA Times in 2008: “It’s “The Donald” to the rescue.

    Mega-developer and TV personality Donald Trump is negotiating to buy Ed McMahon’s Beverly Hills house for an undisclosed amount and allow McMahon to continue living in it. Details of the deal are still being ironed out. “I don’t know the man, but I grew up watching him on TV,” Trump told The Times.

    McMahon, 85, was facing foreclosure within two weeks on his Beverly Hills home of 18 years. The television icon, who was Johnny Carson’s sidekick for three decades, defaulted on $4.8 million in mortgage loans with Countrywide Financial Corp. He said in interviews that he was unable to work because of a neck injury that occurred about 18 months ago.

    Trump said he stepped in because helping McMahon “would be an honor.” His plan is to buy the home from the lender and lease it back to McMahon. “When I was at the Wharton School of Business,” Trump said, “I’d watch him every night. How could this happen?”

    The deal with Trump was discussed over the weekend when McMahon’s listing agent, Alex Davis of Hilton & Hyland in Beverly Hills, flew to New York to make a personal appeal to Trump. Davis declined to comment. The six-bedroom, five-bathroom house had been on the market for about two years. At one point, it was listed at more than $7 million but dropped in increments, winding up this weekend at $4.6 million. McMahon purchased the house in 1990 for $2.6 million, according to public records.

    Lenders had set a deadline of two weeks for another buyer to be found. Any deal carries potential tax consequences for both parties. If Trump leases the house to McMahon at below market rates, the cost difference could be regarded as income from McMahon and subject to taxation, said Michael Eisner, a tax attorney with Eisner & Frank in Beverly Hills.

    Also, Trump could potentially incur federal gift taxes if he exceeds his lifetime gift tax limitation or has given more than $12,000 a year in gifts to a non-relative.”

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  18. Entire Article @ The Political Insider: “In a little-publicized act of kindness, it has been reported that Donald Trump gave financial support to Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the soldier held in a Mexican jail for 214 days. Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren told her audience about the charitable effort on behalf of Mr. Trump, but also added this point about the President — he “wouldn’t even pick up the phone to help.”

    via Greta Wire: “Trump: I was proud to help Sgt. Tahmooressi and this showed what we can do when we work together.” Watch Greta’s Off The Record segment below …

    Greta: “In all seriousness, Donald did help out Sgt. Tahmooressi. He sent him some money to help him jump start his life. Sgt. Tahmooressi rotted in a Mexican prison for 214 days. President Obama wouldn’t even pick up the phone to help.”

    Tahmooressi was released in November when a Mexican judge was finally convinced to do so on humanitarian grounds. His lengthy prison stay became a farce and a failure under the Obama administration, culminating in a September congressional hearing that was “highly critical of Obama Administration efforts to secure his release and Mexico’s refusal to let him go.”

    It’s good to see that at least Mr. Trump cared enough to lend a helping hand.

    What do you think of the claims that Donald Trump helped Sgt. Tahmooressi? And what do you think of Obama’s inaction during the time he was held in prison?”

    Liked by 1 person

  19. EXCERPT from 2016: ““When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

    That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South. In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

    So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

    The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

    Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

    And he won. Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

    It remains a point of pride for Trump, who boasted about the golf resort in a 2015 interview, “Whether they love me or not, everyone agrees the greatest and most important place in Palm Beach is Mar-a-Lago. I took this ultimate place and made it incredible and opened it, essentially, to the people of Palm Beach. The fact that I owned it made it a lot easier to get along with the Palm Beach establishment.”

    At the time in 1997, then-Anti-Defamation League President Abraham Foxman praised Trump for elevating the issue of discrimination at private clubs, telling the Wall Street Journal, “He put the light on Palm Beach. Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.” Foxman credited Trump’s move with encouraging other clubs in Palm Beach to do the same as Mar-a-Lago in opening up.”
    That’s the real Donald Trump. The one who dealt a real problem to do with discrimination on race and religion in Palm Beach long before he was ever seeking public office by confronting a local planning board over its exclusive policies, determined he would do things differently.”
    All that happened here was an ugly chapter of American history that includes white supremacy once again reared its head into U.S. politics — and was aimed viciously at Republicans even with the GOP’s clear record against slavery and segregation. The response both from mainstream media outlets and the punditry has become a predictable din and a meme unto itself of typical race card politics that attempts to portray Republicans as racists.

