How Well Do You Know…

Little House on the Prairie

1. Who is Nels Olesons’ sister?





2. What is the name of the woman Reverend Alden marries in the episode entitled “The Preacher Takes a Wife”?





3. What is the name of Albert’s real (biological) father?

James Kirk

George Hall

John Phinn

Jeremy Quinn

4. Name Alice Garvey’s first husband.

5. Several times throughout the program Almanzo’s brother comes to visit him. What is this brother’s name?






6. Doctor Baker is romantically involved with Mrs Oleson’s niece.



7. Who does Willie Oleson marry in the final series of “Little House on the Prairie”?





8. What is the full name of Mary’s only child?  

Adam Holbrook Kendall

Adam Charles Holbrook Kendall

Charles Adam Kendall

Charles Holbrook Kendall

9. Who is Mr Edward’s adopted daughter?





10. What does Carrie name her imaginary friend?  





You’re almost done!

11. What is the name of Mr Edwards’ pet orangutan?





12. What is Charles’ mother’s first name?





13. In the sixth series Brewster Davenport’s grandson comes to stay with him. What is the name of this boy?  





14. Who is Julia Sanderson’s eldest son?




John Jr.

15. Name John Carter’s wife.

Here are the answers:

  1. Annabelle
  2. Anna
  3. Jeremy Quinn
  4. Harold
  5. Royal
  6. True
  7. Rachel
  8. Adam Charles Holbrook Kendall
  9. Alicia
  10. Alyssa
  11. Blanche
  12. Laura
  13. Tod
  14. John Jr
  15. Sarah

So how did you do? Do you qualify to be the Mayor of Walnut Grove?

151 thoughts on “How Well Do You Know…

  1. Morning All!
    As I came down the stairs this morning i was regaled by 3 orioles sitting on the deck railing scolding and singing and wanting breakfast…lol
    they have, for the most part, stopped hanging on the hummer feeders and only do so to get me to chase them and then see their dish of jelly is empty…too funny…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning Pat! We get a lot of finches, wrens and cardinals. We also have a birdhouse that the bluebirds have used for the past 6 years. Don’t get hardly any orioles at our place, lots of robbins though.

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        1. Dog is doing great, bumping into everything and everyone with her “hat”, (e-collar). 😄 I am still a little stuffy, but otherwise fine now.

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    2. Morning, Pat! Whoopee!!! We survived and dodged yet another bullet. The banging was coming from smaller branches hitting the house, thankfully. Other than that, no damage at all! OK – I’ll admit it – I prayed – oh, man did I pray!!! And when it cleared, I looked up to the sky and said “I don’t know if that was You, but if it was, THANK YOU!!”

      The power went out within 5 minutes and stayed off. I called to let them know, just in case they weren’t aware, but I also asked if there was any timeline on it coming back – no. At 8:45, I called again and was told the storm had taken down 3-4 miles of transmission lines and it would be 24 hours at least. Holy crap!!! Then I was trying to figure out how to get word to y’all and decided, if necessary, I would have my sister come on and let you know. And I was really worried about losing everything in my freezers – I simply can’t afford to replace all that food!!!

      And then I’m thinking, “I should get a generator!” But the price and the fact that it might only get used once a year, if that……no, that’s not the answer. That would be a waste of $$$ that is in short supply.

      I’ll admit it – I was very rude to that poor woman and will be making a call to apologize today. If the City Council hadn’t decided several years ago that they were tired of having to go out at night and start the back-up generators, plus paying the salaries and expenses involved (that OUR property taxes pay for – did they ask us? Hell no!), and chose to hand the power control over to NCPPD, we would have ALL had power in Plainview!!! Yeah, I wasn’t pleased with that stupid move! Man, was it ever dark out there!!! It was really strange!

      I was sitting out on the patio – no wind, really pleasant – so I put all the feeders back out. 15 minutes later, here came the wind again, this time from the west. ….sigh….feeders back in! Sheesh! Again, thankfully, that only lasted for about 15 minutes but it was dark by then so feeders go back out this morning. Sis agrees with me – the wind now is far worse than it used to be.

      Imagine my pleasure when finally heading for bed at midnight, the power popped back on! What a relief!!!! So, all’s well that end’s well! Thanks for the good wishes!

