My Father’s Bible

My father, a good and loving man, passed away 8 years ago. It was a miserable week in early March, so services, even limited ones for the immediate family, couldn’t be held. Instead his cremation urn was installed in the mausoleum space without fanfare, with the expectation of a small service in a month or two as weather permitted. Those services never happened. Instead my mother, a woman I love dearly, and I had an obnoxious fight. We hadn’t spoken to one another again until last summer at my future daughter-in-law’s wedding shower.

In those 8 years, a lot had happened but we quickly caught up with each other’s lives. Our apologies were as quick as they were brief, without a glance backward as to why they were necessary in the first place. Forgive, forget, move on.

My mother was one of 15 children and growing up in that environment instilled in her a need to save everything–someone might be able to use it! was her motto. Her tiny cape cod home was bursting at the seams with things she was holding onto–some things still new in their boxes. When she began to use a walker, all those extra things in her rooms were becoming trip hazards and she asked my help in sorting out and clearing out the mess.

The mess comprises 3 floors! The basement, my father’s workshop, is off limits to me. My mother insists that all the tools (woodworking tools) belong to my younger brother–a man who has never shown any interest in wood working at all. (Unlike me, who with the help of my father, built a dry sink 40 years ago and i still have it!) But I digress. Mom cannot travel up or down stairs anymore, so she doesn’t know that the tools have rusted and because my brother never used them in 8 years are practically worthless at this point. Sigh

We spent the weekend, opening boxes and plastic bins filled with all sorts of bizarre gadgets and “As Seen on TV” items…LOL. Laughing at the absurdity of each item, we determined who might best make use of it and made piles–some for grandchildren, some for her sisters.

After I helped her clean out drawers and cabinets in the spare room, I labeled the piles and called everyone on her list of recipients–come claim your items within a week or they would be in the trash!

Since we were making some real progress, we treated ourselves to a break. We sat at the table to rest and regroup when my mom pulled a box out from under the table where she sat. “Here,” she said, “I want you to have this.” I opened the box to find my father’s Bible, the one he carried with him to school when he was young, the one he had his whole life. I swallowed hard and asked if she didn’t want to keep it…but she said she knew how much it meant to me.

The tears streamed down my face as mom and I talked about my dad’s last days. What she faced alone with him, beside him to the end. I don’t know how she endured. She told me she couldn’t go through his wallet for 2 years after he passed, but now she felt she could start to pass his things along and she especially wanted me to have this.

It’s old and weathered but holding it made me feel so close to my father again. I promised my mother my husband and I will visit again next month to help sort out and clean another room and she’s happy about that. She reminded me she has 2 more rooms on the main floor–then we have to clean the upstairs and the attic! There’s undoubtedly more of my father’s things to be found and dispersed, but my father’s Bible will remain with me until I pass it to my son.

181 thoughts on “My Father’s Bible

  1. dunno how truth social works or IF this is the real potus…

    May 12, 2022 13:13


    comment image Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/12/2022 13:11:01
    ID: Not Available
    Truth Social: 108290078261441931
    Kathy Barnette will never be able to win the General Election against the Radical Left Democrats.
    She has many things in her past which have not been properly explained or vetted, but if she is able to do so, she will have a wonderful future in the Republican Party – and I will be behind her all the way.
    Dr. Oz is the only one who will be able to easily defeat the Crazed, Lunatic Democrat in Pennsylvania. A vote for anyone else in the Primary is a vote against Victory in the Fall!


  2. Entire Article: “VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food. The Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 has had its second reading in parliament. Biosecurity is stated as the reason for changes.

    The Bill Prohibits Citizens From Growing Their Own Food And Expands Federal Powers To Size Livestock.