    And it is all patently absurd.

    So, move on. Based on the Palm Beach experience, Trump, unlike many others who never had to confront segregation, actually has a solid record on this issue. The attacks are unfair. And he didn’t refuse to denounce anybody, in spite of what was reported. He immediately and rightly disavowed the Duke endorsement, but as Trump noted, it’s never enough.”


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  20. Entire Article @ ChristianToday: “Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brimming with gratitude for one U.S. presidential aspirant: Donald Trump.

    In a surprising revelation, Abedini said the Republican presidential nominee helped provide for the needs of his family in Boise, Idaho while he was locked up in an Iranian prison for his faith. The pastor said Trump gave his family $10,000 while he was imprisoned for three and a half years.

    “I am finally free in a free country. Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president,” Abedini said in a post on his Facebook page on Sunday. “And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates,” he added.

    In contrast, Abedini said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did not do or say anything to help secure his release from Iranian prison. The pastor said Clinton never spoke his name or met his family. “As a woman who says she stands for women’s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage,” he wrote.

    Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.

    “In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump’s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth,” Abedini said.

    The pastor pointed out that those who are condemning Trump for his past are forgetting that America is also a nation “saved by grace.” “When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace,” he wrote.

    Last week, Abedini said he already cast an early vote for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.”

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  21. Good morning Pat and Filly!

    WOW! You two continue to bring soooo much news and conversation… I’m in awe!

    Wonderful tribute to POTUS’ birthday and loved pics of young Melania … and Filly your roses are spectacular!

    love to you both… later!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning to you, PR!!! Can you believe that is the rose bush I was going to just let die a little more than a year ago??!!?? I am pulling up all the old stuff I had saved about Candidate Trump! So nice to “see” you!

      Liked by 2 people

  22. E-mail from Brandon Straka:

    Dear Patriots,

    Right now it’s 1am as I’m writing this and I’m getting to bed. I have been on the go nonstop since our #WalkAway rally in Los Angeles on May 21st. I went from LA to Maryland to DC then to Arizona and got home late last night.

    The Kari Lake event in Arizona was AMAZING. Honestly, one of the best events we’ve done. I’m going to send out clips and links for you later in the week.

    Just wanted to shoot you all a quick email before bed to apologize for not writing in a few weeks and let you know that I’ll be reaching out this week with great videos and updates!!

    Talk soon!
    All my love-
    Brandon Straka


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  23. Entire Article @ Tennessean: “When President-elect Donald Trump takes his oath of office on Inauguration Day, his hand will rest on his family Bible and the Abraham Lincoln Bible. Alex Stroman, the deputy director of communications for the 58th Inaugural Committee, confirmed the picks Tuesday morning. The Lincoln Bible, used during the 16th president’s first inauguration, was most recently a part of President Barack Obama’s first and second inauguration ceremonies and is a part of the Library of Congress’ collection.

    Trump’s Bible, a revised standard version, was presented to him in 1955 by his mother upon graduation from Sunday Church Primary School in New York. Trump showed off the Bible in an early 2016 campaign video, thanking evangelicals for their support. Exit polls showed that four out of five white evangelicals voted for Trump.

    “My mother gave me this Bible. This very Bible many years ago,” Trump said in the video. “In fact, it’s her writing, right here. She wrote the name and my address, and it’s just very special to me.”

    Trump, a Presbyterian, has called the Bible his favorite book, and referred to it often on the campaign trail. But his Bible literacy has been questioned, including when he mispronounced a Bible verse. He cited “two Corinthians” rather than of saying “Second Corinthians” while speaking at Liberty University.

    Lincoln Bible

    Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts will administer the oath Friday.

    It’s not a requirement for the country’s commander in chief to take the oath of office using a Bible, but it’s a presidential inauguration tradition started by George Washington, said Allison Brown, an Oklahoma-based writer and editor for the Museum of the Bible.