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            1. I can see that by the bay. I never experienced that much bad wind in my 20+ years in NOVA, altho we did get some side effects of a hurricane that went thru some years ago and the occasional tornado warning. The previous storms that blew thru here were predicted at 65 MPH and I was worried about that. When it said 90, well, I kinda freaked on that one!

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      1. glad to hear you’re okay!!!!!
        we have a gas generator we brought with us. the old house had a sump pump in the basement–if the power went out, it would flood the basement and could ruin the washer and dryer.
        so we had one to run that and the freezer is needed.
        when we built this place, we ran our electric lines underground–more costly from the get go, but with nothing but trees around us it seemed prudent. if the power goes out, it’s normally on the road somewhere and easier for them to find and fix

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        1. You were very smart to plan ahead like that. My power lines from the pole to the house are buried but none of the main lines are – I was thinking that last night, that they needed to bury them but IDK if you can do that with main transmission lines.

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  4. challenge made…

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    1. Well, that’s interesting – I’ve never thought about that perspective but it really IS true! I’ve always thought Father’s should have more influence! Many women try to say, well, all they did was provide the sperm – we carried them in our body for 9 months and go thru the pain and feeding and yada, yada, yada. IDC – that is just as much HIS child as it is YOURS!!! Same with custody issues – Father’s for the most part do not get equal treatment.

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        1. Of course, we all know women who hold visitation and such over their exes’ heads. I just hadn’t thought to apply that to abortion but it is, indeed, the same principle!

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          1. yup, if the man wants to be a father but the woman does not want to be a mother, the baby is gone.
            if the woman wants to be a mother, but the father doesn’t want the child, he still gets one.

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            1. And the courts will FORCE him to support that child! I’ve never agreed with that overall. Even tho HB’s Dad legally gave up custody and visitation so he wouldn’t have to pay child support (with my agreement), I never, ever kept her from him – that wasn’t fair to her. I could GAS less about HIM but I didn’t want him having any control – it was about what HB needed and wanted.

              Of course, in the case of men who have lied or misled in order to get a woman in bed and said, yes, I’m good with a child, then change their mind – that’s an entirely different story. The problem again, tho, is he said – she said – w/o witnesses, who is going to prove anything?

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    1. Paul objects to a vote on Ukraine aid today. Senate will now have to pass it next week.

      McConnell thanked Schumer afterward, and they both gave each other a head nod.

      McConnell walked out of the chamber without a glance at Paul

      — Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) May 12, 2022

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      1. the headline says Paul BLOCKED the vote today…so it will be next week…how did one senator do that? and why haven’t others done it before i wonder?

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          1. then they could have BLOCKED every piece of crap bill passed too quickly to read!
            maybe not beat the bills, but delayed them til they could read and disseminated what was in them!!

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        1. That’s one thing I am not up on, the doings of Congress. It is all soooo complicated and convoluted, it’s almost impossible to understand – and yes, that IS by design, I believe.

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  5. OHHHH…now i get it. i was wondering what the hell Yellen was doing testifying about abortion and trying to tie it into the economy…american thinker gives a probable reason

    There’s a big problem with the WHPA, though, and that Tenth Amendment language is the giveaway: The probable Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization explicitly says that abortion is a purely states’ rights matter. In other words, in addition to negating a constitutional right to abortion, the Supreme Court stated with absolute clarity that the federal government has no interest in or power over this issue. This means that Congress has no authority to enact a nationwide law or to try to erase the states’ powers to act on this issue.

    So why would the Democrats even try to pass the WHPA if it’s unconstitutional on its face? Part of the reason is to show that they really support abortion rights. But the other, more subtle reason is that they’re getting their ducks in a row to regain constitutional authority. They’re doing this by asserting that abortion is an economic issue involving interstate commerce—and Congress has sole legislative control over interstate commerce.

    The bill itself alludes to this point when it holds that one factor in considering whether a state bill is prohibited is “Whether the limitation or requirement is reasonably likely to result in a decrease in the availability of abortion services in a given State or geographic region.” And then there’s Yellen’s testimony before the Senate Banking Committee which, in theory, shouldn’t be interested in abortion:

    Here’s the key language:

    Eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades. Roe v. Wade and access to reproductive health care, including abortion, helped lead to increased labor force participation. It enabled many women to finish school, that increased their earning potential, and allowed women to plan and balance their families and careers. And research also shows that it had a favorable impact on the well-being and earnings of children.