    Expanding the powers of law enforcement, searching property and persons without a warrant, increasing fines from $1,800 to $10,000 for providing false or misleading information are all part of the new bill. Authorised officers will no longer need the consent of the landowner to remove samples, livestock (animals) and documents. Authorised officials will no longer be required to present an official ID. There are severe penalties for obstructing access to their land.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I’m reading

      Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?
      by Michelle Malkin

      And its soros, the tax payers and the gov and those catholic charities


      Liked by 2 people

      1. agreed on catholic charities.
        I am catholic, but they are a business now–less interested in helping the poor–more in growing their business

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh, that’s OK, Kea! I still have a stack of books I haven’t yet read. Don’t read much these days, altho I was reading with a flashlight last night! LOL – I’m reading “Under the Sabre,” about the military at Fort Bragg and the 4 murders of wives that occurred there some years ago.

            Liked by 2 people

  4. I figured this was why he endorsed Oz, as well as their long friendship:

    “Trump just posted on Kathy Barnette on Truth Social.

    “Kathy Barnette will never be able to win the General Election against the Radical Left Democrats.”

    He says “She has many things in her past which have not been properly explained or vetted, but if she is able to do so, she will have a wonderful future in the Republican Party – and I will be behind her all the way.”

    “Dr. Oz is the only one who will be able to easily defeat the Crazed, Lunatic Democrat in Pennsylvania. A vote for anyone else in the Primary is a vote against Victory in the Fall!”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. erbody I talk to PA does NOT care for OZ…maybe that’s just us up in redneck country…but he’s too slick, too chameleon…we know a snake when we see one.


  5. Ooooh! Just saw an Oriole that may be similar to an albino!!! Very, very pale yellow, with just a few black feathers! How pretty!!! So far, so good! Still under sunshine here, wind is up a bit more than earlier but still not too bad. Cross your fingers that I can dodge this bullet! No dark clouds anywhere around, either.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. EXCERPT: “The Border Patrol agents cleared of criminal wrongdoing in the wake of a media-driven frenzy over images falsely suggesting they whipped Haitian migrants are nonetheless prohibited from riding horses, hobbling their ability to secure swaths of the border inaccessible by car, according to a Border Patrol union representative.

    All of the agents implicated in the controversy have been cleared by the Department of Homeland Security to carry out most of their professional duties, according to Chris Cabrera, a spokesman for the National Border Patrol Council and Local 3307.

    “They’re just not allowed on horseback,” Cabrera said. “There’s obviously no criminal element.” The Border Patrol agents never faced any criminal proceedings, Cabrerra said. In November 2021, two months after the incident took place, the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General declined to press charges on the matter and punted it to a Customs and Border Protection office to open an administrative investigation.

    Questions about the propriety of the investigation emerged immediately after its announcement, with Republican lawmakers calling it politically charged. Photos and videos that surfaced of Border Patrol agents on horseback attempting to apprehend Haitians illegally crossing into the United States prompted a massive controversy. “Border Patrol agents are whipping Haitian migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas,” declared Vice News. The Daily Beast ran with the same conclusions, accusing the “officers on horseback [of] using ropes to whip at Haitian migrants.” Atlantic writer Adam Serwer compared the scene to “something out of the 19th century,” with CNN’s Chris Cuomo echoing those remarks by saying the agents looked like something from the “bygone era of slavery.”

    At the time, in September 2021, thousands of migrants from Haiti swarmed the southern border and camped under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. The influx of the migrants constituted one of the largest domestic humanitarian crises of Biden’s presidency.

    Democrats, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, called the alleged whipping incident inhumane and alleged that the agents were whipping and attacking the migrants. One of the journalists who photographed the Border Patrol agents, however, said the footage was “misconstrued” and that he “didn’t ever see [the agents] whip anybody.”

    Cabrera criticized Biden’s remarks, asking how an investigation could be objective when virtually every senior Democrat in Washington, D.C., appeared certain of the agents’ guilt. “These guys didn’t have a prayer. The first thing [Biden] says is ‘you’re gonna pay,'” Cabrera said. “The only mistake those agents did was going out there doing their jobs.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. EXCERPT: “House Democrats are undercutting bipartisan legislation to bolster security for Supreme Court justices as heated protests erupt outside their homes.