    The country’s first president took the oath of office on a Masonic lodge’s altar Bible. At least four other presidents have used that King James Version, now referred to as the Washington Bible, at their inaugurations. “Washington was very aware that he was setting a precedent with everything he did,” Brown said. Swearing an oath on a Bible or other object of importance is an ancient act, Brown said. It is symbolic of the oath taker’s authority, importance and truthfulness, she said.

    The U.S. Constitution only says the president-elect must swear or affirm the presidential oath of office. It doesn’t mention the Bible or another book. So some presidents have chosen something other than the Christian holy book, or went without.

    The sixth president, John Quincy Adams, a lawyer, took the oath on a law book. Teddy Roosevelt didn’t use a book following William McKinley’s assassination, and Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on a Roman Catholic missal found aboard Air Force One in the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

    For many of the country’s early presidents, historical records are thin on whether a Bible was used, Brown said. But nearly all of the presidents from Abraham Lincoln to Barack Obama have used the Bible during their inaugurations, she said. Many swore on a Bible opened to a specific verse, like Ronald Reagan who used 2 Chronicles 7:14 for both inaugurations. Some quoted Bible verses in their inaugural addresses, too.

    “Most of the verses that presidents have chosen have been about government, have been about humility, about wisdom,” Brown said. “A lot of these verses are about how they’re going to govern a nation.” A handful opened the Bibles at random and others have kept the book closed. George W. Bush, who had hoped to use the Washington Bible like his father, but inclement weather prevented it, kept his family Bible closed during his first oath of office. Some presidents used more than one. Dwight Eisenhower swore on the Washington Bible and his own West Point Bible during his first inauguration.

    The Bibles will be closed and stacked on top of each while Trump takes the oath of office.

    A few swore on the Bible provided by the clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court. Some used other presidential Bibles or made symbolic selections, like Obama, who swore his oaths on the Bibles of Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. And, many used their family Bibles.

    Trump’s Bible selection will certainly leave the inauguration with greater importance, said Mark Dimunation, the chief of the Library of Congress’ rare book and special collections division. The division houses some inauguration Bibles, including Lincoln’s holy book. “It’s a moment of such national significance that it imbues this otherwise modest — can be a modest book —with a level of importance that makes it forever a significant piece,” Dimunation said. “They actually do have a certain kind of electricity, a certain kind of meaning when you can hand somebody a Bible and say this is the Bible that Lincoln was sworn in on.”


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  24. Entire Article @ GodTV: “US President Donald Trump’s Bible was a gift from his Bible-believing mother. What many don’t know is that Trump’s Bible has historic significance of its own. It was used in the Hebrides Revival of 1949 to 1952 and its now in the White House. Could this point towards the re-digging of past wells of revival for the future?

    His mother, Mary Anne Smith MacLeod, grew up on the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, off the coast of Scotland. Though she immigrated to the US in 1930 and married Fred Trump, she would often visit her homeland. When the Lewis Awakening broke out, in 1949 it was because of the prayers of two elderly saints, Peggy Smith (84) and Christine Smith (82) who petitioned God night and day for revival. These two ladies were Donald Trump’s great aunts.

    Trump’s Bible from the Hebrides to the Oval Office

    The video below shares the journey of Donald Trump’s Bible from the Outer Hebrides to the White House. The video is presented by Dr Clarence Sexton who is the pastor of Temple Baptist Church and founder of The Crown College.

    “I don’t how it all comes together but I believe God is giving us a window,” he says. “If God can find some open people who know what the window is for. Could this be the time the window is open? God has providentially prepared the moment and we will become the people of prayer pleading with God, ‘Will thou not revive us again?’”

    Pray for revival

    As believers we have a duty to pray for our leaders. Let us trust God therefore to build on this spiritual heritage. May He bring a new wave of revival to the USA and beyond. Robert Henderson who is known for his teachings on the Courts of Heaven recently shared this prophetic word where he invites readers to pray for the wisdom of Joseph to prevail in order to revive the nation’s economy. “Serious times require serious prayer for our nation and the purposes of God in it,” Robert says.

    The world needs revival in so many ways. Let’s be fervent in prayer. May God bring revival upon His people like He did in the Hebrides. The people of these remote islands experienced a new-found fear of the Lord that propelled them back to God. May repentance flow once again in our cities so we can seen the healing of our nations. “Will thou not revive us again?” Oh Lord.”

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