    Democrats aren’t stupid. The focus on the economy isn’t just a scare tactic that provides another excuse for Biden’s disastrous economy. Instead, they are getting their ducks in a row to assert an alternative path for federal power to make unlimited abortion the law of the land.

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    1. I saw her exchange with Scott but did NOT make that connection!!!! The problem I see with this explanation is that the Founders did it that way because of inter/intra-state squabbling, not for this kind of situation. They are once again being disingenuous.

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  6. saw this on tcth…i don’t need it, but if it’s true, this info needs to get out there

    May 13, 2022 7:18 am

    Have not been on AMZN to check this but it would be par for the Biden course:

    TO ALL THE MOMS THAT CANT FIND BABY #FORMULA….go to amazon…go to the bottom…change from US to #Canada. You can get all the formula you need. They are not having a shortage just the US is. Have it shipped right to your front door.

    — TRUTH or CONSEQUENCES (@or_consequences) May 13, 2022

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    1. But will the shippers deliver it? That is the question. Remember how they prevented people from buying Ivermectin and Hydroxy from foreign sites by refusing to deliver them?

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    1. you still did better than CM–he said he was at about half…
      we’ll see if kea chimes in later…if not, you’re the Mayor of Walnut Grove!

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  7. Liked by 1 person

  8. OK – this is pure BS!!!! They ALL do that!!!! These stewards at these tracks are targeting this jockey for some reason!!!!

    “Stewards at Ohio’s Thistledown Race Track described Leon’s late April actions as such: “deliberately and aggressively steered in towards the rail to block on-coming horses on the inside.” One Glamorous Gal finished third, but the place was disqualified because of the violation and the horse officially finished sixth.

    Leon’s suspension is his fifth since September. The five suspensions have resulted in 32 days of missed track time.”

    Someone also claimed that Leon won’t be riding Rich Strike in the Belmont. That is NOT the right thing to do at all! He got you to the finish line of the Derby a winner and now you are going to dump him??!!?? Oh, hell no!!!!

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  9. Some clarification on Rand Paul and stopping the $40B – they were trying to pass it under “fast-track” authority – that is what he stopped, forcing them to negotiate.

    “Despite the high-profile pressure from the two Senate leaders, Rand Paul refused to move and that means the Senate will have to take procedural steps to overcome his objection, which could take several days. “My oath of office is the US constitution not to any foreign nation and no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America,” Paul said in his remarks before objecting to moving to swift passage of the bill. “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.”

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      1. THIS is why they are attacking her!

        saying that she never was clear about which college, what service was she in…they got THAT from THIS STORY i believe–and this story is powerful–so they have to try to diffuse it!
        she has a good message–like REALPOTUS–does she have some bad comments in her past? WHO DOESN’T? REALPOTUS does too!
        does that mean throw out the baby with the bathwater? HELL NO

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  10. Holy shit!!! This pic of Hannity from TCH – I haven’t watched Hannity for a very, very long time but surely this isn’t real??? It kind of looks like a composite – Hannity and Reagan, right?

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  11. The Queen can’t be too bad off – she just made an appearance at a horse show on the grounds of her estate. She walked around greeting people, then took a seat in the stands. So much for the fantasy that she is dead!!!!

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  12. Wanna know what I think about Trump endorsing Oz? I think he did it knowing full well it would fire up his base against Oz. People say, “Oh, no – he can’t stand to lose! He would never do that and ruin his endorsement record!” BS – he will happily take a loss if it serves his overall purpose.

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  13. we have been watching a mallard pair in the pond for the last few weeks off and on. This morning he is alone…swimming in the center (whereas as a pair they tended to cling to the sides). he’s been there all morning alone, sometimes even napping.
    so i consulted my birding books…apparently the female is now on her nest and he leaves her. she will incubate her eggs for about 28 days and then hopefully have ducklings to bring the pond as soon as she can to teach them to swim and eat…
    we’ll be waiting!!

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  14. more frickin’ perks while the rest of else suffer and pay for this bullshit!

    Beginning May 18, the government contract with fitness giant Peloton, under efforts from the House Center for Well-Being, will be offered to the estimated 10,000 people on staff working for the House of Representatives and about 2,300 Capitol Police officers.