    The Senate passed an emergency, bipartisan bill to beef up security for the justices and the Supreme Court building, sending it to the House on Monday night. Democrats in the House, however, don’t appear to be eager to get the bill passed into law. Leadership members said on Wednesday they haven’t even read the legislation, which is a single page, and they are now considering a new bill with an added provision that extends the security to the Court’s 40-odd clerks—a provision sure to turn off Republicans.

    House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats are “certainly going to look” at the bill, but declined to provide a timeline on when to expect a vote. House Democratic Caucus chairman Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) told reporters on Tuesday that he has not even read the single-page Senate bill.

    “I assume the appropriate committee will review it,” said Jeffries, who is favored to become the next Democratic speaker.

    The lack of urgency from House Democrats comes as leftwing protests have erupted outside the Supreme Court and the homes of conservative Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh in response to the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. On Saturday, a pro-life clinic’s office was firebombed in Wisconsin. Those incidents, Republicans say, mean enhanced security is necessary as soon as possible before things escalate.

    Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas), who coauthored the legislation with a Democrat colleague, said Wednesday that taxpayer-funded police protection should not be extended to clerks, given that one of them likely caused the protests putting the safety of justices at risk.”

    “This partisan bill in the House ignores the good faith work that was being done here in the Senate to build consensus, and expands this legislation to include divisive provisions like potentially extending police protection to the very person who leaked the draft opinion,” Cornyn said.

    A Senate aide told the Free Beacon that the bill has “no chance of passing in the Senate” with the new provision.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. EXCERPT: “Voice of America (VOA), the taxpayer-funded government media network, is obstructing a congressional investigation into “waste, fraud, and abuse,” including partisan advocacy in favor of President Joe Biden and misuse of a visa program to “onboard foreign nationals,” according to a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    The U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), which oversees VOA and other government media outlets, has obstructed several congressional investigations into its misallocation of taxpayer funds and slanted coverage, including suppressing stories about the Iranian regime’s mass human rights abuses. A government watchdog has also cited USAGM for failing to properly vet 40 percent of its workforce, which includes those with security clearances and many foreign nationals, including Iranians.

    Rep. Scott Perry (R., Pa.), a Foreign Affairs Committee member, in March called on VOA and USAGM to turn over reams of information that he said would shed a light on the broadcasting giant’s abuse of taxpayer funds. The agency has failed to do so, fueling accusations it is trying to hide this information.

    Perry is pressing the Foreign Affairs Committee’s chairman and ranking member to haul USAGM’s leaders before Congress for a hearing on the agency’s malfeasance. The lawmaker, who says USAGM “has become a microcosm of what is wrong with the federal government,” wants the hearing to take place no later than July 14.

    “The last time the House Foreign Affairs Committee held an oversight hearing on USAGM was September, 24, 2020, to satiate the petty vendettas of self-aggrandizing agency officials who considered themselves above such ‘antiquated and irrelevant’ concepts as Congressional oversight,” Perry wrote this week to his colleagues, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. “Instead of using the hearing opportunity to meaningfully address the egregious security lapses at the Agency, this Committee effectively allowed Taxpayer resources to be expended on a glorified group therapy session for ineffective and/or corrupt government personnel.”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Clearly, this Kosovo site takes a far left perspective so bear that in mind. From September 2020:

    EXCERPTS: “Over the past year, Grenell has become the focal point of U.S. policy in Kosovo. He staunchly opposed the 100% trade tariff on Serbian goods and threatened Kosovo with a withdrawal of U.S. support — including military. His antipathy to the EU-led dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia has driven a wedge between the U.S. and its traditional ally and created chaos in the transatlantic alliance.