    A source familiar with the matter told FOX Business that the contract cost is a $10,000 upfront payment to Peloton, plus an extra $10 per month charge for each staffer or officer that utilizes the benefit. If 12,000 staffers took advantage of the benefit, it would cost taxpayers $120,000 a month.

    For other Americans, a Peloton All-Access Membership costs $39 per month and a Peloton App Membership costs $12.99 per month.

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  15. I’ve got an admirer, Pat! Tiger told me she thinks I’m a remarkable woman! It really sounds like she and I are a match and I know you would like her. I told her I’d love to give her the addy for the blog but don’t want to post it publicly, wish I had an e-mail. We’ll see what she says.

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  16. Well, if we made the shit here…..SMDH – GE is a cartel, as you will see on my newest open!

    EXCERPT: “General Electric (GE) Healthcare said on Wednesday a shortage of medical dye caused by a Chinese coronavirus lockdown of its production plant in Shanghai, China, has affected not only hospitals in the U.S. and Germany but also in other regions of the world, Reuters reported.

    Reuters on May 11 paraphrased a spokesman for GE Healthcare as saying that “the weeks-long outage at the company’s Shanghai production plant due to the city’s COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] lockdown is not only affecting U.S. hospitals but also other world regions it did not specify, though to a less extent.”

    Some of the largest hospitals in the U.S. prepared this week to endure critical shortages of medical dye normally sourced from GE Healthcare’s Shanghai factory. The medical imaging-focused company, which is a subsidiary of the U.S.-based multinational conglomerate General Electric (GE), has responded to the shortage by asking its manufacturing plant in Ireland to increase its output of medical dye agents and sending the products to hospitals via expedited air freight shipments.”

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    1. I agree in principle with free and open commerce but these companies should not be allowed to do this!!!! WTH is GE doing in the business of medical dye agents??!!?? It’s an electric company, FFS!!!!

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      1. i think i read about this…do they use this to determine cancer? cuz it really works to their advantage if they can’t diagnose cancer right now–linking it to vaxes and all

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    1. FTA
      One attack against Barnette by Hannity that is mostly accurate is that she was not a Trump fan in 2015. Very much like U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance, who Trump endorsed, Barnette was skeptical about Trump in the early days. But she quickly came around, voted for him in both 2016 and 2020, and wholeheartedly supported him against both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.


      Despite the various attempts by Hannity et al to cast doubt on Barnette’s character, the one argument that seems to be sticking with many conservatives is her electability. Many are basing this on claims that she was embarrassingly defeated in 2020 by a “weak” Democrat. On Thursday’s show, he said [emphasis added]:

      “Kathy Barnett has not gotten any kind of vigorous, rigorous vetting that is now proving to be a massive problem in this race. Here’s why… In 2020 she was not a serious candidate in her congressional race she lost to a pretty weak Democrat by 19 points.”

      What Hannity doesn’t mention is that the “weak” Democrat was Madeleine Dean, a Democrat incumbent in a very blue district. Compared to Dan David who ran against Dean in 2018, Barnette dramatically outperformed him, getting 48% more votes than David got in his race against Dean two years earlier.

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      1. Claims have been made that she said in her book that she DIDN’T vote for Trump. I haven’t a clue whether that is true or not. Not sure when it was written either – perhaps it was actually before the election?


    2. I know you can’t watch videos during the day but you should really watch the Jack Posobiec analysis – I’m sometimes skeptical about Jack but he nails it – ALL of it – in that Twitter video.

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  17. Liked by 2 people

    1. love dis!!! from the q tree

      Reply to EllieLA
      May 13, 2022 14:21

      il Donaldo Trumpo posted on TRUTH:

      “Mike Pence will soon be ambassador to the small country of Youtreasonouslittleshitistan.”

      Liked by 1 person

  18. oh boy…i went out to see the jelly in the feeder we rigged up and it was covered in tiny caterpillars…like 1/8 of an inch long…then i looked and the whole deck has them–the satellite dish…the ramp…hubby says it happens every spring and the coming rain will wash them off. but i grabbed the feeder and rinsed it out and put out raspberry jelly i had in my cabinet instead of grape…
    the first 3 that came to the feeder snubbed their noses at it, but some after that have eaten…LOL…we’ll see what they do…

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    1. There is more sugar in grape jelly, which is what they need. In the fall, when they are gearing up for their migration, I add half again as much sugar – it is fuel to them.