    In what may yet prove to be one of his final acts in the region, Grenell was the architect of the recent White House meeting between Kosovo’s Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vučić. The meeting itself has served as a culmination of an eventful year, ahead of the fast approaching U.S. presidential elections in November.

    For someone who has had such an impact on Kosovo politics, few people in Kosovo know much about him and where he came from before suddenly becoming a prominent voice in the region early last year. We decided to find out. For this profile, we have interviewed journalists and politicians. Grenell himself refused to be interviewed by K2.0. Many others we spoke to did not want to speak on the record about him. So we have constructed this profile through Grenell’s own words, congressional testimony and interviews with some of those who have worked with him in the past.

    Swimming through the GOP

    Ric Grenell, as he is known among colleagues and friends. There is nothing extraordinary about his background. His parents were missionaries for an evangelical Christian sect called the Church of God. He grew up in Jenison, Michigan, a 95% white, midwestern town in a mostly Republican county. Most Americans would have never heard of it. He graduated from Jenison High School in 1984 and then attended Evangel College, an evangelical Christian religious institution in Springfield, Missouri. After completing his bachelor’s degree in government and public administration, he went on to receive a graduate degree in public administration from Harvard.

    The now 54-year-old began his career as a communications consultant for a variety of Republican politicians and as a press secretary for Senator Mark Sanford of South Carolina. His clients included a former mayor of San Diego, California, a congressman from Michigan and a former governor of New York State. None would speak to us about him. He would later found and run a media consultancy firm, Capitol Media Partners, that worked for a variety of politicians and celebrities. Along the way he turned up in John McCain’s failed presidential primary campaign in 2000, and he later became the foreign policy spokesperson for Mitt Romney’s failed presidential campaign in 2012.

    But less than two weeks after he was hired by Romney he was forced out of the role. His rapid departure stirred some debate within the Republican Party at the time, particularly as he was likely the first openly gay man to take a spokesperson position, or any kind of prominent position, in a Republican campaign. It was widely felt that the social conservatives at the time would not support a gay man in a prominent role in the campaign, and his brief stint in Romney’s campaign attracted a storm of personal abuse. One major right-wing Republican writer insinuated that Grenell couldn’t be trusted due to his sexuality by writing:

    “Suppose Barack Obama comes out — as Grenell wishes he would — in favor of same-sex marriage in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. How fast and how publicly will Richard Grenell decamp from Romney to Obama?”
    Grenell had been a loyal party member for many years, serving as a spokesperson for prominent Republicans in the Bush administration like the former U.S. ambassadors to the UN John Bolton, John Negroponte, John C. Danforth and Zalmay Khalilzad. None of his former ambassadors would speak to us.
    Irwin Arieff, a veteran Reuters reporter who covered the UN for 20 years, told the Huffington Post in 2012 that Grenell was “the most dishonest and deceptive press person I ever worked with.” “He often lied, even more frequently offered half answers or withheld information that would weaken his case or reflect poorly on his ideological point of view,” he said.

    Arieff said Grenell “frequently called my superiors — or got Amb. [John] Bolton — to call my editorial superiors to complain about stories, even if they had no errors and were right on target but simply did not fit in with his and/or Bolton’s political views.” The reporter went on to say that Grenell “was above all a conservative ideologue, who did all he could to twist the press coverage of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations to conform with his and Amb. Bolton’s political line.”

    Grenell’s reputation for being hostile, aggressive and abrasive with the media continues and includes accusations that he “badgered and harassed” journalists, particularly those who report news that does not align to his point of view. As a result, he predominantly tends to speak with journalists from right-wing, partisan outlets.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. really? VAST majority? BULLSHIT
      then why is only ONE whistleblower coming forward.
      i’m sorry but i see these attempts as trying to ensure the bureau remains in place. it needs to be demolished and no one– NO ONE– who was an agent will be an agent if a new bureau is commissioned

      Liked by 2 people

  10. JW in Germany posted a link to a video (I tried it and they block your ability to skip forward so fuck ’em!) Some clarity to the Fox/Tucker angle:

    “Dinesh fills in some of the blanks about the Fox News blackout of 2000 Mules. He says that Tucker did want to use the 2000 Mules trailer…but only the middle portion of about 40 seconds…leaving out any reference to the film 2000 Mules and Dinesh. Basically, Tucker wanted to use the material as if it came from FNC. Of course, that worked like a poison pill giving Dinesh an option that was not an option. I think FNC knew that Dinesh would not accept those terms effectively burying 2000 Mules on FNC.”