      Oh, wait – you’re diabetic, right? So do you have sugar-free jelly?

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      1. 2 of them so far have eaten the raspberry…
        the grape doesn’t have seeds–this isn’t “supposed” to either, but maybe it does

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        1. If you want raspberry with no seeds, get the jam. As far as I know, grape never has any seeds. Almost everyone always puts out grape jelly – maybe they’ve developed a taste for it? I just know I’ve never seen an Oriole that didn’t!

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  19. EXCERPT: “BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — The Louisiana Supreme Court has sided with Pastor Tony Spell after reversing a lower court’s decision. The ruling said the governor’s stay-at-home mandate was unconstitutionally applied to Spell.

    In 2020, Spell attracted national attention when he ignored Governor John Bel Edwards’ COVID-19 stay-at-home order. Over 1,200 people reportedly attended Sunday service at Spell’s Life Tabernacle Church as the pandemic first emerged.

    The Louisiana Supreme Court also ruled the charges against Spell, who was arrested for defying the mandate orders, quashed.”

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  20. EXCERPT: “Johns Hopkins Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse has hired a former Old Dominion University professor who was put on leave after claiming that sexual attraction to children is not always immoral, and that he wants to destigmatize pedophiles by referring to them as “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs), instead.

    “We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25,” the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse announced on Thursday. The Johns Hopkins University center aims to prevent child sexual abuse, and to advance that mission has hired hired Allyn Walker, who, ironically, is trying to coin the term “minor-attracted persons” in the place of “pedophiles,” and wrote a book, titled, A Long Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity.

    In a video that surfaced late last year, Walker explained that she uses the term “Minor-Attracted Person” or “MAP” when referring to pedophiles throughout her book, “because I think it’s important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them.”

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  21. EXCERPT: “A wise man once said: “When the economy is bad, people blame the party in power. When the economy is good, people look at other issues.”

    Well, the economy is bad. Nice-sounding growth, job, and wage numbers do not count for much when the American standard of living is in decline. Inflation has outpaced income gains since last year. It remains at a 40-year high. Gas costs more than four dollars per gallon—sometimes much more—in every state. Americans under 40 years old are experiencing consumer delays, shortages, and scarce necessities, including baby formula, for the first time in their lives. According to the Pew Research Center, 70 percent of Americans say that inflation is “a very big problem.”

    It’s also a very big problem for the party in power. President Biden’s economic approval rating is 34 percent in the most recent CNN poll. His overall job approval rating is 41 percent in the FiveThirtyEight average of polls. Republicans have held a slight but durable lead in the congressional generic ballot since last October. The midterm election is less than six months away. To preserve their narrow majorities in Congress, Democrats need to change the trajectory of this campaign. Right now.

    Their solution? Pretend that the election isn’t a referendum on Biden’s job performance but a choice between Biden and Donald Trump. Scare voters with references to the extremism of the right. Invoking Trump alone is not enough, however. Terry McAuliffe tried that approach during last year’s Virginia gubernatorial campaign and it flopped. McAuliffe lost. Running against Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement doesn’t work when Trump is neither president nor on the ballot. Democrats have convinced themselves that victory in the fall requires something scarier than MAGA. It requires Ultra-MAGA.”

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  22. Entire article @ FB: “New York City mayor Eric Adams (D.) on Thursday implied he should already be the president of the United States.

    At a press conference for a dyslexia-screening program for schoolchildren, Adams said if his dyslexia were caught earlier, “We would not be saying just ‘Mr. Mayor,’ you’d probably be saying ‘Mr. President.'”

    Adams made the statement as New York City faces skyrocketing crime, record-high rents, and swarms of rats. The mayor, who ran for election last year as a tough-on-crime moderate, saw a 34 percent spike in major crimes in April alone, the New York Post reported. Shootings are nearly double pre-pandemic levels. His statement also comes as city parents demand an audience with the mayor over his mask mandate for toddlers.

    Adams, meanwhile, has been partying with celebrities, including at the multimillion-dollar Met Gala, to which he wore a custom tuxedo that included the words “End Gun Violence.” The custom-tailored suits Adams usually wears cost $2,000 each, the Post found.