    “Dinesh also mentions that FNC is in legal battles with Dominion and that FNC lawyers are advising staying away from anything election fraud.

    This may all be a facade to give FNC cover to avoid their own involvement with election fraud. Remember…FNC called Arizona extremely early for Biden.”

    Liked by 2 people

  11. More and more, he is proving it is all about being gay!!!! Sorry, but Grennell is a RINO, IMO!

    From Gingersmom2009: “I just posted this as a reply, but I’m so stunned that I’m posting it again.

    Grenell was just on Bannon a few minutes ago, to continue trashing Barnette.

    He said, on the air, that KATHY BARNETTE HAS STATED THAT SHE DOESN’T WANT TO SIT ON A PLANE NEXT TO A GAY PERSON. Tied this in to being gay, and so on.

    This is the level they’re at. He is a POTUS spokesperson, and I cannot imagine a worse look. He sounded unhinged, I kid you not.

    In 2015 Trump stated that “our movement is about replacing the corrupt establishment and returning the government to the American people.” He needs to throttle Grenell.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. someone said that elsewhere this morning…with many gay people that is the first and foremost thing they focus on –they want that known…
      most people are private about that or should be

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Alrighty then! OK, time to stop shaking, Filly! I am soooo furious over this $40B to Ukraine! Just called Fischer and Sasse offices to ream them about this bill – “Don’t you dare send $40B to Ukraine when the American people can’t afford food or gas, American babies have no formula while they ship pallets and pallets to illegals here illegally! My 90 year old Mother survives on $700/mo in SS and YOU want to send $40B to Ukraine??!!?? Not to mention, Putin is doing the world a favor in Ukraine – it is the money-laundering capitol of the world and corrupt top to bottom. DON’T YOU DARE! This is despicable!!!”

    Sheesh – still shaking!!!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I also just fired off an e-mail to literally everyone on my e-mail list in NE, asking that they contact Fischer and Sasse. Man, this pisses me off but at least I’ve stopped shaking! LOL

        Uh-oh! Storm clouds are now gathering. Wind hasn’t been too bad yet but it’s building.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh, fuck! Just got a NWS severe thunderstorm warning until 4 pm – possible 90 mph wind!!!!! It is absolutely black to the west right now! Oh, this does NOT look good!!!! Clearly, that is eastern time!


  14. if you get back on later Filly…you gotta love this response…LOL

    copied from tcth

    May 12, 2022 3:51 pm

    Real America’s Voice (RAV)

    JUST IN:

    @Kathy4Truth’s reaction to Donald Trump’s statement that he will be behind her if she wins the PA Senate GOP Primary: “Sounds like somebody knows what’s going to happen!”

    Video linked in tweet….

    JUST IN: @Kathy4Truth’s reaction to Donald Trump’s statement that he will be behind her if she wins the PA Senate GOP Primary: “Sounds like somebody knows what’s going to happen!”

    Watch #RAV LIVE on ROKU: @DBrodyReports

    — Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) May 12, 2022


    1. Sorry I’m late. Such a hot day.

      What a story. I’m glad you have the Bible.

      Such a shame about the tools. I would love to see the dry sink.

      Trying to clean up yeah I know how hard it is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hiya kea!
        I have my grandfather’s Bible too.
        there’s a story in that dry sink…LOL…maybe I’ll do an open on it


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