    Adams joins a long list of New York City mayors who want to be president, including immediate predecessor Bill de Blasio (D.), though he appears to be the first to think he should be president already.”

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  23. Entire article @ FB: “The Democratic Party is desperate to bolster its flagging support among Latino voters heading into the midterm elections. Finally accepting the fact that the word “Latinx” is weird and stupid—something white liberals do to feel better about themselves—is a good first start. Alas, the Democratic National Committee has chosen a rather unfortunate name for its new “signature outreach program” targeting Latino voters.

    It’s called “Adelante,” which means forward or onward. As it so happens, slogans such as “¡Adelante!” or “¡La Revolución Seguirá Adelante!” were popular rallying cries under the communist regime of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, or as he is known to some elected Democrats, “el comandante en jefe.” The Cuban newspaper founded in 1959, the year Castro took power, is called Adelante, which boasts that it was “primero con la Revolución.”

    The DNC, which announced the program on Wednesday, has already rolled out some fancy graphic designs urging Latino voters to move “adelente con los Demócratas.” They are pictured below alongside some of Castro’s communist propaganda.

    Many Democrats were appalled by the party’s relatively poor showing among Latino voters in the 2020 election. Some argued that embracing “woke” terminology such as “Latinx,” a word most Latinos do not use or even understand, made Democrats seem out of touch. Others, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), faulted Democrats for alienating Hispanic voters with “loose talk of socialism,” according to the authors of This Will Not Pass, a recently published book about the 2020 election and its aftermath.

    Pelosi wasn’t just spitballing. She had presumably seen survey data suggesting that a huge chunk of Latino voters—about 40 percent, according to the Democratic polling firm Equis Labs—were concerned about Democrats embracing socialism. There are plenty of ways Democrats could address these concerns. One would be to stop openly embracing socialism. Another might be—just throwing this out there—to not name your Latino outreach program after a communist dictator’s propaganda slogan.

    Fun fact: Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes, best known for lying to journalists about the administration’s efforts to appease Iran, attended Fidel Castro’s funeral in 2016 alongside official delegations from China, Russia, and other prominent human-rights abusers.”

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  24. Entire article @ FB: “”It’s time for Americans to get back to work and fill our great downtowns again,” President Joe Biden said during his State of the Union address on March 1. “People working from home can feel safe to begin to return to the office.”

    Months have passed, but Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) refuses to take the president’s advice. The leading Democrat announced on Friday that House members could continue to work from home and vote remotely until June 28, at which point she will consider an additional extension.

    Pelosi, who is best known for violating COVID restrictions to get her hair done at a fancy salon and flaunting her $24,000 freezer stocked with $12 pints of luxury ice cream as ordinary Americans struggled to make ends meet, previously extended the remote working period on March 28, four weeks after Biden’s remarks.

    A Washington Free Beacon investigation found that as of March 18, many Democratic offices on Capitol Hill and throughout the country remained closed. In April, the Free Beacon reported that Senate cafeteria workers were at risk of losing their jobs because so many Democrats refused to show up to work. Unlike Pelosi’s colleagues in the House, however, senators are still required to vote in person.

    The day before Pelosi announced the extension of the remote working period, the Washington Post published an astonishing opinion piece by Zeke Emanuel, the former Obama health care adviser, a.k.a. “the architect of Obamacare,” who serves on Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board.

    Emanuel, 64, has written that he hopes to die at the age of 75. In his article for the Post, the so-called health expert urged Americans to stop acting like the COVID-19 pandemic is over. “This conventional wisdom is gravely wrong,” he wrote. “I will continue to wear my N95 mask, limit my air and train travel, and avoid eating at indoor restaurants.” In essence, he argued that such measures should remain in place until our nation’s health experts can figure out what the hell is going on with “long COVID” and the small percentage of patients who continue to report symptoms more than four weeks after being infected.

    So much for living life to the fullest. Josh Barro, a prominent Biden supporter, said Emanuel’s article was “just another reflection of how public health people are weirdos.” (Fact check: True.)

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  25. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ANOTHER PERK we ARE PAYING FOR–piglosi opens a bar with taxpayer funds…
    get this…it opens at 8 AM!!!!!! and you need to show a valid id–how’s that for hypocrisy…it’s ok for THEM to ask for id…

    Liked by 1 person

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